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The beautiful killer


#Chapter 36✓



Zeemah writes






You’ve believed me right?” She said.


“No! I just want to tell you to always mind your business! Face what you’re here for” I said and smirked at her expression before walking away.


I got to Mia’s ward and pulled the door open.


She was sitting on the bed fully dressed, looks like she was waiting for me.


“Hey” I said and walked in.


She raised up her head and smiled on seeing me.


“Come dish out my breakfast. What did you made?” She asked.


“Just a simple meal, pancake and coffee” I said.


“Ohh, thanks” She smiled.



A nurse came in.


“Mr Darrel, Doc Mart wants to see you” She said.


“Okay,I’ll be right there” I said.


She nodded and walked out.


I glanced at Mia.


“I’m just quickly gonna dish out your breakfast and go meet Doc Mart” “Okay” She said.


“You know doc Mart said maybe i stressed myself overnight” She said. “Yeah”


“Yesternight,i was bored so i just walked from one corner of the ward to another. I think that caused the stress” She said.


“Really?” I asked dishing out her breakfast.


“Yeah” She said.


“You should have told me then” I said.


“I thought it wasn’t necessary”


“It is. ” I said and placed her breakfast in front of her.


“I’ll be back okay?”


“Okay” She smiled.


I walked out of the ward and headed to doc Mart’s office.


I knocked and was told to walk in.


“Hey doc” I said closing the door behind me.


“Have your seat, Darrel” He said.


“Are we gonna be having a long conversation?” I asked.


“Not really, but have your seat” He said and i did.


I faced him and waited for what he was about to say.


“Don’t you think that lady is hiding something from you” He said.


“No,i don’t think so” I said.


“Are you sure?”


“Of course. Why did you say that?” I asked.


“This is the second test result and it confirmed the stress she went through before now. I asked her but she denied going anywhere or doing anything stressful” He said and i smiled.


“Ohh…that, actually she told me she walked to and fro in the ward yesternight when she was bored” I said.


“She told you that?”




“I guess she’s lieing. Walking to and fro can not form up this amount of stress, take a look at the result yourself. The stress percent is high compared to just walking to and fro” He said..


“She’s not lieing doc, she’s telling the truth, it happens that way at times” I said. “Really?”


“Of course. If she really went out to stress herself,she would have told me” “Alright then” He shrugged.


“How’s Mary and the kids?” I asked.


“They are all fine. She asked of you though” He said.


“Ohh…My greetings to her” I said.


Doc Mart’s wife is such a nice woman.


She took a liking to me immediately she saw me.. she took extra care of me by making meals and bringing them to me while i was here.


I’m a bit surprised she hasn’t come yet.


She visits her husband’s hospital frequently.


“And, about the scar on her arm…” Doc Mart said.


“Yeah,have you found anything?” I asked.


“She refused to allow me inspect it but mere looking at it,I’m ninety nine percent sure that scar is recent. It hasn’t even healed completely,the surface is still soft. A scar goes hard when it has been so long on one’s body” He said.



“I don’t want to believe she lied to me. Why don’t you inspect it. You know you just stared at it,you can’t be so sure” I said.


He smiled…”You seem to trust her so much” “Yeah,i don’t see a reason why i shouldn’t” I said.


“Darrel, you’re a CIA agent sent here on a mission. You should see everyone as a suspect and not trust anyone at all”


“I know but these people have become my family. I have no choice but to trust them” I said..


He shrugged. “Fine then”


“Is that all?” I asked.


“She’ll be discharged tomorrow”


“Ohh… okay, thanks doc” I stood up..


He nodded and i walked out of his office.


//Darrel, you’re a CIA agent sent here on a mission. You should see everyone as a suspect and not trust anyone at all// Doc Mart’s words replayed in my head. He’s right.


He’s very right


But i already trust the people I’m living with.


I mean,they gave me all the reason to trust them.


But can Mia be hiding something from me?


I don’t think so and if she is,what exactly is she hiding?


That nurse told me she saw her going out in the night but i know she’s mistaken though.




I don’t think she’s hiding anything.


I’m only thinking that way cause of how private she is. She’s a private person and most private people gives people that feeling that they’re hiding something.


“Agent D.” I heard Nath called excitedly, jolting me out of my thought.


