Fri. Mar 7th, 2025





PREVIOUSLY ON GOLD BLUSTERS “You cared and you just stood here???”I asked


“It’s a promise not to leave her side brother”he answered “Better don’t break the promise”I smiled.. “Ahhhhh!!!!”I shouted..


He stared at me holding me tightly for a while before his worried Expression slowly turned into something else..




“She’s important Hughhh”I asked even though I somehow know the answer


“She’s important to you… Protecting her is like redeeming for my sins… It’s my


way of appologizing for swapping your dog”he replied…


Ooohhh… Not what I expected but it’s better..


I thought he was in love with her…


“I forgive you”I whispered as the dizziness increased…


The door swinged open…


As nurses walked out before the doctor walked out… His facial expression is


scaring me…


Dizziness increased again… I don’t even know who was busy asking him question


but the only I heard him say was…


“I’m sorry… But we couldn’t save her” and I blacked out…




I stood up, feeling suffocated…


“Brother!!!”my sister Sarah whispered my name and I flashed her a forcefull smile..


I fixed my gaze on Stanley.. He hasn’t moved from that spot..


I was walking towards him when I heard Ted’s sad voice whispering..


“I’m scared”he blurted out staring at Stanley before looking back at his mom..


“Something is missing from me!!!”he spoke out louder..


His voice gained the attention of every one..


Rocky walked past me towards Ted in haste and he stood up with blood shed eyes..


“What’s wrong Ted???”she asked worriedly…


“I’m feeling like something left me..”he replied.. and mom Rocky gasped… This feeling may be because of sister… My mom and Rocky have always been a strong believer of fate.. Soulmate and true love… Mom had told me once before that some people who are lucky to find their soulmate have a stronger bound… Sometimes, they feel one another’s pain… Nah!!!! I don’t believe in such tremendous believes.. “I’m feeling dizzy!!!”Ted muttered and Rocky stepped back away looking frightened…


“Ted!!!!”his mom held him tightly crying out loud….


“Something is missing from me.. A big part of me”he groaned in pain.. holding my heart…


Ooohhh!!!! My God….


Ted is Eliska’s soulmate…


‘Please God protect my sister… Don’t take her away from us….’i murmured closing


my eyes briefly before opening them again..


By the time I opened my eyes again.. Ted was holding unto Stanley..


“You cared and you just stood here???”Ted asked…


“It’s a promise not to leave her side brother”he answered


“Better don’t break the promise”Ted warned Stanley and he smiled..


“Ahhhhh!!!!”Ted shouted..


And fear filled my heart…


“She’s important Hughhh”Ted asked.. He looked suspicious of Stanley’s attitude.. Even though I’m scared of losing my sister.. I’m also scared for the future if Ted finds out about her relationship with Stanley like this…


“She’s important to you… Protecting her is like redeeming for my sins… It’s my way of appologizing for swapping your dog”Stanley replied… But I could clearly see the love in his eyes..


Ted seems to believe his lie…


“I forgive you”Ted whispered immediately,the door swinged open…


As nurses walked out before the doctor walked out… His facial expression is alarming…


“How is she doctor???”I asked rushing to him…


“Two bullets pierced deeper than the others… We did our possible best for her but..”he shook his head…


“But what????”Aunt Rocky asked in panic


“I’m sorry… But we couldn’t save her…”Ted suddenly collapsed interrupting the doctor..


His mother rushed to him as some nurses assisted to move him to a ward nearby.. Stanley and I stood side by side with the doctor speechless “Do you mean she’s dead????”I asked


“She’s practically Dead… Though we left her on a life supporting machine…” “How can you jump into conclusion that she’s dead so soon…”Stanley shouted at the doctor as my mom and aunt Rocky came back before others walked back one after the other


“With all the experience of working… It’s in your best interest to bid farewell to her.. Putting her on a life supporting machine won’t revive her at all..”


“Shut the f**k up!!!”Stanley shouted rushing to punch the doctor and I also rushed forward to block him the same time as his father..


Aunt Rocky was already sobbing heavily her head on my mother’s shoulder..


