Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Chapter 7












Desmond’s POV




Don’t worry guys, you will thank me later for this” I said as I start working on the system trying to look for more info cause I don’t trust this Seunnzzy.


This wasn’t my plan in the first place but I had to change it when I heard about the plan cause it’s more like suicide mission.


Before I came for this mission I already looked into the name Chronicoms to know more about what I’m up against.


It’s good to know your enemies before you go after them or else you will be an unnecessary sacrifice.


I looked more into it but didn’t have that much of an info other than, Chronicoms being smart and intelligent.


When Seunnzzy also explained more about them I knew this isn’t going to be a very easy task, maybe the most dangerous task.


I knew we need to be smarter but I know we can’t be smarter than them then we have to use our advantage as human.



If you’re not smart enough then you have to be cunny, there are so many ways to beat an opponent.


Since then I’ve been devicing a plan to counter their knowledge, I thought they are going to let me make the plan I guess I was wrong.


But instead they made a foggy one which I know we are not going to survive cause our opponent are intelligent.


I know I’m the least of them and if anyone’s going to die first if will be me and I’m not gonna let that happen.


We may have supernatural power but they have brains and no power can defeat brain which is why I did what I did.


If they go with their plan I might as well be the first person to die cause the plan itself is suicidal and the task won’t even be completed, So it’s a waste of time and life.


The elect shock I gave them will only lasted three hours, at least that should be enough for me to gather enough info


When Seunnzzy told me I’ll be working along with some people on this, I planned to know more about them.


It’s good to know your enemies even your friends because when the times comes, It’s going to be very useful.


Since I got here all of them have been giving me a serious shock on their own, I mean who the hell create a Portal.


And also a boy that can turn into a lion, and a little girl with so much power, and a multi-billionaire well designed cyborg.


When I knew what I’m getting myself into I planned to know more about all of their powers which is why I fought with the little girl.



And last night when we were together The lady Bisera suggested that we all know more about our power.


I was very happy she brought it up cause that’s exactly what I wanted, if I asked they would actually know exactly what I’m up to.


They started sharing their stories and I made sure I asked each and everyone of them their potentials.


When Junior and his wife told me they can read minds, my heart skipped thinking that they could know what I’m up to.


So when I realized that their was a flop in the plan and they all agreed to it and there’s nothing I can do to change their minds.


I went back to my bunker and bring out some of my new found toys, it’s a syth nerve shock I called it SNS.


I synchronized it with my wrist watch which enables me to activate it easily.


Then I think of a way to get close to them and place it on them, I realized even if I wanted to do this Junior and his wife could easily read my mind and stop me.


Then I set my wrist watch to defibrillator mode which delivers a dose of electric current to my heart.


With disturbance in my system it will prevent both of them getting access to my mind, I placed the SNS in John when I helped him with his configuration.


When we were together Junior asked why I was hurting myself and I panicked thinking he’s going to find out but he didn’t.


For me to get close to them and plant the SNS I have to hug them to that, I made up something in order to get close.


I planted the SNS on everyone while hugging them and I couldn’t believe it could be that easy then VOILA they are all on the ground.



The powerful savior of the world took down by one powerless man with a wrist watch, it’s very disappointing.


This people never learn how the world operates and I’m sure I’ll teach them






I was still working on the system when I noticed a movement behind me then I turned to see Seunnzzy and John right back on their feet.


Mr Rolland, what is the meaning of this?” Seunnzzy said.


No no,……..this is not possible, it can’t be…….. you’re supposed to stay down for three hours” I said.


When installing the Anti-EMP device it was to prevent electrical shock….what do you expect?” He said.


Ooops….my bad” I said then tried the shock one more time but it didn’t work.


It can’t work Mr Rolland….. it’s a Synthesis nervous shock…. it’s gonna take three more hours to charge” Seunnzzy said and I know he’s right.


You tricked us” John said pulling out a sword.


Woah…woah, calm down Buddy” I said moving back.


Let him be Mr ThankGod…… let’s wake up others” Seunnzzy said and he stopped then I heave a deep breath.


Pheew, what a weird fella” I said to myself.


Seunnzzy took an electric taser and went the guys one after the other to wake them.


O boy….. this might get ugly”




Author’s POV




Seunnzzy woke them up one after the other using the taser.


Arggg…whaa” junior groan as they woke up then when realised what happened they all turned to Desmond.


Hey guys, I want you all to calm down” Desmond said.


Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t burn you alive” junior said creating a very big fire ball.


Mr Goodluck, please let’s all calm down” Seunnzzy said.


What do you mean calm down?…..this stupid bastard stabbed us in the back” Philip said.


I know he went too far but we need act fast now……we are running out of time” Seunnzzy said.


What did he do to us?” Bisera asked.


He placed a Synthesis nervous shock in us which caused us to lose consciousness” Seunnzzy said.


Take it out now” Philip said.


We can’t not until three hours Later before it can be removed” Seunnzzy said.


Suddenly someone shoot desmond in the chest twice and he fell down, they all turned and see Mary with a gun and eyes turned bloodshot.


Mary, what have you done?” Philip said collecting the gun from her as her eyes returned back to normal.


He deserves that” Mary replied.


Yeah he did but not Killing him” Philip replied.



Mr Rolland…can you hear me?, Mr Rolland” Seunnzzy said checking on him.


Is he still alive?” Bisera said then Desmond groan out then stood up.


Arggg damn” he groan out in pain


Well,… you’re one stubborn son of a b***h” Junior said surprised.


I thought you’re human….. how is this possible?” Joseph asked.


Well that’s because I’m putting on a bullet proof of my own” Desmond said.


