Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

IN LOVE WITH THE HIJABITE( She is a Muslimah…. He is a playboy )


© Solely written by Authoress Adesewa






This episode is dedicated to all my lovely fans.




San Diego, California



NB: This episode is long so brace yourself. Have a nice time reading.




It’s Wednesday, the day of the preliminary match between University of California, San Diego and University of California, Berkeley. The students are in a festive mood. The students could be seen carrying different decorated placards to support their favourite players on the school team. Laura is among those whose placard is very unique. She is putting on a jersey with Jace’s name inscribed at the back.

She has a very big banner with a picture of Xavier, Jace and Brayden with her. In the banner, Jace is in the middle and his picture is the biggest.


A bus just arrive and students from the university of California, Berkeley are trooping out of the bus.


Their players are on blue jerseys with black shorts while the players from the host school are on red jerseys and black shorts.


A van conveying the media personnel dispatched to cover the event just arrived also.




The minister of sports is already at the sport complex.


The mayor of San Diego is not available for the occasion but he is ably represented by one of his subject.


The vice chancellor of the University of California, San Diego gave the welcome speech after the national anthem has been observed.


After the opening speech by Professor Lincoln, the vice chancellor of the university of California, San Diego, a life band performed to entertain the guests before the commencement of the match.


The officials for the match are neutral people that were handpicked by the minister of sports himself so as to make the match a free and fair game.


The two teams assembled their players at the centre of the football pitch. After all the usual formalities preceding the start of a match was observed, the whistle was blown by the referee and the match commenced.




I’m sitting in the front row at the bleacher in the sport complex. Scarlett is also here with me. Laura and some other girls were playing the role of cheerleaders. The visiting school also brought their cheerleaders. They were all dressed in blue crop tops and black bum short.




I saw Xavier briefly this morning, he waved at me when he and the other players came into the sport complex.


The match just begin and I’m feeling somehow nervous. I’m not the one playing, yet I’m the one having nervous breakdown. I feel so tensed because it’d be a shame for the other school to win us in our own comfort zone.


I need to stop being pessimistic though.

I look up and I saw that one of our players is in possession of the ball. The guy passed the ball to his teammate but unfortunately for the other guy, someone from the visiting school managed to get the ball from him.


The game keeps getting more and more tougher by the minutes as no one was ready to be the looser.


I noticed a particular guy from the visiting school is hell bent on harming Xavier. The guy intentionally placed his leg in front of Xavier while he wasn’t watching. Xavier would have tripped but I guess he has more stamina than he looks.


Currently the ball is with the visiting school and it seems they are about to scare a goal.

Just then, the referee blew the whistle and gave a yellow card to the guy from the visiting school who wanted to harm Xavier.

I didn’t know exactly what he did to earn the yellow card but I’m sure he really deserves it.


I continue watching the match and I saw Jace pass the ball to Xavier who controlled it to about 20 metres from the goalpost. A guy from the visiting school wanted to get the ball from Xavier but Xavier dribbled him and eventually scored a goal for our school.




Written by Authoress Adesewa


Everybody from our school went wild with jubilation.

Even me, I felt a bit relaxed though I was still tensed since this is not the end of the match.


The game continued and before I know it, the first half of the game ended with us winning with 1-0.




The second half was more tension filled as both teams were not ready to relent.


The guy from the visiting school again collected another yellow card.


A goal was scored by the visiting school towards the end of the match.


The game ended in a tie and they have to play a penalty match so as to know the winner.


Finally, the game ended in 3-2. We won at last.

I’m so glad we finally scale through. I released a breathe as the commentator announced the university of California, San Diego as the winner of the preliminary match.





We qualify for the next round.




At last, we qualified for this round. All our efforts were not in vain. Our practices paid off and I’m so happy.


I wasn’t thinking straight as I was feeling giddy with excitement. I made my way to the bleacher and the next instant I swirled Kiyah up, catching her unaware.


” Hey, drop me now Xavier” she shouted frantically.



I didn’t even care that the paparazzi cameras were flashing.


I finally dropped her and she was glaring at me. She looks so cute while angry????. Maybe I should get her angry occasionally.


If looks could kill, I’d have been on my way to the morgue now.


“I’m sorry about what I just did” I said to her trying to placate her.


” Don’t ever try such with me again” she said angrily.


” I’m sorry” I said to her again.


I can’t remember when last I apologised to anyone.


“Alright, apology accepted” she said.




I’m totally elated by our win. I never thought the match could be so tough, but thank goodness we didn’t lose.




I was startled when I felt a pair of warm hands wrap around my neck hugging me tight.


It was when I pulled back that I discovered that it’s Scarlett. She and I have gotten along really well ever since she became my maths tutor.