“Move her to a private ward… Give her all the necessary treatment she needs.. she


will wake up soon”Stanley spoke up confidently…


His blood shed eyes frightened the doctor and he nodded and walked away after


giving instructions to few nurses…


Some were already in tears, while some stood quietly staring at one another..


“How’s Ted???”Stanley finally asked..


“He’s unconscious”Raissa answered…


“They both need each other to heal another”My mom spoke up….


“What do you mean???”Ted’s dad asked…


“I’ve explained to your wife. I’m a believer of old fate… Though I’m a Catholic…


Ted and Eliska are Soulmate.. He collapsed because he felt either weak or


dizzy..”my Mom explained…


“So if she dies.. Will my son die???”Ted’s dad asked…


“For God sake father she won’t die.. No body is f**king dieing here….”Stanley




“I just need to know… He’s my son”his father interjected


“Not really.. But if she dies a big part of your son will die as well… A strong void


will fill his body.. it’ll take time for him to recover.. even though he does recover,


he’ll never be the same again”


“My daughter won’t die!!!”Aunt Rocky shouted in tears..


We rushed to Eliska’s side as four nurses wheeled her away from the operating


room into a VIP ward..


“Please you can’t go in”a blonde girl blocked Stanley…


He pulled her out and rushed inside ignoring the nurses warning…


“He claims he’s not in love!!!”I murmured to myself…


“I’ve never seen him rough handle any lady before… He rather, flirts with


ladies”His father spoke up…


“I’m not surprised”I answered his father and he flashed me a weak smile…..


He’s crazily in love with his brother’s best friend…




It’s been 72 fustrating hours of my life…


Stanley bursted Finn’s nose yesterday during a heated argument which started because Finn demanded to see Eliska.. He asked Stanley to give him some privacy but Stanley told him to f**k away… Everything happened so fast that we had to drag Stanley off Finn.. He nearly punch that dude to death… He barely said a word to anybody.. Nor has he eaten anything…


He showers in the private bathroom..


He only steps out when the nurse are attending to Eliska..


The hospital have been crowded with well wishers and some of our household




Seppe had been torturing the hostage but he hasn’t said anything meaningful to us..


nor did he reveal the name of the person who he worked for…


But he made something clear that they were sent to kill Finn Thomas…


Finn had called up his private investigator to investigate the matter further…


Ted has not woken up yet.. His condition is pretty strange… His heart beat was


decreasing each day that passes by…. His mother, father and Raissa hadly left his




Aunt Rocky has been fasting and praying for an improvement…


Joanna has been a supportive shield in my life… She did her best in keeping me


sane and maintaining my sound mind….


I’m very concerned for Stanley… He becoming paler each day that passes by..


“He’s the most affected person here but everybody here fails to understand him..


Glad you do”his sister Raissa whispered sitting next to me..


“He loves her!!!”I whispered back


“Of course he does.. But she’s obviously in love with his friend”Raissa answered


She’s may not be… I have a hunch that she’s still crazily in love with him… She


loved him alot..


“I’m worried about Stanley.. At this rate, he may end up collapsing”She said…


“He’s a strong man.. How is Ted???”I asked changing the topic…


“The same old tale… No improvement..”she replied


“Ooohhh!!!! I hope he gets better soon… I should probably check on my sister and


Stanley”I said and she hugged me and walked away…


I sighed as I opened the door…


I halted as I saw Stanley sobbing quietly, his head bowed down sitting next to




I forced my foot as I walked up to him…


He seems to have noticed my presence as he became suddenly quiet…


I pulled a chair next to him…


“She’s a fighter”I whispered after kissing her forehead..


“Hmm!!!!”he hummed


“I know you still love her.. I know the chemistry between you two… I was with her


when you broke up with her…. I’m not trying to refresh your memory to the past..


But to assure you that I’m here for you and you can confined in me..”I patted his




His though expression slowly fade away as the volunerable and weakness crept up


on his face and I hugged him tightly…


“She’s very precious to me.. she has always been and will always be…”he breathed




“I keep telling myself that she was gonna wake up.. I keep singing the same thing


to those damn nurses and doctors that refuse to shut their damn mouth.. But every


time I look at her laying on this bed.. I feel confused.. I feel like my heart is failing


gradually.. It scares me…”he explained in a sad tune…


“I understand”I replied..


