Thu. Oct 17th, 2024











“did you see anything??


“I warned you not to come closer”


I said,i can’t even look into his face, when am not high.


He kept on looking at me quietly…


Gaaad,I might have irritate him with the smell of my period flow.


He tried looking into my face properly, I look away.


“I’m sorry,it’s smelling right?? I asked..


He smiled and and moved closer,


he went for my nighty zipper and wanted to pull it down.




“umm sir,am not wearing something good underneath,I know you don’t want your eyes to go blind.Leave my zip,I will do it myself in the washroom” I said.


“I never complained” he said.


I got scared….


I was only wearing my singlet without bra, a very short bumbershort…how do I stop him?


I think,he pull it down faster and made my nighty fall to the ground. I felt as if I was naked in front of him, am not use to wearing this type of thing around people.



“as old as you are,you’re still wearing Cinderella singlet” he said.


I covered my pink nipples that stuck out hardly to my singlet.


“I want to see” he pouted and took my hands away,he kissed my eyes.



“stay still,I will go get sanitaries”


I heard him say.


I nodded and took my hands around my singlet, wishing I could cover both my br**st and laps at the same time…


I turned slightly,he had already wore a white round neck top.


I still can’t believe Royal is doing all this to me…I taught he would take


advantage of my innocence.


The world’s favorite…


is he this caring?????


I tightened my hold on my singlet and watch him do some things on one of his phones.



“You’re shy…..


models do wear clothes more worst like this. What if you’re a model? he asked and gazed on my laps.



“sirrrr” I said,he sat on the bed,his hairs fell forward,giving him sweet appearance.



“what sanitary do you use? he asked.


“always” I replied.


He nodded and didn’t ask me anything afterwards.





Someone knocked at the door,


“come in” royal said.


“okay sir” the female voice said and entered.She looks young,maybe the same age with me and she was carrying two large boxes. she greeted Royal,


he ignored her.



“please,come” she said to me.


“ma’am follow me” she bowed.


it stucked on me that she was talking to me,I followed her quietly to the large washroom.



“Please,to enjoy our service…


I will treat your skin to your taste that you will always want the service of


our company everyday and all of the time” she speaks faster and bent


beside the jacuzzi in the washroom.


She mixed a soapy bath,


next she opened one of the box and brought out three different shower bath with the word “naturals”,she added them into my bath. Lastly,she brought out the cream,it was inserted in a glassy material,she kept them quietly on the washroom stand alongside with a pack of sanitary pad I’ve never heard of.




“your receipt” she handed me a paper, I opened it….



“he likes spending too much…..I hope you like him like he does? the lady




“is he your boyfriend? she asked and added milk into my bath.


“why are you adding milk into my bath?? I changed question and pretend as if I don’t know why.


“you are pretty” she said and left.


I lock the door and lock the curtains also….


I took off my clothes and entered the bath. It feels so cold but it was felt cool. I wrapped a towel and replaced the towel.I applied the cream.



“done” I called the lady.


“there on the stand,I already set your undergarments” she replied.


I look at where she mentioned and saw them, I wore them alongside with the pad…


the undergarments were soooo uncomfortable.


I wrapped my towel and opened the door,she came in and pull out a chair I


sat down,she handled my hair.


“you must be feeling cold” she said.


“yes,is it because of the cream? I asked.


“yeah,that’s how to works” she said.



“did Royal say you should do all this” I asked.


“it’s my work,he paid me online” she replied.I kept quiet.


She polish my nails and unwrapped some clothes.


She left afterwards.



Do I even have a choice?


I shrugged and wore it,


I stayed in for a while,


How will I face Royal?? I


thought and dragged the top down to cover my laps a bit.I entered the


room,he was sitting on the couch and was on a call. I sat on the bed…


his calls was taking long,I was waiting to tell him thank you but I doze off….



in sleep,I felt my body was adjusted properly on the bed,I was covered well,my hairs were braided into one so as to prevent disturbance,


I was kissed each time I felt menstral pain disturbing me….