” Congrats dear” she said smiling at me.


“Thanks sweets” I replied her.

Her face turned red like an overripe tomato.


I find myself being drawn to her each day even though I try to ignore the feelings.


I don’t want to ever get in a serious relationship again thanks to a she devil I used to know.


“Do you care for Ice cream?” I asked Scarlett.




” Sure. Let’s go” she said.


We both left the sport complex and head to the college mall.


Different couples could be seen making out outside the sport complex.


I froze involuntarily the moment I saw the Jezebel. She was locked in a warm embrace with one of the players from her school. Our eyes met and I instinctively reached out for Scarlett’s hand, interlocking them with mine.


I continued walking with Scarlett but my mood has been ruined already because of that witch.




I’m so shocked to see Brayden right now. He’s still looking handsome as ever. I don’t know why I left him back then.


My boyfriend turned me to face him and he kissed me but I’m not in the mood for this make out session again, not after seeing my first love with another girl.




Get your acts together. He doesn’t mean anything to you anymore. ….. right?


Who am I kidding though. I still feel something for Brayden.


I think about the girl I saw with him, her face looks familiar though I only saw her from a distance and it was even brief.


I’m going to find out about the girl. She can’t have Brayden. He’s mine and mine forever.


” You are not even listening to me” Gray complained.




I didn’t know why I’m dating this douche but anyways I’m gonna be breaking up with him soon enough.


I need to act fast and make Brayden mine once again even if it means I have to change school to accomplish my goal.




I’ve been boiling with anger ever since I saw Xavier lift up that black girl immediately after the match.

I did some snooping around and I found out she’s in the same department with Xavier.


I’m so gonna descend on her. How dare her try to steal my man away?

Nobody dare mess with me and go Scott free.

I’d show her who the fvcking boss is.


I saw her leaving the sport complex and nobody was with her so I grab the opportunity with open arms.


I followed her to the restroom without her noticing. It was on her way out of the restroom that I attacked her.


I jumped in front of her and dragged her by her head covering (I don’t know what the muslim folks call it).

I gave her numerous slaps in quick succession.

She slapped me back but I was having an upper hand already due to the first attack I gave her.

I kicked her and she fell giving me a chance to batter her more.


“Stop this right now” an annoyingly familiar voice said pulling me up from the girl.


“What’s your business here?” I asked him.

I was mad at him for not letting me kill the stupid b***h.

She dare try to steal my man. Who the hell is she?


“Wow, what do we have here?” Another voice said.

It was one of my former classmates im high school.


A lot of people were beginning to gather.


” Claire, are you out of your mind. What ever did my friend do to you?” My twin sister said.


Written by Authoress Adesewa


I didn’t know when she got here and I don’t care.


Why am I not surprised that my sister would be friends with that low life b***h?

She has always been clueless so I guess they’d make a great pair.


People were taking pictures and saying all sorts of things but I wasn’t moved at all.


“Can someone tell me what the heck happened here” my lover said.


His look is like that of a murderer. I’m so sure he would have gladly killed me if he had a gun with him.


Some students explained everything to him and he checked the girl I beat up who was being treated by some people.


“Be prepared to die if anything should happen to her” he said coldly.


He carried the girl into his car and he drove away.


I feel so sad and angry right now. I feel sad because my love isn’t happy with me and angry that the b***h is still alive.




I was in the locker room changing into a casual wear when a notification popped up on my phone.


I didn’t know which spirit that direct me to check the notification because on a normal day, I’d have decide to check it later.

I clicked on the notification and it was a story on the school blog with a caption. It was a picture of Zakiyah, lying helplessly on the grass close to the female restroom. The exact same place where I gave her my Jacket just a month ago.


I dressed up as fast as possible and I rushed down to the place of the incident.


I met Owen Cooper and Wyatt Roman treating her.

I forgot about all the reasons why I despise them in that moment because all that matters is to make sure Kiyah is fine. I won’t be able to sleep in peace if she’s not okay because I know it’s because of me she’s in this state.


I feel like killing Claire right now but I don’t have time to waste.


” Be prepared to die if anything should happen to her ” I said to Claire.


I carried Kiyah into my car with the help of my two enemies.


After Wyatt almost paralysed me on the field, I didn’t know few minutes later we’d both be working together for a common goal even though it’s for a while.


We’d still go back to being enemies anytime soon but for now, let’s just call it a truce.






Kiyah, get well soon dear.

If you want to beat Claire….. follow me????????‍♀????????‍♀????????‍♀????????‍♀

Don’t be a silent reader.


Love you all ❤ ❤

© Authoress Adesewa ✍ ✍

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