Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

I could see that it was morning under my eyelids. I wiggled in the bed but, something was prevented me from moving around. I lied very still to let my sense of touch could feel things for me. I felt something around my waist.

What is that?

Sleepily, I opened my eyes to see that I was in Adrian’s arm. How did this happen?! I looked up at Adrian’s face. He looked very peaceful sleeping. What am I saying?! My face started to heat up from our closeness. I need to get out of bed.

Slowly and carefully, I took his arm off my waist so that I didn’t disturb his sleep. His arm was heavy. {He must work out a lot.} After two minutes, I managed to move his arm off my waist and carefully get off the bed. I pulled the blanket over him so that he didn’t get cold.

Already, I was performing my duties as his wife.

I walked into the closet and sift through the the outfits. I picked a white camisole, maroon button sweater with a v-neckline, blue skinny jeans, and brown shoes. I gathered the outfit with my undergarments and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I made sure to scrub and wash my hair very well. After the shower, I dried my hair thoroughly and brushed my teeth. Hope I didn’t wake him. “Feel fresh,” I said to myself after brushing my teeth. Quickly, I wore my outfit. Surprisingly, the outfit fitted to my figure.

I wore my glasses and opened the door to see that Adrian was still in bed. He must have been very tired . Worry started to pop in my head. I surpresed the feeling and walked out of the room to make my way to the dining room.

In the dining room, Pietro and Maria were having their breakfast. The table was set with breakfast items. I walked over to the table. “Good morning,” I said to them and sat in my seat. They gave me a smile.

“Good morning. How did you sleep?” Maria asked me. “Fine,” I said to her and got myself some yogurt and fresh fruit. I never liked to eat a heavy breakfast in the morning. “Adrian still sleeping?” Pietro asked me.

“Yes sir,” I said to him. “There is no need for formality dear. We are family now,” he reminded me. That’s right . I gave him a nod and ate my breakfast. I saw a server standing nearby. I waved him over to me. He gave me a smile and walked up to me.

“Good morning. What can I get you ma’am?” he asked me. Ma’am? That makes me sound a bit old. “I would like some hot milk please,” I said to him. He walked away to get my milk. Once my milk came to the table, Adrian walked into the dining room looking very fresh and clean.

That’s quick.

“Good morning,” he said to us. His grandparents gave him a smile. “Good morning. Did you stay up working?” Maria asked him. “Yes,” he answered his mother as he took his seat next to me. Your typing kept me awake.

I took a sip of my milk. Maria grew a frown on her face. “You didn’t think to be with your wife than to work?” she asked with some disappointment. As Adrian got himself a panino (Italian word for panini), a server walked up to Adrian.

Adrian looked up at the server. “Espresso,” he simply said to him. “Yes sir,” the server said and walked away to the kitchen. Adrian turned is attention to his mother who was waiting of an answer. “I’m a busy man mother. You know how it is,” he said to her.

Pietro set his cup down on the table and gave his grandson a serious face. “Adrian. You are married now. You need to think about your wife first before your work,” he told him in a stern tone. “Yes sir,” Adrian said to his grandfather. At the corner of my eyes, I saw him turn his head to me.

I didn’t mind him working yesterday. He seemed to always have something in his mind. I didn’t want to be in his way. I rather have him work than to take care of me. I had been caring for myself since I became a teenager. As his wife, I should be supportive of him.

I managed to finish my breakfast and drank the remainder of my hot milk. “When do you plan on leaving?” his mother asked him. I set my cup at the table and looked at him. He finished his espresso and looked at his watch.

“I was thinking in an hour,” he told her. One hour until I really begin my new life in a different city . “Well, you two should go to your room and get ready,” Maria suggested to us. We got up from our seats and walked up the stairs to our room.

Like yesterday, it was a quiet walk. He had his hand on my lower small back and guided me back to our room. His touched felt warm but, it sent shivers up my spine. Once in our room, Adrian closed the door. I kept my gaze at the bed. For some reason, I haven’t been able to look at him straight in the eyes since our wedding. Nervousness was probably the reason.

I should probably pack.

I was about to walk to the closet until I heard Adrian’s voice. “You don’t need to pack anything. You can go on a shopping spree when we get home,” he told me. Home. The word sounded so foreign to me.

To me, home was San Francisco. San Francisco was my home. San Francisco was where I was raised since I was a baby. When Adrian said ‘home’, many emotions flowed through me. Mostly, I felt very confused.

For the rest of the hour, I sat on the bed thinking of the life before marriage. Adrian was working through the computer. Soon, my life in San Francisco will close. My new life in New York was about to begin.


I came out my thoughts and looked at the door. The door opened to reveal Maria. “It’s time,” she told us. I took a shaky breath and stood up from the bed. Adrian got up from his desk and grabbed his briefcase.

He walked over to me and guided me out of the room and to the front doors. Pietro was there waiting for us. At the bottom of the stairs, a maid came to us with our jacket. I could tell that the jacket was bought for me.

Adrian took the jacket and helped me even though I didn’t need any help. After wearing our jackets, Maria gave us a hug. “Take care,” she said to us. After Maria’s hug, we faced Pietro. Adrian and Pietro shook hands.

I bent down and gave Pietro a hug. “I wish you well,” I said to him. I felt him pat my back. “Thank you dear,” I heard him say to me. I pulled away from him and gave him a big smile. Even though I didn’t like the arrangement that he made with my grandfather, I liked him in general. I started to see him as a grandfather figure.

