Wed. Feb 5th, 2025


I heard Prince Adrian had gone to stay in Aberdeen alone

Well it’s time to work my magic

The engagement party was postponed because of him.

But I’m still gonna be engaged to him tonight

Whether he’s willing or not

I got my things into the car and my driver drove me to the airport.

After a few minutes, I was in Aberdeen.

And I located his house.

Well I couldn’t believe he threw me out

I thought he’ll be considerate and let me in since I hardly know places in Scotland.

His guards were bent on throwing me out but I reminded them of who I was.

I threatened to have them dwelt with and they had no choice but to leave me.

Considering the fact that I was his fiancee and they shouldn’t come between us.

I opened the door and walked in.

He was standing there with his phone

Me: I’m back again

He sighed then looked up at the stairs

Then he looked back at me

Adrian : why are you a thorn in my flesh

I walked to him

Me: you made me a thorn. If you aren’t acting so stubborn, I’d be so sweet as ever to you

I placed my hand on his cheek but he pushed me and I groaned

He looked up again and it seems someone is coming.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

He began to pull me

I began to yell at him but he closed my mouth.

He opened a door and pushed me inside then closed the door.

I began to bang on it but soon got tired and my hand was hurting already.

I looked back and saw that he had locked me up in the janitor’s shed

I shouted

I don’t wanna be here

This place is so not comfortable for me

I mean this is where sweaty and gross janitors come to change

This place even stinks.

I tried to open the door but I couldn’t.

I began to cry and I sat down on the floor backing the door.

I brushed my hand into her and my hand touched the huge bump there.

It still hurt a little

My parents told me that when I was younger, I fell from the top of the stairs and hit my head on the stairs repeatedly.

I was so damaged that I went into coma for years and this swell refused to go down.

I had lost my memory and till today I can’t remember anything about my children

I only remember when I woke up in the hospital.

I touched the swell again and removed my hand.

I always made sure my hair was full and long do it wouldn’t be noticed.

I really hate what’s happening now

I don’t want to stay in Birmingham anymore

I’m tired of England

I want Prince Adrian so badly

I bowed my head and tears fell freely.


After I locked her up, I ran upstairs and bumped into Blue.

Me: oh sorry

Blue : why were you running?

I laughed

Blue : it’s already in your room

Me: ohh, massage time

I smiled and we went to my room.

I removed my shirt and laid down on the bed.

She sprinkled the chilling ointment on my back and arms then on her hands.

She then began to rub it in against my body, squeezing and releasing my flesh.

Her hands are pretty soft

She’s a good masseur

My mind drifted from her to Gladys

I became scared again

I don’t want any harm to come to Blue at all.

I wish Gladys will just disappear and I could have my life with Blue, that’s if she’ll let me love her

I looked up to her face as she began to massage my shoulders.

Me: Blue

Blue : yes

She didn’t look at my face but was concentrating on what she was doing

I kept looking at her until she stopped and looked at me

Blue : anything the matter?

Me: yes

Her face changed

Blue : what’s wrong?

Me: there’s something I have to tell you

Blue : what’s that?

Me: let’s go somewhere first

I stood up and wore my shirt

She went to the bathroom and washed her hand

Blue : where are we going?

Me: you like water right?

Blue : yes

Me: would you like to live in a houseboat or a beach house?

Blue : huh? What’s a houseboat?

Me: it’s a house that floats on water like a boat. But it’s usually on one side of the water. Always

Blue : then what’s a beach house?

Me: a beautiful house, situated on a beach.

Blue : wow

I held her hand as we walked out of the house

Me: which would you prefer

Blue : the beach house, definitely

I smiled

I opened the door to my car for her

I went round it and opened mine then entered

Me: let’s go get it then

Blue : get what?

Me: the beach house

Blue : why?

Me: for you to live in with your mother

Blue : what?

I smiled and turned on the car, then drove off.



Adrian wants to buy me a beach house


I can’t believe this

Mother is really going to be happy

But why is he doing this?

Is this what rich guys do for their friends?

Well I’m glad he’s my friend

I can’t wait to tell Audrey everything

And Cindy too.

But I don’t have a phone

Adrian : have you called your friends

Me: no I haven’t, my phone got spoilt

He took a turn and stopped in front of a communication firm

Adrian : I’ll be right back

I nodded and began to watch the streets.

I saw how some kids were running around the stores.

I checked closely

It was a toy store

No wonder

The door opened and he entered with a bag.

He kept it on my lap and closed the door then started the car

Me: what did you buy

Adrian : open it

I opened it and it was a phone

Me: it’s a phone

Adrian : so now you can call your friends

Me: what? Did you buy it for me?

He just smiled and I looked at him

Me: why are you doing this?

Adrian : doing what?

Me: why are you doing all this for me

Adrian : because you’re special. Very special

My eyes got welled up with tears

I blinked and they fell

He looked at me

Adrian : jeez, Blue why are you crying? Stop please

He parked the car and turned to me.

He moved my face with his hand, holding my chin

Adrian : what type of tears are these. Tears of joy?

I laughed and he wiped them off

Adrian : if we continue like this, we won’t get that house today.

He started the car and drove off to the beach.

We contacted the agency responsible for the houses and they sent us an agent.

We began to look at the houses.

Some where close to the water

Some where not that close

Some where in the highlands and had a magnificent view of the ocean

While some were close and still had a great view.


Blue chose the one that was close to the beach and still had a great view

I liked it too.

I ordered the agency to have it renovated, even though it was just fine.

I wanted everything to be new for her.

We went back to her house and her mother returned from the bakery then we broke the news to her

She was happy.

I told them that a moving truck will be there to help them move tomorrow morning.

It was already late and I had to go back home.

I had dinner with them and left.

I wanted to hug Blue before going but I just couldn’t.

I don’t know why

But something tells me that all is not well

I feel like something is wrong.

I drove back home and felt really tired

I wanted to go and sleep when I saw a shoe in the hallway to the left.

Me: jeez, Gladys

I ran to the janitors shed and opened the door.

She was lying down there


I rushed to her and I found out that the room was really hot.

I touched her but she was unconscious

She must have suffocated

I grabbed her and carried her in my arms.

I took her upstairs to a room and placed her on the bed then called a doctor I knew was working in Aberdeen.

I ordered the maids to attend to her before the doctor arrives.

I went to my room and showered.

I wore my shirt and trousers then went to the room where she was

The doctor had revived her and she was sleeping soundly with a drip down her arm.

I shook hands with the doctor and paid him then he left.

I looked around

This was the room where Blue had dressed up.

Her things were still here

I arranged them all then had the maids put them into bags.

I’ll give them back to her tomorrow.

I saw a bracelet on the dressing table

I walked there and took it.

I’ve seen this on Blue before.

I clutched it in my fingers and walked to my room.

I kept it beside my bed and went to get water.

When I came back, I thought I saw something glowing beside my bed.

It glowed brightly then stopped

I was shocked

I went there and didn’t see anything

And the bracelet I kept there was gone

I rubbed my eyes

The bracelet was really gone

What happened?


Was it the bracelet that glowed and disappeared?

Or I’m I hallucinating?

To Be Continued

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