Wow, that’s smart” Joseph said then Desmond turned Mary angrily.


You shot me?… tried to kill me” Desmond said stand up on his feet.


Don’t look at me…… it’s not like you don’t deserve it” Mary said which got him more furious.


You silly kid” desmond said advancing towards her.


Stand down, Desmond” Junior said.


Get out of my way, now” Desmond said.


Mr Rolland, why don’t we settle this Later” Seunnzzy said.


Settle this……she just tried to kill me” Desmond said.


Why don’t you just shut the hell up?….. it’s not like you don’t deserve it….you started it” Philip said then Desmond punched him in the face.


Calm down now…….or you won’t like what I’ll do to you” Junior said restraining Desmond.


Get off me” Desmond said pushing Junior away.



How can you get this arrogant man on this team?” Mary said then desmond punched another button on his watch.


The effect cause a loud pitch sound in high frequency which distorted their hearing.


” Arrgghhhhhh” they all screamed in pain.


Junior tried to create a fireball and Desmond increase the frequency which caused them to groan louder.


Mary was able to fight it cause of her demon side and she stood up then Desmond charged at her.


She went full demon mode and punch Desmond hard on the face which sent him to the ground.


Desmond tried to stand up and punch her but she grabbed hold of his hand then gave him the 2-point pinch and he started convulsing.


Mary removed the wristwatch then deactivate it which stopped the pitching sound.


God…..this guy is crazy” Joseph said.


Seunnzzy, why is he here with us?……this shows clearly this man is insane” Bisera asked.


Mr Rolland is always like this when he’s with strangers…… will have to forgive his attitude” Seunnzzy said.


They all turned to Desmond to see him still convulsing on the ground, bleeding from his nose, eyes and ears.


Wait… what’s happening to him?’ ” Bisera asked.


What did you do to him?” Joseph asked facing Mary.



A little trick I grabbed from my aunt……The pinch will stop the flow of blood to the brain and the brain will shut down” Mary said.


Woah….if the brain shut down he will die” Joseph said.


Yeah….. right now he has less than thirty seconds” Mary said.


He might be crazy but he doesn’t deserve to die……not like this” Junior said.


Miss Johnson, you need to reverse this” Seunnzzy said then Mary moved towards him and stop it.


Desmond breathe out heavily in relief as the convulsion stopped.


If we’re going to do this we need to work as a team” Seunnzzy said.


Never, not with someone like him…I won’t have a crazy person watch my back” Mary said.


I second that…… he’s too arrogant, we can win this without him we are more than enough” Bisera said.


Let’s lock him up cause we can’t let anyone mess this up” Philip said.


Do you have a confinement?” Junior asked.


Yes please come with me” Seunnzzy said then they locked him up.


You all are walking into your grave” Desmond said out loud.


You did this to yourself when you did what you did” Junior said.


That’s because there’s a flop in your silly plan…..I was doing you all a favour” Desmond said.


That’s not a favour, that’s wickedness” Joseph said.


That’s because you all are too dumb to notice the error…..who are you people?”


There are other ways to do this?” Junior said and he scoffed.


Other ways, are you outta your mind, Have you no sense at all, You are looking for an easy way in Battle”


You must be kidding me. Well, if you wanna know…..there are no easy way in battle, just hard way” Desmond said.


You’re not fighting for yourself, you’re here to safe the universe, I’ll die to safe the world but can you?”


If you want to save the world and you’re afraid also trying to save yourself you might as not save any”


You’re not chosen to protect yourself in this war, you’re here to protect the world, then how are you going to protect when you don’t have the courage to die for it.


You being powerful is good, but when you’re up against your enemies you need to be smart, you’re not going there to hug or play”


You need to give them your best shot, when you’re facing an opponent, you don’t look how strong or powerful they are”


You exploit their weakness and use it against them, when going against the enemy, being powerful isn’t enough, you need to be cunny as well”


When dealing with people like that you have to give them the element of surprise, there’s nothing honourable in war everyone just want to win cause that’s all that matters”


You think because of your power you stand a chance?…… trust me guys, you don’t stand a chance, not with that silly plan of yours” Desmond said.


If I was your enemy back there I would’ve killed you all because you let your guards down”



Lesson number one, never let down your guards even if they are your friends…….lesson number two don’t underestimate your enemy”


Nice speech dude but you’re not coming still” Joseph said.


Suit yourself fellas….. I’ll rest in my cage, just make sure you write down your home address for me to inform your family of how stupid you are….”


“…… know just in case something unexpected happened……..Happy Journey” Desmond said.


Let’s go guys” bisera said and they left.




As much as I don’t like to say this…..I think he’s right” Bisera said.


Maybe but we can’t let him out……who knows of any other surprises he has…..he treat us as if we are the enemies” Philip said.


We don’t have to let him out…….but we can make use of his plan” Junior said.


Okay what do we do” Mary said.


I, Joseph and Mary are one team and we will create the distraction, while my wife, Seunnzzy and John will sneak in” Junior said.


Philip, you’re to stay here in the control room and be on the lookout for us” Junior said.


Sound Good, Now let’s gear up” Seunnzzy said and they grabbed their weapons and they wore the shield on they head.


Take this, it will allow you to communicate with us all” Seunnzzy Said giving Philip a comm tech.


The time has come, let’s all stick to the plan so we can all come home, no one is dying today… let’s come home with victory” Seunnzzy said.



Mr Goodluck, after you” Seunnzzy said then Junior created a portal.


Wait” John said then he went down on his knees.


The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want”


He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters”


He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake”


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”


Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over”


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever”


AMEN” They chorused.


Let’s Go” John said and they entered the Portal.


















{World In Danger}



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