Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Felix’s POV????????????????????



I was on my way to micheal’s house⛲???? when I sighted Jane walking through the streets angrily…


I had to stop my car…


???? Jane, are you okay”I asked


???? I’m fine Felix, drive on” she said rudely


???? common Jane, it’s visible on your face, you’re not ok,you can tell me the problem, I’m good at helping people out you know” I said smiling


???? Felix or whatever???????? you’re called, let me be kk.. If I had problems, I would solve it myself.. I don’t need your help… Get your sorry ass outta here” she said rudely and left… I drove off too.



I arrived at Mich’s house⛲???? and rang the door bell then after one munites grace came to open the door…

Just the sweetheart I came to see…


Immedietly she recognized I was the one, she raised up the stairs…


I approached the guys at the living room, they all heaved a sign of relief seeing I was the one…. Wiered…


???? pls next time, call to tell us you’re coming, and pls don’t play this game of blackmailing next time, it almost caused trouble between Alice and Lucas” mich fired and I stood confused..


???? just what are you talking about??”I asked


????well someone delivered a letter saying, Alice is his and she should tell the bitch of her husband to be that she’s his” carol explained while mich carrased her hair…


????huh??,Alice do you have any idea of who will do that??” I asked and she shook her head negatively and looking scared…


Just then Lucas walked out while Alice followed… Trouble…


Just then I noticed carol and mich…


???? are you guys ok??” I asked..


???? why Felix?? Don’t we look ok??”mich asked holding carol to himself…


???? well wait.. Don’t tell me you two are…”I was saying


????call it whatever???????? Felix, I and mich are couples”Carol said…


????Awwn, I’ll be right back.. Enjoy”I said and went to grace apartment cos I knew she would b there and I was right…



Lucas’s POV????????????????????



I just can’t believe what I’m hearing….


Who the hell is Alice cheating on me with?? And why??


Why didn’t he speak up since and it’s now that we’re getting married…


Alice came in…


????baby,,don’t tell me you’re tripping”she said and I ignored her…


???? baby..” She said and bent in front of me facing me as I was sitted on the bed…


I ignored her and read the letter aloud…


????tell your bitch of a husband that you’re mine”I said


???? Lucas..” She called slowly


????Wow,he has manners huh… Y didn’t he speak up since?, how could you cheat on me Alice? And how did it happen? If you didn’t love me, you should have told me alice” I said tryna suppress my anger… She began laughing..


???? you think it’s funny huh??” I asked getting angry


She carrased my face…


????Baby,you shouldn’t be tripping over things like this, I’m a pretty girl, of course guys I rejected back then will do thier best to stop our wedding, don’t fall into thier trap”she said and it hit me… I should have thought of that..


???? really Alice, so you didn’t cheat on me??” I asked to be sure..


???? I didn’t… I love you Lucas, you should know that”she said and I smilled, kissed her and stood up..

We hugged ourselves..


???? let’s join the others downstairs”I said and we came downstairs…





Grace’s POV????????????????????



I went to my apartment to think..

That Jane of a person is a wicth, after failing to gain micheal, she wants to steal my boyfriend!!


She better be careful,cos I’m not just a simple girl she could toil with, I will deal with her if she tries rubbish with me… Felix is mine and mine alone!!


I’ll have to start investigating about her, I have to know one of her greatest secret… Something I could hold her down with…


Just then Felix came in…


???? My love” he called and held me from the back kissing my neck…


????Felix,let me be, you’ve fallen into the trap of that witch and you don’t see it as an offence huh?”I asked and he faced me smiling


????sweety,you should know me by now, I didn’t fall into her trap, I was just comforting her, and by that, I had to make her feel special.. I love you and no one else kk”he said and I felt secured… Nevertheless, I’ll do my investigation


???? it better stay like that… I won’t let that woman take you away from me Felix”I said carresing his chest and he smilled..


We got kissing, then dip kissing,






Then he carrased my boobs then began fondling it..


It felt good.. Things got to an extent, so we made love to each other…



Micheal’s POV????????????????????


We are in the garden, me and carol, Alice and Lucas…

Planning Alice’s wedding,then I noticed Felix has disappeared


????Has anyone seen felix??” I asked…


???? yeah that’s right, his car is still parked here”Alice added


????Wiered,where could he have wondered off to?” Lucas said as we glanced around


????Guys,did we even ask Felix why he came to the house⛲??????”carol ask and our eyes widened…


That’s true…

We didn’t ask him


???? Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s doing just fine, wherever he is”carol said and we shrugged..


???? Baby look, many people are interested in our wedding Lucas”Alice said happily,


Thank God that didn’t cause a havoc and they are ok now…


???? I bet the church will be filled, we better fix screens to those outside so they can still watch”carol said


???? good idea Carol”Lucas said


???? Yeah, it’s really gonna be great.. After you two wed, then it’s our turn”I said and carol punch???? me playfully and we all laughed…


???? Phew!! Let’s just hope the person who sent that letter won’t cause a havoc at the wedding and everything goes well”Lucas said,


????Excuse me guys”alice said and left with her phone….



.Alice audery’s POV????????????????????



I went to the rest room close to an apartment in mich compound.. Where I was sure no one would know or hear me and called Jane, she picked up immedietly…


????baby love, xup.. Did you see my letter and decide to change your mind??” Jane said


????You bitch!! Stay away from my life, whatever???????? your plans are, better stop..”I fired…


???? Oh my gosh!! I thought you’ve changed your mind bby, alice, whatever???????? you do, you won’t stop my plans… Await your biggest shock at the wedding, let’s see if your God forsaken husband will still marry you”she said and I became scared…


???? Jane.. Jane stop! Tell me you are talking rubbish and you’re just kidding plss.. Don’t ruin my life if you really love me really”I begged and she laughed over the phone


???? Alice you have one solutions to all your problems, just come back to me”she said..


????Never!!!”I screamed


????fine!! Then prepare to loose your love life!!”she said and hung up…


???? bitch!!”I cursed about to cry and turned back only to see grace starring at me shocked!!!


???? Did I hear all that right???”she asked and I froze….



I’m finished!!!!

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