I turned and saw him walking towards me.



“Guess what?” He asked.


“You danced on the street?” I guessed and he rolled his eyes.


I laughed..” Okay, what?”


“Caroline is coming to see Mia” He said.


“Really? Carol will be coming here?”


“Yeah” He smiled.


“Today right?” I asked.


“Yeah,soon” He glanced at his wrist watch.


“Wow! I can’t wait to see her. Have you told Mia yet?” I asked.


“Nah! I’m about to” He said.


“Let’s go then”




“Caroline is coming?” Mia asked in smiles.


“Yeah she is, she’ll be here soon” Nath said happily.


“Wow. Honestly i can’t wait” She smiled and my heart fluttered.


“You told her about me?” Mia asked.


“Yeah,i always told her about you a lot and she has always wanted to meet you.


This morning,she asked of you and i told her of the situation. ” Nath said.


“I should go then,since she’s coming to see Mia alone” I said, wearing a fake frown.


“You think she’s coming to see Mia alone? Nah! She also wants to see the handsome CIA agent transferred from California” Nath said.


“Of course,every lady longs to see me. It’s not so easy to be this handsome” I said proudly and they both laughed.


“And is that why you’re this dressed today?” I teased Nath.


“Of course, my love deserves more than this” He grinned.


“You look good though” I said.


“Thanks” He said.


“You look cute” Mia smiled.


“, you’ll make me blush” Nath said and they both laughed.


She just complimented Nath and yet she always find it hard to compliment me.


“You’re done with your breakfast already” I said to Mia and she nodded.


“It was delicious” She said.


“Really?” Nath smiled.


“Yeah… Darrel is now a good cook” Mia winked and i felt like touching the cloud.


“Is there still more?” Nath asked .


“Yeah, i brought for us too” I said.


“Mine, please” He said.


“Dish it out yourself” I said and he eagerly did.


I smiled and shook my head before turning to Mia.


“Doc Mart said you’ll be discharged tomorrow”


“Okay. Is that all he told you?” She asked.


“Hmm… Yeah” I said.


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah, why did you ask?”


“Well…you took quite long” She said.


“, agent D. are you sure you made this?” Nath asked, interrupting our conversation.


“Nah! The house ghost made it” I said.


“Whatever, that can’t stop me from eating it” He said.


“I should better dish out mine,you’re capable of eating everything within seconds” I said and picked a plate.


Nath quickly rushed to pick the brown one i was eyeing.


“Drop that one,it’s for me” I said


“But i took it first” He said.


“I made it so i have the right to choose anyone i want. Hand it over” I said.


“I took it first!” Nath whined.


“I made it!” Darrel snarled.


“I took it first!”


“I made it”


“I took it first”.


“I made it!!!!”




I grinned as i watched the both of them.


Darrel’s hair flung back and forth while Nath eyes remained widen.


Why do i feel like that doc told Darrel something.


He definitely did and I’m concerned cause Darrel refused to tell me what it is.


Well…i can’t wait to get out of here already.


Nath’s ringtone stopped every movement.


“She’s here, she’s at the reception” Nath said excitedly jumping out of the chair.


“Really? Go bring her in” I said but he already rushed out of the ward.


Darrel chuckled lightly eating the last pancake,he gulped it down with his coffee


and started packing up the dishes.


I couldn’t avert my gaze from him.


“Is there something on my face?” He asked without even turning to me.


My cheeks flushed in embarrassment and i switched my gaze to the wall clock.


“I love staring at you too cause you’re the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen” He


said, making my heart pump twice.


“Thanks” I nearly smiled.



“I love staring at you too cause you’re handsome and also the best person I’ve ever met” I found myself saying.


“OMG! Did you just…?”


“Yeah” I smiled.


“Thanks Mia” He smiled happily.


The door opened and Nath walked in.


I noticed he was putting on a cute sunglass.


A lady walked in after him and i was amazed,she’s beautiful and simply dressed.


One wouldn’t know she’s the daughter of one of the billionaires in New York.


She’s putting on the same sunglass as Nath but she was wearing hers over her blonde hair.


It looks good on them both.


She smiled that i confirmed her perfect dentition.


I saw her picture on Nath’s phone but she looks more beautiful here.


“Hi everyone” She said cheerfully.


Nice voice though.


