Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


Not edited


What the heck is she talking about


She want me to give her Cheng so i can finally be the best artist in the world

But Cheng


Will I just give Cheng to her just like that

But Cheng really helped my social life


And again if I finally beat jenny I can become the best artist in the school which will make me even more popular than I already am


‘give me time to think about this?’ I said


‘what there to think about?…. You u have to say yes, wasn’t it your dream to finally beat meat something’ she said


‘yea you very right it my dream but give me sometime to think about my dream ‘ I said


‘okay then you have less than 24 hours, comeback to me tomorrow with your answer and am very sure you smart enough to make the right decision’she said as she tapped my left shoulder and walked out of the toilet


‘damn her….’


‘so you are the new hottest and coolest guy in school’ Randy said

‘hot and cool, how can I be hot and cool at the sametime’ I said


‘yea just forget about that, you can have any girl in school but you are not allowed to have one girl’ skizzy said


‘I am only interested in my rose’ i said in a coldly


Am always cold when am around other people but rose am never cold around her

I am always happy whenever am with rose


‘you call her my rose’ skizzy said

‘yes’ I answered


‘waw someone is super possesive’ Randy said as they both laughed

Where is my rose


Am getting tired of this guys


‘you see that girl Mandy’they said pointing at a pretty girl with glasses

‘skizzy and I have had a crush on her for years’ Randy said


‘so you both like the Same girl’ I said

‘yes we do’they said


‘I see why you guys are the school idiots’ I said

‘wait nobody calls us that’ they both said


‘trust me when I say everybody calls you that children’i said

‘children?…… we are your age’ Randy said and I smirked


‘forget about that, do you think you can maybe talk to her for us… Please’ Randy said


I looked at the girl they have a crush on an d she was looking at me blushing while talking to her friends who were also doing the same thingshe was doing


‘please man just do it’ skizzy said

I walked towards the Mandy girl


‘come on be cool he is coming here’ Mandy said to her friends who pulled their skirts up and adjusted their blouse


‘hello, am Cheng’ I said


‘hi am Mandy’she said blushing

‘am sunny’another girl said


‘and am rainbow’ anotger girl said while twisting her hair in her fingers

‘yea that good … Ummm Mandy can I talk to you’ I asked


‘yes sure….You can tell me anything dear don’t be shy ‘ she said blushing while other girls looked sad Cause am interested in talking to Mandy and not them


‘see those two guys over there, what their name again skizzy and Randy.

. They like you alot’ I said and her facial expressions suddenly changed


She looked at skizzy and Randy who were smiling at like an idiot… She was really disgusted and I can sayshe feels like throwing up


‘so you don’t like me but they do’she said pointing at the guys behind me

‘yes they do’i said


‘gross… I want you’she said


‘nooooooo I don’t want you… They want you’ I said


‘they are gross you the hottest guy have seen so i want you just take me would ya’ Mandy said

‘what’ I said


‘oh calm down Miss desperate, he is taken so walk away’ rose said holding my hand as she appeared out of nowhere




‘urghhhh…….whatevee ‘ Mandy said as she walked away



I know how she must feel


A cute guy walking towards you thinking he wants to ask you out not knowing he actually wants to you ask you out on behalf of his ugly friend


That can be so annoying


I glared at skizzy and Randy and they flinched as I walked towards them


‘I trusted you guys with one thing but you failed me now I will end you’ I said as I walked towards skizzy and Randy


‘please rose forgive us… We will not fail you again… And beside we only told him to talk to them for us, we didn’t mean to get him in any kind of trouble’ They pleaded


‘rose flower’ Tyson said as he walked towards me with his boys

Tyson and his boys are the worst


They are bigtime bullies and also they enjoy harassing girls

‘what do you want Tyson’i said glaring at him


‘oh don’t give me that look baby girl… I just came to say hi’ he said as he raised his hand to hit my butt like he loves doing to Other girls


Cheng held his wrist in midair before he could


‘awwwww’ Tyson screamed out in pain as Cheng stares at him coldly still holding his wrist


He slowly went down on his knees in pain before Cheng let go of his wrist and walked away with me


