Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Episode 08


Aakash’s Pov:


I sat beside the bed as I watched my Krishna lying peacefully on the bed.


I shook my head in depression.


For the past one week since our son disappeared, Krishna has never been herself.


She almost died today.





Krishna continued knocking on the door and screaming for help.


But the flames was too much so she collapsed.


I came home cos I forgot some files at home.


That was when I heard her knocking and screaming.


I came to help her out but the door was locked with a padlock.


I was shocked!


Could it be that someone locked her up to die? I saw the flames rushing out of the store room.

I broke the door and rescued her as the firemen came and quenched the fire.





I breathed heavily….



Thank goodness! She’s safe I thought.


Just then, Father rushed into the house with mother, Vishnu And Pavitra.


“What the hell is wrong with this crazy wife of yours? Does she want to burn down my mansion?” Father fired angrily.


“This is really getting out of hand! She has gone totally insane” Vishnu added I only kept mute staring at them.


“You are not saying anything Aakash?” Father asked


“Father she’s just depressed about her son’s kidnap” I managed to say.


“What depression? Should that make her burn down the mansion?” Vishnu yelled at me.



I was so gobsmacked.


“I think that woman has gone crazy….” Father said


“What? Father my wife is not crazy” I said defensively.


“Oh yes! She has gone nuts…” Vishnu said


“Vishnu I won’t tolerate you calling my very own wife crazy” I said furiously.


“Father you know what? We might just go to sleep one day and end up burnt in the morning all because of one crazy woman in the midst of sane people” Vishnu said as I raised my hand to slap him but mother held me back.


“I think Vishnu is right… First thing tomorrow morning, Krishna will be taken to a mental hospital… An asylum” Father said as my mouth opened in surprise.


“Father!…” I called shocked


“You heard me….” Father said as tears rolled down my cheeks.


“This is so unfair!” I screamed


“No Aakash! This is for her own good… She needs to get better” Mother said.


“Mother are you telling me you believe that my wife is crazy?” I half yelled


“My son truth must be said! She’s acting crazy” Mother said as I scratched my head in annoyance.


“Hell no! Infact am moving out of this house for good with my wife” I said


“You dare not Aakash…. Try me and see” Father said as I sank on the bed in anger.


Krishna’s Pov:


I weakly opened my eyes…


I saw everyone sitting beside me with long faces.


“Have you seen him? Is he in his car? Did you bring him?” I asked as I sprang up .


“Calm down Krishna!” Aakash said as he held me but I pushed him away.


“Someone talk to me! Have you seen my son? Have you seen Kush? My son was crying earlier…” I cried jumping up and down as Aakash held me tight.


“You see this lady is very crazy” Father said as he walked away.


“He’s crying… My son is crying” I yelled.


“You need to rest Krishna” Pavitra said as I shook my head in disagreement.


“No! I want my son… He was crying!! Bring back my son” I kept shouting.




A lady walked in with a nurse attire.


She was holding a syringe.


I was still shouting and jumping….



They held me down and injected me with the syringe


Slowly, I fell asleep….




I opened my eyes…


I was chained in a bed….


The room looked like a hospital…


“Where am I?” I asked no-one in particular.


There was no one in the room and my voice echoed.


Just then, the door was opened as Aakash, Father in-law, Pavitra and mother in law came in.


“Aakash Sir please help me! I don’t wanna be here” I cried


“You have to get better Krishna so that we can find our son together” Aakash said with a teary voice.


“Yes Krishna! You are mentally unstabled so you need to be treated” Father in-law said.


“No! Am not crazy! Am perfectly fine” I cried bitterly “Am sorry but you have to get better” Pavitra cried aloud.


I kept screaming and pleading to them to untie me to no avail.


Lakshmi’s Pov:


I read the newspaper with my glasses fixed to my eyes.


I burst into laughter…


“Finally I’ve gotten rid of Krishna… They have taken her to the asylum thinking that she’s insane” I smiled.


Now I have to focus on how to get my dear daughter into the mansion.


My cell phone rang aloud….


it was the buyers of the baby…



I smiled broadly!



cool cash



Hello…. My voice echoed



Ma’am where are you? We are ready to buy him…. They said and I smiled





I’ll be there soon… I smiled mischievously OK ma’am…. They said and I hung up.

Smiles escaped my lips and I jumped for joy.


Time to sell the heir…














Baby Kush….















I was sold but I got married



An Indian romance story



By: Pinky Preshy Chioma




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