I felt relaxed again and slept peacefully.









Mira p.o.v



Lilly walked into our longue with some blank expressions. I already know something is wrong with the way she walked in.



“I push Krishna away I didn’t know I push her to Royal…I think I need to stop pitying her. She’s a disaster and a bad luck” Lilly snorted.


“Sir zayn already cancelled eviction. You can imagine Royal buying pad for Krishna” Lilly exaggerated.



“why not expose Krishna since she’s a commoner? I suggested. “Yea,tagging her a disaster and spilling out her identity will make her run away from dice high” Angel said.



“Your dad owns dice as you wish” I said.


“I know but she’s already friends with almost all of five stars bands and besides,I don’t want to wicked her whenever royal is around. Royal can only take me back if only I can stop bullying. He’s punishing me because he knows I can’t stop bullying. Mira, am addicted to bullying and royal is not really into those stuffs unlike Romeo” I said.




“well,I heard that five stars band are traveling to Australia morning for a show and will be back at night… exactly when camp will end.We have time for Krishna” I said.


“are you sure.?? I don’t want Royal to witness any of my bullying scene. I have made up my mind to stop doing things he hate.” Lilly said and started preparing a disaster tag.



“Disaster is an ill luck”


“Disaster is an illluck”


“Krishna Knight……..



“what’s her third name?


Lilly asked.


I used my laptop to do a little research.


“sweet heart” I said.


“sweetheart” how can someone be bearing such name? Lilly hissed and continued the disaster card.



“Disaster is an illuck”


“Disaster is an illuck”


“Krishna Knight Sweetheart, leave dice high and don’t infect us with your illuck”


Lilly prepared the disaster tag and signed on it, angel also signed since the second in command. “we need other celebrities to sign”


“how will Dora sign she’s friends with Krishna? I asked.


“I don’t care” Lilly said.





Krishna ~~~~Next day.


I woke up feeling refresh and clean,


The cream really worked.


I checked time and saw that I only have 20min to get to training section and besides,royal wasn’t in.



I bath and dress up,I applied the cream,wore my dress,a fansy slipper, I brushed my hair and took all what I will be needing. I tagged with Shantai till the training was over.


Thank goodness I had 97 out of 100.



“camp will close in the evening”


Shantai said as we both walked to the cafeteria.


We stood beside the counter and both food, I paid with the Money I found in my bag.


“where did you get such money from? Shantai asked.


“I saw it in my bag.Maybe Royal”


I replied and took my tray of food. Shantai also carried hers.



Just then,Mira and Lilly walked in.


omg!!! Lilly!!!


Dice Queen!!!!!


What’s she looking for here?! is it another bully????


she got hailed.


but surprisingly, she smiled and took a sit while Mira came to where I was standing beside Shantai.


She opened a cardboard and place it on my head.Shantai couldn’t talk.



Mira kicked my food away….and shouted “Disaster”.


Students standing beside me moved away …


The food I bought was Indian rice with veggies.


I noticed people stopped buying it…




Lilly laughed from where she sat,


students giggled and moved away from where I stood.


“This is just the tip of an iceberg!!


“you wretched brat” Mira said….



I got embarrassed.


I tried running out,Lilly peel a banana and set on my track……



ummmm what are they doing here??? ain’t they going to Australia anymore??????


Gosh,look at Royal,he’s insanely handsome and f**kling dressed to kill……Someone should hold me, am co



nfused. Is this really our soon to be president? dressing like a playboy



my mind was disturbed,


I couldn’t see well,


I couldn’t think anything.Maybe Lilly already know I hate embarrassment and she decide to hurt me this much.


It sucks seeing people running away from me when am not a witch….



I stepped on Lilly’s target,


I tripped and slump into someone’s shoulders.


I gained balance and saw him well.


He was not the only one,he was with Chris and Jeffrey.


My tears soaked into his shoulders. He look me quietly and sweetly.


His eyes drifted to the banana peels,



Everyone stood up,


Lilly also stood up….






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beautiful love song


[i know,i can’t be yours ]

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