Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Graces POV????????????????????
I can’t believe this… I’m so gonna ruin Jane….
???? Grace relax, it’s not what you think… This manaic here..” Jane was saying when I cut her short…
???? shut up you crook… I’ll so deal with you..” I said and slapped her..
Felix stopped me…
???? Grace enough.. Don’t hurt her..” He said shocking me..
???? what?? Felix wat r u saying??” I asked surprised
???? I’m sorry Grace, I don’t love you… I… I love Jane” he said and I froze
???? ok, I’m not in love with any one, just stop this, I’m outta..” She was saying about to leave when I dragged her back with her hair….
???? come back here crook, you asshole, you’ve finally succeeded in stealing my guy huh” I said slapping her as Felix tries pushing me away….
“????????????” Jane slapped me three times…
???? enough Grace, no one dares harass me…” She said while Felix tried calming me
???? you dare slap me?? I’m gonna tell everyone your secret… And for you Felix, I’ll make your life miserable till my grave” I said and ran out and jane followed me….
???? I won’t let you expose me grace no way” Jane said as I entered carols car and zoomed off, Jane entered hers and zoomed off too… Following me
Carol’s POV????????????????????
We were on our way to the garage where our cars were packed…
???? guys, did you see grace anywhere, she can help us with our plan you know” I said…
We’ve planned already and Alice has gone to Lucas’s room to try and beg him…
Now, I can’t find Grace hope she’s fine…
???? we haven’t, we better head home” Celine said and stopped short starring at the sharp texture of wheels on the floor…
???? what are these, looks like Lucas has gone already” she said, I glanced around.. Lucas car was still there, then whose car is missing?? Its… It’s mine!!
???? no Celine, that’s not Lucas’s car, it’s mine!?, my car is missing.. Oh heavens… My car” I said screaming while the girls came around to comfort me…
???? it’s ok carol, we’ll find it” Rita said
???? but who will take your car?” Celine asked no one in particular
???? have you tried Calling mich, call him first” Rachel said and I took my phone…
???? hello mich, my car is missing, come here right away..” I said to mich over the phone..
???? what?? Ok candy, I’m on my way” he said and hung up
Grace’s POV????????????????????
I was driving fast heading to our house⛲???? with jane following me, when it hit me, how can miss carol be at home and her car at the wedding venue…
If her car is there, means, she’s still there!! Oh dear, I gotta go back, lemme Just go straight to Lucas’s room, lemme tell him the truth first and try calming him down….
I made a u-turn and headed back to the wedding venue Jane turned too and continued following me…
Alice’s POV????????????????????
I barged into lucas room and saw him parking his stuff…
???? Lucas, are you leaving??” I asked…
???? what does it look like huh.. Get outta my room Alice, I don’t wanna see ya again… Get out!” He snapped zipping his bag up…
???? lucas plss, yes, I was a lesbian, that was then, even before I came to calli, before I met you lucas, you changed my life, lucas plss don’t leave me I love you” I cried begging him on my knees, but he kicked me away, opened the door and barged out heading to his car…. I followed me begging…
???? lucas pls just listen to me plss” I begged holding his hands but he flinched it away, opened his car entered and drove off with speed
Grace’s POV????????????????????
Few munites earlier*******
After a rough driving, I finally lost Jane’s car, I drove straight to Lucas’s room, an idea struck me as I saw his car parked outside… I came outta Carol’s car and ran as fast as I could, open the boot of his car and entered, went to the back sit and his there…
Just then he entered and started driving with speed…
As soon as we were on the lonely quiet road, he was still driving with speed when I came outta my hiding place and sat down…
???? Lucas..” I called and he slowed down a bit, surprised…
???? what are you doing here grace, hw did you get in” he asked….
???? it’s a long story, but plss listen to me first, Alice is innocent… It was all a planned scheme by jane, she loves Alice and…” I was saying when he caught me short with a shout…
???? SHUT UP!!! I’M NOT GONNA BE FOOLED AGAIN” he shouted, then suddenly hit a parked car and it’s part broke….
???? chill lucas, look what you’ve done” I said and the owner of the car came out…
????What the hell…,come down here, look what you’ve done to my car…” He said…
But instead of Lucas to stop, he reversed his car and started driving back …
????lucas??” I was saying when….
PUFFFF!!!!????????????????✳….was all I heared and I blacked out unconscious…
Hint… Thier card exploded!!!!!
Jane’s POV????????????????????
This grace thinks she can get pass me… Fine, I’ll make sure I’ll kill Lucas before she gets to talk….
I took out the bomb remote and switched it on, it started counting…. 5 4 3 2 1…. Exploded was written and I heaved a sign of relief.. At least wherever Lucas is now, he’s dead!!!…
Yeah… I planted a bomb in Lucas’s car…..
????Now it’s time to find Alice and kidnap her… She’s mine…” I said to myself and started looking for Alice….
Carol’s POV????????????????????
Mich finally arrived with the guys
???? what happened candy,” he asked…
???? what took you so long.. My car is missing” I complained ..
???? ok relax, let’s go to the security and check the CCTV”he said and we all went there….

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