Mon. Mar 31st, 2025






Gosh!!! 19zillion in just one week.


How come??? I seethed,


my shoulders drop down and my mind was dauntless.


“The doctor said he will be discharged this evening! he is fine already” I heard the guards speaking with themselves.It angered me and brought out the real devil in me.


“saga,let’s leave!!


I yelled at my manager.


He nodded and followed me out.


I met Han Lilly at the front of the glass door pressing her phone.


“won’t you go home,it’s night already. Why are you standing here? I asked. “The doctor dismissed everyone from Royal’s ward,saying that he needs to relax his brain.Royal is really acting acting strange, he still doesn’t want to see me closer to him,he keeps pushing everyone that want to touch him away.The only person he allowed to touch him is your mom…


I think he likes your mom.Her pretense really blind him…I wonder why he still hates me,I mean we are all human and we all needs to be forgiven since we all make mistakes but Royal’s own is just a big difference. He doesn’t know how to forgive! Lilly said.


“just pray he doesn’t remember anything” I cautioned and left with Saga,my manager.


I got home…


My mom was seated alongside with two other men in similar suit.


I don’t think I have seen those faces before but they smell political money.



I walked in rudely and climb on the slivery stairs but stopped when my eyes caught the sight of the golden book on the glassy center table. My eyes started dreaming.


“what’s the,golden book of India doing here??? I took my lips in and stopped,halfway.


“Mrs sugar,your son has really brought good luck to you by passing multiples of presidential tests that was given.How he managed to reach 19zillion stake is still something that is shocking us.He is definitely the rightful person.He will be voted for again and announced once he clock 23” one of the men said and opened the golden book to a certain page.


“Mrs sugar,sign here” the other man said and open a blue pen for my mom to sign.


“which of my sons passee the test?


my mom asked.I ciukr feel her heart beating faster as she waited for an answer.


The two men look at each other then back to my mom.


“Royal of course.He reached the requirements so fast!


They smiled.


My mom stood up and touched the arm of the chair in a fearful manner.


“why royal?? he is still a small guy.


Why can’t it be Romeo?? Royal is 22, Romeo is already 23!! my mom sturlted and turned her back against them.


“Mrs suga,the two are capable but you this thing,it is not by is by the wealth you are able acquire so fast and your level of intelligent and it is not us that decide it.It is the citizens and he got the votes in the last campaign” one of the man explained.


my mom raised her hand up and signify silence.


They kept quiet.


“please sign it!!


“sign for your son…” the man that dressed well said and removed his pujab.I think he is also a powerful lawmaker.


“I can’t sign anything,get out of my house!! my mom ordered,fury in her eyes.


“Mrs suga,are you not his mom???


one of the mam pounder.


“get out!! my mom expounded.


they stood up and,left in a disappointed manner.


“this is tough than I thought!


my mom mumbled and sat back before grabbing her phone.




~~Elliot’s p.o.v


I watch as Royal slept peacefully,


His hairs were spiky and they all fell all over his eyes but didn’t cover his eyebrows


which was damn sharp and prominent.


His fingers was moving.


He clutch the duvet tightly….


one of his rings fell in the process..


I pick it up and inserted it into his thumb.He opened his eyes a little bit then bat his lashes cutely.


The doctor entered with his stethoscope hung around his neck.


“how do you feel??


“what was the last thing your remembered??? the doctor asked.


He ignored him by closing his eyes. I don’t think he remember a single thing…


“please, make it easier by answering my questions” the doctor pleaded. He opened his eyes again and glance at the guards standing in his ward. “let’s take it from this angel,do you know this peopl


e?? the doctor pointed at Chris,Justin and Jeffrey.


“do you know them?? he asked.


“my band mates.


“Chris,Justin,Jeffrey my best friend”


Royal replied,softly.


The doctor write something down into the file he was holding.


“what was the last thing you remembered?? the doctor asked.



“I was blindfolded with something,I lost consciousness and got injected at the neck..I didn’t see the person that injected me~~most importantly, I kissed a girl’s soft lips before five stars found me half dead” he replied. “are yiy feeling any pain? the doctor asked him.


“no” he replied simply.


The doctor faced Mrs Rose.


