Sun. Jul 21st, 2024



We later all departed to our various duties, I always wake up early and refresh before morning devotion after which i will go straight to the kitchen to make



breakfast for the house and start preparing for lunch which Joe always assist me, with few others who are less busy,


Today i was so happy as i prepare for breakfast today,


I sang different songs as my voice echoed in the kitchen, I was singing and smiling when i turned he was standing there, I almost dropped a plate that i was carrying in my hand as i saw Victor standing by the kitchen door and watching me,


I don’t know how long he has being there but he was smiling, I have always wanted to see a smile on his face and he has being doing so much of that over a week now since his last encounter with his mum…he was just by the door standing and not saying anything


.i stammered through words as i didn’t know how or what to say.




Did i forget to tell you i was innocently twisting and wining my waist while singing, and my voice was echoing…when i saw him alot of thought crossed my mind, I was wondering if I was causing a nuisance or distracting him from whatever he was doing and he came to tell me to tone down my voice, but looking at him he was obviously not angry as he kept smiling, could it be he has been watching me whine my waist all this while…i was totally embarrassed and shy too but i managed to ask him


“sorry, I didn’t notice when you came…ahh… do you need anything…i mean…i can i help you with anything…


“ooh…I’m sorry to have started you….i was actually enjoying you sing


and…dance happily, I didn’t want to cut you off from your joy….but I’m here for


a request…I have a guest at the pool and wanted to ask if there’s something eatable for her, like food…she said she will like chicken soup…please hope i won’t be asking for too much from you…can we get chicken soup please, three plates…


Immediately i hard that he has a guest who is a female i started feeling bad unexpectedly, I felt bad but still manage to respond with a smile, he turned and left, I started wondering what was wrong with me, how can i be developing feeling for somebody like Victor with class and fame, I’m just ordinary cook who can’t



boost of anything, what is wrong with me, I thought to myself, but the more i thought the more i felt my heart will break, I took extra time to prepare the chicken pepper soup, just the way he likes it, i still manage to sing but this time it wasn’t like before, I sang so that he won’t think it was because of him i stopped singing, the song wasn’t making any sense any longer instead it was sounding so sad in my ears, so i stopped,


Joe came into the kitchen and noticed my dull face and asked me what the problem is I lied and told him i missed my mother, which was a fat lie,


I was only sad because Victor’s girlfriend or fiance was by the pool waiting for me to cook chicken soup for her,is sad to say but I’m jealous, a guy that has never showed interest in me, a guy with class and fame, how can i even think in my wildest dreams he will have something to do with me, I must be foolish to ever imagined such fairytale,


As i lied to Joe how i missed my mum, the sadness was written all over me, he told me everything will be fine and gently draw me into a hug, I hugged him too, I was love struck and was acting like a baby, we were still hugging when i heard Victor’s voice, he was by the door again and we didn’t hear when he came, he cleared his throat loud startling us both, I stammered but Joe was bold and said


“my apologies sir, we didn’t notice your presence sir, Uju was down emotionally, she missed her people so was just hugging her to calm her down…


“is fine Joe, I’m not offended…although she looked so happy to me earlier, she was singing and dancing whatever it is that changed your mood,


I’m sorry…but you can actually take some time off to go and see your people, let me know when you want to do that, I actually wanted to check if the soup is ready….


“thanks you, is Almost ready sir, I will send it right away…


He stood for sometime, Joe was still there trying to help me out. He just watched us and later turned and walked out, I was hoping the hug between me and Joe in the kitchen will not be misinterpreted, why do i worry so much about Victor’s



opinion on me, his own fiance is outside there relaxing by the pool so why I’m i killing my self emotionally,




I finished up the cooking and Joe called a staff to go and serve, I later left the kitchen and came outside just to see Victor’s girlfriend, I saw a fine lady with another man and Victor sitting and talking, I went back inside feeling worst than before, I wish i have stayed back inside, because the lady looks so beautiful and wealthy too,


they later came inside and i saw Victor’s mum hugging her and the other guy, telling her to greet her parents, she hugged Victor and gave him a peck, she did the same to ujunwa, I thought to myself that the whole family loves her, the rich and the rich walks together not the rich and the poor,


I went back to the kitchen and sat down there, I wanted to make dinner but i was feeling sad for reasons i don’t even understand,



Victor later came to the kitchen again and saw me sitting, I quickly stood up and he asked me to sit back down, i did and he sat with me. then he said


“my cousin and her husband said their thanks to you, they both enjoyed the chicken soup… Is being a while they came down here, they are both base in UK, I also enjoyed it too, you have totally become a professional chef, that’s lovely and I’m proud of you….you know that right….


So what makes you sad…please tell me…


.you really missed your people….I’m sorry Uju…i know how hard it must be for


you, just take sometime off, although i will miss you and your cooking….


All my sadness quickly disappeared when i heard cousin” I became normal again as i blush and said a smiling thank you to him with my hand folded in front of me, I told him I will call my people on phone …then the next confusing question came


“I’m not suppose to be asking but i can’t help it…



you really love him right?…i know the question sound stupid seeing the way two of you bond together… Is just that I…. never mind, just ignore the question…


“I don’t understand sir…who do you mean…


who are you talking about…?


“I mean Joe, he is always helping you out and I’m always seeing you together with him.. But is cool…Joe is a nice person, he is a good guy…


“we are not dating, we are just cool friends, no emotion attached, is not what you are thinking, there’s nothing between us sir…


“really…wow… I thought… Are you in…mmmh…


Don’t mind me…


So what do you want to do next….


“to prepare for dinner sir…


“please enough of the sir, call me Victor, i want to help you in making dinner hope you don’t mind…even if you mind I’m insisting….please…


.i want you to teach me how to cook so that i can at least help out sometimes…


I laughed so hard and he laughed too, he took my hand into his and look up at me and this time i knew that spark was real, he looked at me, then looked at my mouth, then back to my eyes,


I know he may probably kiss me if i don’t stand up, the way our emotions was running with speed…


i gently remove my hand from his and stood up, he robbed his head before standing up to join me



“so tell me what to do, or what to say to keep you company or should i start singing because i know you love singing….


“hahahaha….i laughed he also joined me, we started dinner together acting like old




could this be love…















✏. ©Amarh heart




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