Darrel stood on his feet and stretched out his hand.


“Nah! I’m gonna hug you” She said and gave him a hug, leaving me surprised, Darrel too.


Nath smiled, adjusting his sunglass.




“I’m Darrel Holden” Darrel said after they disengaged from the hug.


“Of course i know and I’ll rate your looks 100” She said.


“Ohh… thanks” Darrel smiled.


“Mia” She said turning to me, she quickly walked over to give me a hug too.


She smells nice.


“I’m so sorry about what happened to you. I hope you’re getting better now?” She asked.


“Yeah thanks, I’m fine now” I smiled.


“Thank goodness. I was so worried. Mind me, you look like a goddess. You both suit each other” She said pointing to Darrel and i.




I glanced at Darrel and he was pressing his lips together.


Do we really suit each other?




I laughed to wave off the tension in the room.


“Here, i bought this for you” She said stretching a paper bag to me.


“Wow, thanks so much” I said, collecting it.


I peered into it and smiled.


She bought flowers and ‘get well soon’ card alongside some other items.


“Thanks so much Carol” I stood up and gave her a tight hug.


“It’s fine mia. Sit,i don’t want you stressing yourself” She said.


“Thank you” I said again before sitting down.


“Okay,I’m just gonna introduce myself even though it’s not necessary. I’m Caroline Walker, Nath’s lover” She smiled. “Nice to meet you Carol” Darrel said.


“Same here, agent D.” She said funnily and we chuckled.


“Nath told you that?” Darrel asked and she nodded.


“He calls you agent D. That’s what I’ll be calling you too” She said. “You can call me Darrel”


“Nah! I’ll go by agent D. You deserve some respect” She said and Darrel smiled, obviously thrilled.


“Thanks for coming to check on me Carol even though I’m not close to you at all.” I said.



She smiled. “You’re close to Nathaniel,so you’re close to me too. I love getting closer to anyone my baby likes” She said and Nath grinned.


“Moreover, you’re a nice person and you’re more than what Nath described.” “It’s so nice meeting a down to earth person like you” I said. “Wow! Nice meeting you too Mia. Can we be friends?” She asked.


I don’t have friends and I’ve always turned down the offer but i can’t do that to Carol.


“Of course, that will be lovely” I said and she smiled.


“Have your seat” Darrel pulled a chair to her.


“Thanks agent D. ” She smiled and sat down.


“I will be leaving soon” She said.


“Ohh” I said sadly.


“I would love to stay longer but i have some business to attend to. I’m sorry” she said.


“It’s fine” I said.


“We can all go out for dinner when you’re discharged” She said.


“I will be discharged tomorrow” I said.


“Ohh…great! Guys, we’re fixing dinner for tomorrow” She said.


“Fine by me” Darrel said and we all turned to Nath.


“Of course I’m in” He smiled.


“Even if you’re not,I’m gonna drag you in. Guess what babe?” Carol said to Nath.


“What?” Nath asked.


“I’m halfway convincing dad” She said and i glanced at Darrel.


We exchanged looks before turning back to them.


“You’ve been halfway convincing him for months Carol” Nath said.


“Com’on Nathaniel,I’m serious this time” she said and Nath shrugged.


“I’m sorry for boring you guys with our discussion” Carol apologised.


“No,you didn’t” Darrel and i chorused.


She smiled and picked her purse.


“I’ll be leaving now” She stood up, glancing at her wrist watch.


“Thanks for coming” I said.


“You’re welcome” She pecked me on both cheeks and hugged Darrel.


“Bye, we’ll see tomorrow night” She said.


“Bye” I smiled and watched her walked out with Nath.


“I’m gonna see her off” Darrel said and i nodded.


He walked out after them and i sighed.


Shortly after,the door opened and i thought it was Darrel.


Doc Mart walked in,he closed the door behind him and faced me squarely.


“Tell me, what are you hiding?” He asked.


“Have you gone crazy!” I yelled.


“Darrel might be fooled but i definitely can’t be fooled. What are you hiding?” He asked.


“Get out” I fumed.


“There’s something behind your innocent face and I’ll make sure i dig it out” He threatened before walked.


Of course you’ll make sure you dig out your grave.


I picked my phone and quickly placed a call across boss.








The beautiful killer

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