Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Before he could move closer to me, i quickly

stood up from the bed and hugged him so tight.

”Greg am really sorry for everything, i never

knew Chris was a cheat, he left me because of

his childhood friend, who knows if their are even

married. Please Greg

am ready to give you everything but just forgive

me for what i did to you that time,” i cried in his

arms, he was quiet for some time and then

patted my back i peck

him then we fall on the bed.

”believe me am back to you now and i hope

you’ll gonna accept me,” i said with innocent

face and he smile, i was on top of him caressing

his chest and i guess he

was so happy, his eyes was closed and he was

enjoying every bit of my touch, i quickly looked

down the bed and saw a long heels, i wonder

who that heels belong to, i

guess he bring a lot of girls in his room anyhow i

can’t believe what Greg has turn into. I kept

caressing him and at the same looking for a way

to carry that long

sharp heels.

”just a minute,” i whisper to him, i slightly bent

down and carried the heels, thank goodness his

eyes was still close and i kept touching him

softly. I was

still holding the heels, i target his fore head and

hit him so hard with all the strength i’ve got,

gosh! i can’t believe blood was already streaming

down his face, the

edge of the heels was too sharp and i hit him so

hard, i guess he will gonna spend the whole year

with a chronic headache, it a good thing he

fainted i knew he was

badly hurt, it wasn’t that easy though, i quickly

put on my dress and ran out of the house, i ran

back to meet Loveth at home and she ask me

how did it go on.

”i knew that Greg already, he was my school

mate back then. He’s such a freak so i have to

teach him the lesson of his life,” i said breathing


”what mess did you did to him, you know you

can’t just come and mess up with us, Greg is the

only rich costumer we have,” Loveth said and all

the girls gave me a

look which make me scared i know am in great

danger, so i took a step backward, then

backward again, and i ran so fast as i could, i

couldn’t even look at the road

before i realise i was already down and

everywhere was dark, i guess i had an accident.

……………………. .

I slowly open my eyes, feeling so weak and i saw

myself at the hospital, the doctor came in and

examine me then i saw Mr. Matt which i was

very surprise to see him.

I guess he was the one that brought me here.

”Angela,” he called out in a small tone and held

my hand.

”thank you sir,” i managed to say.

After few weeks of much treatment i felt much

better and i was discharged from the hospital.

Mr. Matt has already know of my story he told

me how he did everything to look for me when i

was out from the jail, but glad we meet again, he

took me to his house, it was a very nice flat he

lived their with his son Edward, he’s handsome,

and quite tall, it was a very happy home and they

accepted me as one of them, i was so glad

being their, i got everything i wanted. Edward

took me to shopping several times where i

brought much clothes and shoes for myself. I

had great time with Edward he’s such a good

person and loves seeing me around, we visited

so many places around the area and he also

registered me in a college, i can’t believe am

going back to school again, Edward has always

been their for me, although he

wasn’t that rich but he make sure am

comfortable both at school and at home.



I told him the story of my life and how i knew

his dad right when he was a gardener in our

school, he felt so pity on hearing my story, we

were both seated at the

veranda, gazing at the stars i told him enough

about my life.

”guess it your turn to tell me yours,” i said. While

he glance at me then held my hands.

”i really don’t know how you’ll react to when you

hear my own story,” he said.

”i made a great mistake in getting married to

Anna,” he started.

”what did you mean?” i asked my heart was

beating so fast, so he was even married,” i said

to myself.

”she’s was my wife and we had two kids then,

she was always nagging, want to start up every

fight with me, i realize she wasn’t even the same

Anna i first fall in

love and got married to, i never knew people

could change this much. Anna wasn’t the right

woman for me i can’t believe she has to treat

our own kids so badly and this

make the kids to hate her much,”

”but what the cause of that.. why is she

behaving like that? i quickly asked feeling so bad

about it.

”because i couldn’t provide her and they children

all they need, i guess it all my fault for been so

poor and not been able to give her everything

but i tried so

much maintain the family, i shower everyone

with love but Anna was blind to see all that. All

she needed was money and that’s all she want.

She don’t even care about her own children,”

”so what about the kids are they with their

mom? i asked.

”unfortunately she’s death. Anna died last year in

a ghastly car accident, they kids are with my

sister but am planning to bring them so that

you’ll get to know

them,” he said with a teary eyes. I felt so pity for

him, Edward is such a good person and don’t

deserve such thing, anyway i was glad the kids

will come soon maybe

they will like me.


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During holiday Edward brought the kids them to

stay permanently with us. They kids are so cute

and calm, i guess the first child Lynn she’s only

nine years while the

second child Anton is six, they were so lovely to

be with. Mr. Matt was always glad to see me

close to his son Edward and his grandchildren

Anton and Lynn.

Immediately after dinner i went to their room and

meet them playing, of course we played


”time for bed time stories,” i said and they sat

down close to me on the bed. I told them much

fairy tales stories.

”i guess it time to sleep now,” i said after am

done with my stories.

”i wish you’re our new mother,” Anton said

hugging me so tight.

”why did you said that? i asked.

”yes aunt Angela, you’re so kind and i think

you’re the only that make our dad so happy, my

real mom is so wicked, you know by nature dad

was a calm person but mom

always find pleasure in fighting with him,

insulting dad anyhow in front of us, she’s not a

good mother and i hate her so much,” Lynn said.

”don’t say that Lynn, try to understand, just try to

make your dad so happy each day,”

”can you be our new mom? Anton asked looking

at me while i laugh.

”Anton, i guess you guys should sleep we’ll talk

about this tomorrow,” i smiled back at them.


I walked to my room ready to sleep when Mr.

Matt entered he sat at the edge of my bed.

”thank you so much Angela for helping my family

out especially those kids,” he said.

”i have to do this because you’ve always been

my friend since at Royal academy back then,” i


”Edward has go through emotional trauma

because of his wife, he really need someone who

will take care of those kids and not only that

someone who’ll love him

dearly, i can’t believe my Edward has been a sad

person ever since he got married to that Anna, i

guess that woman is more than a devil,”

”Edward is always happy to see his kid in a safe

hands believe me i will always stick to your

family,” i said and he really appreciates me for






It already getting to YEAR. I was doing good

in school and everything is going on so well, I

was also close to those kids and felt much

happy whenever am with them

they also liked me so much and keep asking me

to be their new mother, they sometimes call me

mom and i guess Edward has always wanted

that, he was too protective and

make sure nothing bad happen to me and they

kid. Edward was just one in a million and i have

always want to see him so happy.


It was a very lovely evening and we all had

dinner together, enjoying the cool breeze. I can’t

believe what Edward did, he just propose to me,

to marry him.

”you’re the only one that can make me happy

and can also take good care of my kids. Please

Angela make me feel the happiness i never

experience for the past ten

years of my marriage with Anna. Angela i do love

you so much and promise to make you happy all

through our married life,” he said calmly.

I was short of words as i glance at Mr. Matt, the

expression on his face was of happiness they

kids were also happy i guess and turn to Edward

who was still waiting

for my answer. I moved closer and hugged him

so tight.

”Edward you deserve to be happy and if i will be

the one to give you that happiness so be it, i will

marry you,” i said in a tone, Edward felt so happy


that, he disengaged from the hug and kissed me.

I felt so happy and hugged him back, Mr. Matt

also moved closer to us and wrapped his arms

around us, they kids also

moved closer. I felt i have a family again after

such a very long time, i have a place to call a

home, at least i have people around who love me

dearly. I need to marry

Edward even for the sake of his kids but not only

that but because i didn’t realise i was already in

love with him..



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