“I don’t understand his case but why is that anything he is close to remember something,that is when he always get injected by an unknown person??? He was almost remembering something so special to him when the injection reached his mid brain.If there is someone he like and comfortable with,get the person and let them spend more time together, it will help help him a lot.His amnesia might be cured by TRUE LOVE according to what the psychologist said” the doctor explained to five stars agencies and me before walking away. I glanced at Royal’s handsome face and left with Mrs Rose.






I and the other boys headed to five stars.Sir Han Cheng wasn’t on seat.


Mrs Samantha and other concerned agencies were there.


We took our seats and waited a little bit to hear the information to be passed.


“I don’t think there is hope for dice high because the person we installed the major role on is currently down, fighting emotional battles” Mrs Samantha said. I and Chris exchange glances.


Just then,Mrs rose abs Elliot walk in.


“I think dice high should withdraw in this year debut” Mrs Samantha suggested.


“Quitting only shows cowardice. challenges are ought to be passed and not pushed away.We didn’t get the right option today doesn’t mean another one won’t come tomorrow” Mrs rose protested.


She went close to one of the projector and played the dance video that was showed on spark night.


“don’t you think this is the right person.. look at her shape. With Royal, it will be a blast!! Chris recommended.



“exactly what I wanted us to do.


We can kill two bird with a single stone” Mrs Rose said and changed the video to a soft composed song by the girl.if I could guess well.


“Firstly,we need to sweep Lilly off our priority but we won’t tell her we are,not using her.Our main target will be on Krishna and it will be secret. We are gonna train Krishna secretly without anyone knowing…. And since the psychologist said


that TRUE LOVE will help royal overcome his amnesia.. I think we should find a way to bring Krish and Royal together but How do we go about it? mrs Rose asked.


She is five stars most outspoken worker.


“how do you know that Royal is attracted to Krishna??? Jeffrey asked with a smirk.


“The projector captured their kissing and romance scene simply because Krishna mistakenly activated the tracker” Mrs Rose gave reason and showed their kissing scene.


Royal in pain,kissing an innocent girl, is that not romantic???


“why did the projector showed their kissing scene without showing the person that injected him??? I asked.


“well,the tracker on Royal’s earpud was deactivated.It was the girl that activated it and that that was then they were kissing.She mistakenly touched royals ear and press the emergency button” Mrs rose explained.


“waooow!!! we clapped.


“what if the kiss was not intentional?


“kiss doesn’t mean he like her already? Mrs Samantha said.


“I think we should cut that off and focus on how to get them together” Mrs Rose shunned her politely.


“who’s the girl??


Jeffrey asked.


“where did you get the video from? Mrs Rose asked back.


I could feel the tension.


“what’s her surname?? let’s help royal so that we can win” Chris said.


Five stars private investigator step forward with a file.




KRISHNA KNIGHT is a 19year old middle class Indian girl who is the only surviving daughter of a widow who does laundry works.Other things done by her mother include; mat weaving,running errands for peopl


e, working as house help for others.


Krishna is also a student of dice high whose identity was sealed.The only most talented student who hides her God given endowments by feeling so inferior among her counterparts. She only dance for her closed friends and her dancing steps are too perfect and hard that copying will be considered difficult. Her voice is damn soft and cool.


Her closest friend who push her to dance secretly is Dora Banks even when she was dared not to show any of her talent publicly because of physical and sΒ£xual harassment. The last time she sneaks out to a show,she was almost raped and was dared never to dance publicly!!!!


five stars private investigator read out.


“this is hard!!!


“how do we get them together? even Krishna doesn’t want to show her talent” Chris said.




“let’s do it this way.We are gonna meet with Krishna herself and tell her Royal needs help.We won’t tell her our main motive which is to get her to be dice high face..


We will pay her to always stay in Royal’s mansion every 8hours after school.We will pay her well so that her mother will think she went to work, with that,they will get to know each other better.


Love will set in….


If their bonds are strong,Royal might be cured from his amnesia…


If their bonds become stronger,they will do anything for each other and no one will stop them.Not even Krishna mom or Han Cheng.


Lastly,let this be a secret!!


Krishna must not know our main plan is to get her dance!!


I repeat,this must be a secret between us!! Mrs Rose said.


Let’s welcome her warmly into the world of the affluence.




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Beautiful Love









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