“Just don’t loose faith.. The moment you do… Everything will end… We will loose


her if you give up now”I said to him and he nodded his head before looking back at




“I can’t wait for her to boss me around… I’m a very stubborn fella”he chuckled




“You will be hard to control…”I stated and he chuckled….


“Nah!!! I’ll give her though time… I’ll piss her off alot and have my way with her.. I


tease her.. sometimes I’ll try to turn her on and sometimes I’ll just ignore her…” He


expressed his yearnings with a genuine smile plastered on his face


“She’s a hard nut.. hard to crack”I chipped in…


“I thought you will say impossible to crack… She’s a goddess.. She runs the world


the way it pleases her.. But she cares alot for her best friend and family… She


treasure relationship… I like that about her… She stay true to any commitment even


when the circumstances which she made the commitment have change…”


“A lady of integrity.. I second the motion”I added…


“Please open your eyes lisy… I miss your cold and strict attitude towards


me”Stanley said cupping Eliska’s cheeks…


“I miss her bright and genuine smile.. The Mansion is empty without her… I miss


sharing elevator with her.. I miss her hamburger she makes… Gosh!!! I can literally


recall it’s taste… Most especially her breakfast vanilla cream cake with a faint


strawberry flavor…”I paused…


“I’ve stolen a piece of her cake before and the taste was unique.. The vanilla flavor


mixed with strawberry was superb…”Stanley added..


“Open your eyes sleeping beauty…”Stanley urged her kissing side of her lips




“Did you get any information from that goon???”he suddenly asked…



“No… But he’s been tortured… Though he clarified that they were hired to kill Finn and not her”I answered…


“Can you bring him here discreetly????”he asked “Why????”I questioned ignoring his question


“I want to interrogate him myself…”he answered “I’ll make arrangements…”I replied…. “I hope he opens up quickly”I added…


“He surely won’t stay a mute after I’m done with him.. I’ll do anything within my power to make him speak and then I’ll make sure I personally send that bastard who hired him to hell”Stanley bellowed…


“I thought you promised not to leave her side????”I questioned


“Yeah I did!!! But I won’t sit idle and let the bastard responsible for her condition roam around freely.. What if he strikes again???”he asked “She clearly wasn’t the target”I pointed out..


“She may or may not have been the real target of their tasks.. But Finn still walks around town freely and he’s still alive and unharmed… My hunch tells me that she may not have been the target at this first task.. But she is the major target in this bullshit… I won’t sit idle anymore Daniel.. This is a battle…”


“You do have a point.. hope we’re not misreading this thing too much”


“I’ve never been wrong with my assumptions before.. But we do need a plan B.. should in case in kill that culprit if he doesn’t speaks up”Stanley said with a death glare that frightened me…


“You’ve thought this through I assume???”


“Of course I did… I did not sit here for nothing..”Stanley confirmed “Alright!!! Share the plan”I encouraged him


“Lisy, has lots of enemies… Especially now that she’s the richest spinster in the whole wide world… Your sister told me about the issues she had with the golden land.. And I believe you know alot about this issue”he asked


“I do.. uncle Zak, the bank manager, and the governor are the flocks involved” “Her uncle is too Brook to hire those henchmen.. The governor cannot target his own son especially when Finn is his favorite that leaves us with this bank manager.. He’s been awfully too quite and acts less interested in her success” “He’s a nice guy.. I don’t think he has a hand in all this mishap”


“There you’re wrong.. He’s the biggest suspect in this mishap.. People like him are to be feared and not respected nor valued.. He’s my prime suspect until proven otherwise”



“She do have many enemies and competitors in the business firm”I pointed out trying to prove a point


“They would have not targeted Finn first.. Your sister would have been dead or in comma”He fired


“Hmmmm!!!!”I was rendered speechless because he do have a point


“Finn isn’t related to her business.. He’s father also aspired to lay claim on that land.. These three men are eager to get back this land.. But Zak is already out of the game.. lock behind bars.. his wife is roaming around for support… His children will strike back someday but not now.. Thomas won’t target his own son for the land, rather, he’ll convince his son to marry Lisy.. And scheme his way to get ownership of the land.. But this bank manager, he wants to cut the Hawks wings so he can’t fly when he attacks the bird and claim it’s nest”Stanley analyzed.


