Fri. Oct 18th, 2024





I broke the kiss.


“I have to go or I’ll be late!” I said.


“Ok the keys are in here” he said pointing inside his pants.


“Mr Leonel Mavis you’ve gat to be kidding me” I rolled my eyes. “There is no way am putting my hands in there!” I said but he kept on smiling because he knows I have no choice. You’re seriously going to regret this!!!” I said and began to lose his belt. “Gosh you’re sure a pervert!!!” I frown as I deep my hands into his pants he groan. My hands touched his (whatsoever), and it was hard…. already??? I was about to withdraw my hands but he hold it firm.


“Are you crazy!!!!!, let go you pervert!!!” I yelled and he stole a kiss from he and brought the keys out from his pocket. I was about to grab it but he used his height as an advantage.


“Hey kitten kitten…. don’t be in a hurry, you can use my helicopter, you won’t be late”


“No thank you Mr Leonel but I don’t want to create attention at work, so please…. please…..give it to me” I


said. He smiled and handed the keys to me.


“when you’re done I’ll come pick you up…..”


“Don’t come!” I said


“Why?” he asked.


“It’s our last scene after work we all are going to celebrate, I can’t miss it because it’s my first movie” I said and he nodded.


“Ok….go on then… good luck baby” he handed my the keys.


“Am not your baby!!!” I yelled after opening the door and ran into the car.


“Sasha….you have heard of Fast and Furious right?” I asked and she nodded.


“Well I want you to drive like that and make sure I get on the set in 15minutes” “Sure madam” she said and I was surprised, did she just say sure madam? When Sasha started driving I regret ever telling her to drive like Fast and Furious.


“Sa….Sasha…..oh no… out…..oh I don’t want to die………am too young to DIE!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”.


It was a total of 14minutes.


“Sasha…..that’s for killing me indirectly” I said and she smiled.


I rush out of the car and Ruth quickly dress me up and there was no time for make up so I went on set like that.


“Miss Gem!, what’s all these???!!!, why ain’t you wearing some make up!!!!” the director yelled.


“Am….. a….. am sorry….. I…..”

“I told her not to” it was a male voice and it sound familiar.

“Sir….. s..sir Ryan” I heard and I turn around to see Ryan.

“Let her act like that!” he said and the director nodded.

“Ryan…… ”

“Let’s talk later Gem…. ” he said and went to sit down with the movie Management and they all greeted him

with respect.


Jolene was finally with the man she loved. “Elder sister!!!!”

“Don’t elder me… witch…… Victor what did she do to you…..y….you love me not her” I cried.

“Am sorry….. I don’t love you…. I love…….. ”

“No….. no you love me….. you….. love me…… Victor……I …… ”

“You’re a psychopath….. you’re crazy….how can I love a crazy person” he said and he looked into Jolene eyes


and started kissing her. Tears filled my eyes. Instantly my eyes became red and tears that refuse to drop filled my eyes. I but my lips and finally the tears dropped.


“Cut!!!!!” we heard the director yelled. “Oh Gem that was a good one, you’re so amazing, are you sure you haven’t acted before?”


“No sir” I said, hearing everyone praised Gem, Jolene was so angry and jealous.


“Let’s freshen up and do the final scene”. the director said. I went to sit at the newcomers rest section. “Am sorry miss but you can’t sit here your sit have been moved to the VIP section” a lady said


“But I am a newcomer…I….”


“Gem ……” it was Ryan again.


“Hi Ryan….” I said


“Let’s go sit down” he said


“You were the one who moved my sit?” I asked and he smiled and grab my hands let’s go.


I sat down close to Ryan.

“Am sorry about that night”he said

“It’s okay….. I told you before that it was fine” I said.

“Gem….. remember what I told you?” he said

“Huh?, what?” I asked.

“You said you were single….and….. I ….have dinner with me after the final scene” he said

“Am afraid I can we are having a…… ”

“I’ll see you later then….. ” he said and walk away before I could complete my word.

The final scene was where the Psychopath girl got in an car accident and died.

“Gem let me talk with the director…. you don’t know how to drive” Ruth said

“I’ll be fine I can manage…. it’s the last scene anyway, don’t worry it’s going to be easy” I said and entered the


I buried my head on the steering crying.

“No….. no….. love…. they don’t love me…they don’t want me …..f…fine…I’ll go……my blood….will forever be I

your hands……. I’ll pray….. I come back to life as one of yours…… I…

.I’ll make you suffer.. hahaha….. yes….. I’ll be….back …… yes!!!” I started the car.


The real deal was that I have to apply brakes immediately because the road was sloppy.


As I start riding the brakes refused to apply. The car was moving with full speed…….


“Help……ahhh……the brakes are not working… something…… help……me…


..Leon…. Leonel…….ahhh……..” I cried………”


Help me……….. Leon!!!!” I yelled as the car hit the tree with more force than expected.


Everyone was too shocked to move. Ryan was the only one who ran and push the door open. Blood covered her face


“Gem….Gem can you hear me….stay with me…. Gem stay with me okay!!”


Ryan carried her out of the car. As the emergency ambulance drove in.


Leon was in his room all day. Grandma barge into his room.


“Son……son…..!!!” she cried.


“Granny what’s wrong why are you crying?” he asked


“Look…..look what happened to my little Gem”. She handed him her iPad.


‘Breaking News….actress Gem how ended up in a serious accident was rushed to the hospital by Ryan who


was the only one brave enough to get her out of the car before it explode. It was said that she was severely injured and hurt…….” Leon jumb out if his bed and ran out of the house with shoes on he entered his car and heading for the hospital.


Ryan push Gem’s stretcher she kept on whispering something. He drew his ears close to her and it was…..”L….on…….on…..eon………l..




“Leon?, Gem it’s me Ryan……stay put keep talking don’t fall asleep…….”……………



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