Men he is Damn strong


Noone has ever done that to Tyson

Now ican continue bugging boys


I know I have cheng to protect me now Θ



After school activity I went back home with Cheng


I have to introduce him as my boyfriend to my parents


‘Mum, dad, jimin’ I said as they all focused on Me including the maid

‘meet my boyfriend, Cheng’ I said


‘your what’they all said with a look 9f disbelief


‘ tell me why will a guy like this want you ‘jimin said


‘ oh shut ur mouth before I shut it for you ‘I saidas he stuck out his tongue to mock me

‘ actually am Cheng and rose is my girlfriend ‘he said


‘ waw… This is mind blowing ‘my mum said as she walked towards Cheng’ he is extremely handsome ‘she said while pulling his cheeks softly


‘ waw she is so pretty ‘Cheng said pulling her cheek back


‘ Cheng please don’t do that’ I whispered to him as he let go of her cheek

‘waw great sense of humour’ my mum said


He wasn’t trying to be funny though


’em mum if you can excuse us Cheng and I have a project to work on so we will goto my room now’ I said


‘yea sure bye’ she said


My mum definitely likes Cheng

Who wouldn’t anyway


‘I will tell the maid to send u both dinner’ she said



‘tea sure’ I said as I walked up the stairs


‘Now the principal said you must be able to beat jisoo in this art competition, i mean can you even draw’ i said pacing back and forth in the room while he states at me innocently


‘come on why do u always have to be so gentle, can’t u just talk’ I said looking frustrates but he just stares at me


‘oh forget it so annoying’ I said


He looked to his left and picked up the sketch book and a pencil


He looked at me and started moving his pencil on the sketch book


He didn’t answer me but instead her keeps looking at me and drawing

‘give that to me’ I said as I snatched the book from him a minute later


‘waw’ I said as I looked at his drawing


He stood on his feet and said ‘look I drew rose’


I looked at him and said ‘are you good in whatever you do or what, how can you draw something so good in just a minute’


It takes me ten minutes to draw something like this

But he did it in a minute


‘I can do anything when I see rose face’ he said and I could swear I blushed for a second


Wait why am I blushing

Snap out of it rose


‘so u can draw’ I said


‘I can draw alot better than this one, I can also paint and do other art things’ he said

The maid knocked on the door and two brought two bowls of noodles in the room



I collected it from her and Sat down on the sofa and started eating my food


The maid walked out of the room and cheng sat down on the sofa next to me staring at me

‘if you actually disgusted by the way I eat just turn to your side’ I said


‘disgusted why should I be’

‘most guys are’ i said


‘nothing about rose is disgusting… The way she smiles, the way she talks, the way she laughs everything is magical’ he said


I stared at him for awhile before saying ‘geez if you continue talking like this I won’t know when I will actually fall in love with you’


He smiled before eating his bowl of noodles


Cheng acted like he went to his house that day but i later sneaked him through my room window


I don’t know how to explain all this to my parent

They won’t believe me anyway


The next day i know I was suppose to give jenny my final answer and have made my decision


I held cheng by the wrist as I walked with him to jenny private class ignoring all those crazy girls trying to seduce him


‘waw I see you made the right decision you brought cheng to me’ jenny said



What going on


Why is the rude girl here


‘rose what going on’i asked but she tightened her grip on my wrist


‘Now he is mine’ the rude girl said as she stood on her feet and wanted to walk towards me but rose raised her hand signifying stop


‘I am not here to give you Cheng, am Just here to remind youthat he is mine and if you ever come to me with such stupid offer telling me to make my boyfriend yours I won’t spare you and if you so much as stareat him again I won’t hesitate to plug your Eyes out ‘I said




Rose is really saying all that


The rude girl looked embarrassed as everyone was staringat her



She really thinks I will give her Cheng

What a big joke


‘ and okay I will just have to crush u in the competition then, have fun loosing to me’ she said

‘time will tell who will loose to who’i said as I walked away with my Cheng


Jeez did I just call him my Cheng

That wierd


Now am gonna crush jenny no matter what it takes

Have finally accomplished one dream


*embarrass jenny *and I finally did in front of other students

Now Cheng and I will make her loose


………… To be continued…….

. D ε‹Ί KISS ε‹Ί D

. Ξ© ON GOD Ξ©




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