“You’re a genius dude!!! I’ve racked my brain for so many days but I have not been able to analyze anything… You really are a smart genius”I praised him…


Like seriously, this guy is f**king smart.. I can’t blame my sister for falling in love with him…


“I need a favor from you”he spoke up…


“Anything man!!!”I replied


“I need you to get my laptop.. I want to know every f**king information about this bank manager.. please, can you fetch my system for me???”he asked


“Of course man.. I also have an article about him that may be of help to you…”I replied and he smiled..


A forceful and sad smile..


He help Eliska’s hands as he kissed it gently before bringing it to his heart.. “This torture is too much for me Lisy.. making out with Finn is better than this punishment.. I rather watch you with another guy that makes you happy and treats you like a queen than watch you lay lifelessly in this damn bed.. I’m sorry in advance… I’m gonna break my promise but I promise to kill that wanker responsible for your condition… Please wake up… Not for me anymore but for people that love and cherish you.. I hate to admit this but Finn is a mess lisy, Ted’s unconscious.. Finn loves you lisy, I may have hinder him from staying longer when he visited you but he’s greatly affected.. You love him come back for him.. Don’t give up.. Fight harder.. it’s easy to win but difficult to fail.. Choose the easy part and wake up.. Kick my ass for beating your lover so badly, I won’t complain but don’t give up without a fight.. You may have lost once lisy, but you’ll not loose a second time.. You need to live to fight another day.. You have many unfinished battle to conquer.. But first conquer this barrier hindering you from coming back.



This world is a cruel world sweetie, but only cowards hide in comfort zone.. You’re smart and brave.. You’re a lioness protect your cub..”he paused and kissed her forehead..


I was touched by his words.. His faith was astonishing.. His eyes were filled with love and saddness..


What kind of man is Stanley Koppel???


He never seems to amaze me…


My phone beeps bringing me out of my thoughts…


“Hello”I spoke up


“Young sir, The culprit has fleed sir”seppe spoke up and I hanged up angrily…


“What the hell!!!!”I cursed angrily


“He escaped didn’t he???”Stanley asked..


“Yeah!!! How did you know???”I couldn’t stop myself from asking…


“I guessed, He couldn’t have escaped your tight security without a help.. There’s a snitch amongst your men..”


“How can you say a thing like that??”I asked in disbelief…


“Listen Daniel, These thugs crashed your party even though your security was very tight.. Don’t you ever wonder how they by passed your guards.. and how they we’re unnoticed.. Only a snitch who knows every nook and crannies of that hall could have led them in unnoticed..”he explained…


“We hired new men for the control room a week before the event.. But funny enough only one of them was unharmed.. Some were bruised or unconscious when we found them..”I confirmed…


quickly dailed seppe’s number…


“Young sir”he answered


“I need you to discreetly escort Jon to the hospital.. Bring him here at any cost but discreetly..”I instructed and hanged up


“Whoever hired him will silence Jon before you capture him except he did not escort the culprit out of the mansion”Stanley spoke up resting his back on his chair and closed his eyes…


“Any idea”I found myself asking…


“Send for my laptop.. it’s with my sister”he ordered..


I quickly texted Justin to collect his laptop from Raissa.. “I’ve done that.. What next????”I asked anxiously


“Be patient!!! I need a nap now!!!”he murmured


“You can’t be serious.. How can you take a nap when the house is on fire”I asked angrily…



“Manners gentle man. If I need a nap.. then don’t disturb me.. I’ve analyzed alot of things you couldn’t have done even with your hot temper..”he fired harshly at me.. I stood up and headed for the door..