We walked out of the door and down the stairs. A car was waiting for us at the bottom. Adrian opened the door for me. “Thank you,” I said to him. He didn’t respond back. I got into the car and put my seatbelt on.

Adrian closed the door and walked around the other side to his seat. The driver turned engine on. I looked out the window to see Pietro and Maria who waved at us. Soon, the car started to drive away from the mansion and through the streets of San Francisco.

I watched the houses go by the car. Different memories were played in my mind.

“We are here.”

I blinked and looked around to see that we were at San Francisco International Airport. The door opened for me. I got out of the car and waited for Adrian to get to me. Once he got to me, he placed his hand on my small back and guided me through the airport.

Luckily, nobody seemed to notice him. I guess nobody still know his true appearance. We walked through the gates and walked up to a jet. The Jet had the Minetti name on it. He has his own private jet!

The plane was a descent size for a few people to fly on. I looked down at my wedding ring. I shouldn’t have been to surprised about the plane. The Minettis were wealthy people. When I thought about it, I was a Minetti now.

Adrian walked up the narrow stairs up of the plane while I followed behind closely. Once at the top, we walked inside to see two flight attendants. One was a man and the other was a woman. They looked very professional with their uniforms.

“Hello Mr. Minetti,” they said and bowed to him in unison. I watched the female flight attendant walk up to him. She was really a beautiful person. She had striking brunette hair and green eyes. Her uniformed fit her perfectly that showed her curves.

“Let me take your jacket for you sir,” she said to him. Adrian gave her a nod and took his jacket off. The female flight attendant took the his coat gladly with a big smile on her face. In my heart, I felt a pinch of jealously from her facial expression. I wondered if she knew of my presence…or who I was to him.

The male flight attendant walked over to me with a smile. I could tell that he was built underneath his uniform. He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. To me, he didn’t look too bad compared to Adrian.

“May I take your coat ma’am?” he asked me. “Yes. Thank you,” I said to him and took off my jacket. He took my jacket from my hands. I looked at Adrian to see him walk towards a seat. I quickly followed behind him.

He gestured me to sit near the window. I sat down in my seat and wore my seat belt. He sat on the other side and put his seat belt on. He couldn’t sit next to me since there was no seat next to me. We had to sit apart.

“Hello Mr. Minetti. This is your captain Steven Spizale with first officer Jordan Michael. We will be taking flight momentarily. At this time please put on your seatbelt. Again, we will take flight shortly,” I heard from the intercom.

I heard the engines roar from outside. I looked out the window to see that the plane was moving towards the runway. Here we go. The plane started to go down the runway increasing speed. Soon, we were rising to cruising altitude.

I looked out the window to see my home of 18 years. Even though I would be back, it felt like I was leaving my home for good to start a new life in New York. Also, I would be creating New York City as my new home.

Bye California.


I heard a sound. It was to indicate that we could take our seatbelt off. I didn’t take my seatbelt off. I looked over at Adrian to see that he gotten his laptop out and started to work.

He always busy. Not surprising.

I decided to not disturb him. The flight attendants got out of their seats and started to do their duties. The male flight attendant walked up to me. “Would you like anything to eat or drink ma’am?” he asked me.

“Water would be nice,” I said to him. He gave me a smile and a nod before he walked away. The female flight attendant walked over to Adrian. “Would you like anything sir?” she asked him. Adrian looked up and gave her a smile.

“Wine would be nice,” he told him. “Yes. Of course,” she said to him with an alluring voice. It sounded as if she was trying to flirt or seduce him. I could see that Adrian liked the way she talked to him. His eyes showed it.

I put my head down. He’s practically having an affair already! The male flight attendant walked over to me with my water. “Here you go,” he said to me. I gave him a small smile. “Thank you,” I said to him.

I took a sip of water and looked out the window.

Through out the flight, Adrian was doing his work as the female flight attendant flirt with him. The male flight attendant asked me occasionally if I needed anything but, I told him that I was fine. Also, he tried to have a conversations with me. From the questions that he had been asking me, I didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

His questions were way to personal. At the corner of my eyes, I could see Adrian glaring at him but, he didn’t do anything else. He kept his attention on his laptop and the female flight attendant who was enjoying his company.

I guessed that he didn’t know that I was married to Adrian. I didn’t think that anyone knew yet.

Few hours later………


“Mr. Minetti. This is your captain speaking. Please put your seat in an upright position. We will be landing at JFK International Airport shortly. Thank you for flying with us and hope you have a very good day.”

I watched the plane land onto the runway. As the plane started to glide to the airport, I saw New York City’s buildings in the distance. Looking at the time, it was in the afternoon. I better get used to the time zone.

The plane was able to land smoothly. I didn’t feel any turbulence on the way down. Once the plane stopped completely, Adrian got up from his seat. “Get my jacket please,” Adrian said to the female flight attendant.

She gave him a big smile and walked away behind the curtains. The male flight attendant disappeared behind the curtains as well. After a minute, they came back with our jackets. I watched the female flight attendant help Adrian with his jacket.

Simply, I took my jacket and wore it with ease without any help. At the corner of my eyes, I could see her button his suit jacket and got too close to him that there was no space between them. “I hope you had a great flight,” I heard her say to him in a seductive manner.

Adrian gave a smirk to her and leaned down to kiss her on the cheeks then whispered something in her ear that made her smile. The male flight attendant gave me a smile. “I hope to see you again,” he said to me.

I hope I don’t see you again.

I gave him a small nod and followed closely behind Adrian.


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