Fri. Mar 7th, 2025






I ran back to the car


I sat down waiting for them to come out ,soon i saw kira holding hands with mitchell walking towards my direction laughing


I had no idea the small girl has grown really smart


Just look at the way she tricked everyone


Gosh this is unbelievable.


They both entered the car and we went to pick up stacy


i decided to steal a glance at kira and saw she was also looking at but in a weird way


I quickly removed my eyes from her direction and focused on the road Why is she looking that way i thought


This girl is purely evil ,hope she isnt planning a revenge or something


I dont know why but i have this feeling that


i should be scared of her ,i mean who wouldnt


Someone that hired herself and got accepted by my kids too.







So i know my boss i one mean and annoying human but i cant believe he could cheat so i could leave his house


His the boss and since he wants me to leave that much then fine ” Haha i am not going anywhere ,not now ”


i need the money ,he pays well and the kids love me ,,what more could i ask for


I’m thinking of dealing with him for putting pills in my milk but since nanny kira is a very very nice girl i’m going to forgive him


we all went back home including the almighty boss


i went back to the kitchen and continued the food i was cooking .


I dished out the meals ,prepared stacy’s own in her bottle and waited for it to cool


For some unknown reason chris refused to eat instead he ordered pizza


He kept starring at me in an awkward manner


I wonder whats up with him.




Its a new day


I checked the time it was 6:00am


I smiled to myself and quickly rushed into the shower


Soon i was done ,,,i did some few chorse prepared breakfast before going to wake the kids


I woke mitchell and carried stacy in my arms


i gave both of them a warm bath ,and dressed them up


On reaching downstairs i was expecting chris to be there but he isnt He never wakes up late


I fed the kids and soon they were ready for school “kira where is daddy”mitchell asked


“Dont worry i will go get him “i said and ran upstairs I knocked on the door but no answer


So i twisted the door knob and walked in,,my eyes amlost popped out when i saw chris shaking like a jelly fish under the duvet


“Omg are you okay”i asked walking close to him “What… doing… here”He shuttered “omg your burning up”i said


“leave this room immediately”he half yelled “but your sick”i replied


“I said leave “he yelled and i left immediately



His never gonna change


I went back downstairs carried the kids in chris car and drove them to the day care myself


on my way back i stopped at the pharmacy and got some drugs for chirs I reached home and prepared brown soup for him .


I know his gonna chase me again but there is no harm in trying i didnt bother knocking i saw him in the same state he was


“Boss stand up”i yelled


i thought i….I didnt allow him complete his statement before shoving in a spoon of brown soup into his mouth


“Open up ,,open up i said and shoved another spoon into his mouth as he starred at me in awe


To be continued







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