“I think in peace.. I don’t wanna miss any clue.. I don’t wanna make a wrong move.. A calm mind helps me with good strategy”he whispered with his eyes closed…


“Jon may not be the only snitch.. If he’s dead then have it in your mind that he was not the only snitch.. Be discreet and vigilant”he added


“I’m sorry!!!”I whispered back as I stepped outside and close the door..


My phone beeps again as soon as I sat down.. “Young sir, Jon is dead”he spoke up “Where did you find his corpse????”I asked


“Few blocks away from the mall”seppe replied.. and I sighed


“Call the cops and send some men to the hospital… Come with them”I instructed and hanged up


“Daniel”Finn called my name walking closer to meet me “I heard what happened”he added


“Jon is a snitch.. He was found dead”I responded “He’s not the only snitch then”he replied “Yeah!!! Stanley said the same thing”I confirmed “Speaking of him, is he in???”he asked “Yeah!!!”I replied…


“I wonder why he never leaves her side.. He should be using his smart brain to figure out the culprit”


“That’s what he’s doing.. He’s smart”


“Smarter than you can imagine”Finn confirmed


“I miss her alot”Finn whispered sitting next to me resting his head in the wall…


“Hey!!! Why did you asked for Stanley’s laptop????” Raissa asked interrupting us..


“Stanley requested for it”I replied..


“Okay!!! I’ll head inside to give it to him”she walked away


“I wonder why he needs his laptop and not make use of his brain”Finn muttered “Laptop can do what he’s brain cannot do”I answered


“Nah!!! I think Stanley want to analyze his assumptions.. That guy’s brain works


faster than his laptop..”Finn replied


“Your wounds are healing faster”


“Hmm… Still can’t believe my best friend beats the crap out of me.. She saved my life.. He’s right, I should be in her position”Finn groaned



“Finn, Dan.. My brother request your presence immediately”Raissa shouted and we rushed inside with her


“Check this video”Stanley spoke up turning his laptop to out view…


I could clearly see how Jon helped that thug to escape.. There was also a strange guy who tossed a bag to Jon..


“That guy is the main snitch”Stanley paused the video at the strange guy.. But he was backing the camera…


“How do we recognize this man??”I asked “His walking steps”Stanley answered “How did you get this video???”Finn asked


“I sent Raissa and Ema to plant bugs in the mansion..”Stanley replied “Smart move bro”Finn praised him and Stanley frowned at him..


“No fighting big brother.. We need to concentrate here”Raissa interjected Stanley played the video over and over and over again… As we all tried to capture the strange guy’s walking steps..


“Boss!!!!”Seppe knocked


“Come in”Stanley replied closing the laptop


“I’ve brought the men you asked for”Seppe spoke up “Why????”Stanley asked me “For protection”I responded


“That’s good”Finn replied


“Wrong move!!!”Stanley interjected..


And we all gave him a questioning look..


“Step outside Seppe”Finn ordered and Seppe obeyed..


“Tightening the security will only cause unnecessary attention.. it may lead to greater risk.. Anyway, we can take advantage of this opportunity and watch their walking steps as they go back home”Stanley suggested “Brilliant brother”Raissa cheered…


We all stepped outside, watching them as they walked back downstairs…


I noticed a similar walking step from two of men… Jonna and Justin…




“Justin”Raissa spoke up..


“The other guy next to Seppe”Finn spoke up.. “That’s Jonna”I replied to Finn and he nods.. “I think it’s both of them”I added


“Okay then. Let’s keep an eye on them”Stanley said “You did not give your opinion”I pointed out


“Because I have no idea..”Stanley replied


“Really????”Raissa asked…


“I just need to watch the video again to confirm something.. because i feel Seppe


may be the real culprit”


“Seppe has been my sister’s bodyguard for long now… Seppe, Jasper, Oskar and




“He was always with her every time she goes out with Finn.. He also tortured that


thug.. He was supposed to be on guard when the thug escaped.. unfortunately, it


was easy for him to find Jon’s dead body”Stanley explained…


“Let’s just rewatch the video”Raissa suggested as we walked back quietly…


“Sir, Ted is missing”Oskar half yelled and we ran back inside…


© Winner Godwin and


Grace Aghedo


August 2019


All rights reserved








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