Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

Tunnel Of Life(Episode1)


Written By :Tumelo


In South Africa Limpopo Province there’s this forgotten village along the side of R37 called Malemang.In this village it takes life around corners to put food on the table for many families :/ .But it was a blessing for Thato to have a mom who was affording to buy him almost everything he wanted ๐Ÿ™‚ even though he had no dad :/


.His mom was a nurse at Polokwane Hospital.when Thato passed Grade 7 he decided to do his secondary studies around kasi.He never wanted fancy school in Polokwane or something, Yah Thato decided to play his cards down low.It was not breath taking to have Thato schooling around kasi for the first 3yrs, Eish Until he starts to smoke dagga with loxion boys. You know to smoke dagga its like a formula to every boy which is used to substitute life in it to determine how strong or weak is the boy aghh!! :/ .The mom found herself in a position where she can’t control the situation, wishing Thato’s father was around to deal with the matter.Unlike situation which we’re used to them, when a teenager start to smoke dagga and other addictive drugs. Thato was different in a sense where he would smoke but still pay attention in class. But only when he smoked a little.


:v :v :v One time in grade 11 it was mathematics class session, Ohh Thato was high with weed + he had a lil stress from home.He started to lose his mind a bit , because suddenly he started shouting in class…


Thato: Mam ? Mam ?



๐Ÿ˜ฎ Everybody in class was surprised why would Thato shout at the Educator like that.


Educator: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Aow Thato What’s wrong? Are you ok?


Thato: ( With low voice) Yes Mam personally im fine Just that the ( x + 5) that you wrote on the board I can’t see it at all.


Like you’re doing now, all learners burst into laughters :v :v :v .But that left the Educator thinking what went wrong to Handsome boy Thato :/ . ”ahh!! Kids of today” as the educator letting that to pass.


One thing is that Thato was personal favorate to the Principal because his reason capacity was outmost ๐Ÿ˜‰ .Even if it was clear that Thato done something that violates school policy , He will find a way to let that seem it’s nothing. For that abillity his friends named him KING.


Reason why the principal liked Thato, it was on saturday all learners were studying preparing for final exams as the Principal enters the school premisses & found…

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