Fri. Oct 18th, 2024





I saw them kissed


Wft! i knew this was going to happen any ways


I was washing the dishes when Austin entered the kitchen “Heyy”he said


“Heyyy”i replied back



“We have a guest ,,so i think…you should make her something to eat “Austin said and left


Gosh i cant believe this is happening


Well i came here to work in the first place and i will make sure of that so i can get money


Minutes later….


I was done with the sphagetti and meatballs


I set everything on the dining and went to call them out They were talking and laughing when i got there


“Food is ready”i said with a strict face and left


Minutes later they arrived the dining and i dished out Austins food I could see the way she was rubbing herself on him


I carried the bowl of shagetti and poured it on her head …Sorry guys that was just my imagination


“omg this foof is too salty” she said and spit it out while i starred at her in shock “Are you kidding me ,this food is perfect”i replied


“Oh shut up you common nanny” her words make me really angry and i could see Austin noticed it


“its okay sindy ,i will order some chinese food for you”Austin said and continued eating


“Dont tell me your going to eat that”she asked austin who was already shoving a spoon full into his mouth



I wanted to laugh loudly but i kept cool


After i cleared the dishes and all it was time for the kids to come back


“Daddy” mitch yelled and ran to hug her father while baby stacy kept through her hands up in the baby carrier and sucking her pacifier


i collected stacy from the driver and played with her cheeks while she giggled “Day who is she”mitch asked pointing at sylvia


“hi cutie how was school”sylvia said smiling trying to hug mitch Mitch ran to me and hugged my legs “Kira”she yelled smiling


The look on sylvia face was priceless


It seems mitch dosent like her


Sylvia walked towards my direction and carried stacy And just like joke stacy puked all over her face


God knows this time i couldnt hold his laugh and Austin too also couldnt hold it anymore


To be continued







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