Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Chris took Angela out to the park in order to

make her forget what just happen. They sat

close to each very quiet.

”you need to be strong Angela, together with you

we can conquer all. I just hope Christie will

understand and my parent too.,” he said.

”i just hope so, i really don’t know why my

happiness have to be mixed up with so much

sadness like this,”

”my dad was by nature a bully a one who found

pleasure in oppressing the helpless and who love

in the privacy of his own to wreak the ill-temper,

which he was forced to conceal abroad and in

company especially before any of his people.

Nothing bad will happen Angela just promise

never to leave me for any reason,” he said.

”promise Chris, we’ll always be together,” she

hugged him.


*Later in the evening Chris arrived home and was

confronted by his parents.

”it time to stay clear from that girl,” his dad


”no dad i have my own right to choose who i

want to be with. Christie is still my friend but

believe me i so much love Angela,”.

”enough! and don’t stay that to my face. I hereby

end whatever relationship you have with that girl

and that’s final,” his dad shouted.

”that can never happen,” Chris fired.

At that point his dad has lost his temper. He

threatened and denounced his once good son. In

the end of the issue an ultimatum; ”Either you be

with Christie or be disowned by the Peterwerth

family.” with that ultimatum, Chris thin veneer of

patience wore out completely he walked out of

them to his room.


Chris couldn’t believe his dad could go this far

with such decision, it really hurt but he vow

never to leave Angela not for any reason this

time. The door went open and his mom came in.

”Chris, you need to stop this stupid act of yours

and accept Christie as your love back,” his mom


”please mom just let me be if you have nothing

good to say,” he said so angry.

”now i see, you’ve change so much Chris,” his

mom ranted then left.


The next day Christie still came back to Chris in


”Chris i don’t understand you, i thought you love

me,” she asked still in tears.

”i love you Christie but that was then, i realise

that was just a mere puppy love, but with Angela

it call true love,”

Christie was so angry when she heard that as

she landed a heavy slap on his face.

”You can’t leave me because of that girl,” she


”you just have to accept the fact i love Angela

more than you, but we are still friends,” he said

then left.

Chris mother walked in and comforted her.

”Chris will definitely come back to you,” she

assured Christie.




Angela told Elsa all that happen but Elsa still

advice her to hold on to her love if she truly love

him. They were done with their lunch at the



Later after school Angela searched everywhere

for Elsa but couldn’t find her. She went to the

library, labs, but yet Elsa could not be found, she

was felt something was wrong somewhere so

she went to the school garden but she’s still not

their. An idea came to Angela and she went to

check on her at the back yard of the classes and

was shocked by what she saw. Elsa was lying in

a pool of blood with a sharp knife inside her.

Angela quickly ran and removed the knife from

inside her. Elsa was still shaking.

”who did this to you,” Angela asked already in

tears but Elsa couldn’t talk, only tears were

streaming out from her eyes, her breathe was

ceasing slowly…

Angela gave a loud scream. And few students

came in and was shocked to see what happen.

Immediately Elsa was rushed to the hospital by

the school bus but before they arrived she has

already gave up the ghost. Elsa mother was

already their still in tears but was told about the

death of Elsa.

”she just couldn’t make it, she was stab so hard

with the sharp knife and has lost so much

blood,” said the doctor.

Angela couldn’t believe that for the first she felt

her own world crushing down on her.

The school authorities explain to her mother how

they found Angela with her maybe Angela might

know who murdered her best friend. But Angela

knew nothing about that, Fiona came in with a

phone that she video; the time Angela removed

the knife from Elsa’s stomach and that makes it

look like she was the one that stab her to death.

No one bothers to know much. No one cares to

investigate and so Angela was accused for the

death of her friend. The knife was examine and

the finger print was checked it was that of


Elsa’s mother was so much in great pain and

hated Angela, although she finds it so difficult to

believe she was the one that murdered her only


Angela was arrested and the case was sue to

court. The news spread rampart in news and

news papers and many media.

Chris couldn’t believe why such thing have to

happen to Angela, it was hard to believe Elsa

was death he was really hurt by that but was

much worry about Angela who will suffer the

consequence of what she knew nothing about.

Chris has pleaded with his mom since she’s a

lawyer to help out and defend Angela but she

refused. No one want to be of help, Chris knew

something was fishy why would Fiona had the

video of how Angela removed the knife from

Elsa’s stomach. Maybe it a set up,” he was so

much worried and was also 100% sure if his

mom will help out surely they will win the case

and Angela will be realise but she refuse. Chris

has talk to one of his lawyers to help Angela out,

but the evidence about her were too strong for

her to be cleared free.

Angela was still at the custody, she cried out her

eyes and cried more each day, she couldn’t

believe she would actually be accused for the

death of her best friend.

During the final case at the court Angela was

glad to see Chris as she ran to his arms.


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Chris felt his shirt front getting soaked and he

knew Angela was crying. He tried to stop his

own tears but they came all the same. He never

thought it could happen to him, it was unheard

of. But tears flowed down his cheeks, trickling on

to Angela’s face. The two lovers’ face became

moist with tears. When Angela realised Chris was

also crying, she looked up at him. she felt her

heart expanding with love as she witnessed her

man’s wounded emotions. she could never have

imagine Chris crying, and the sight of his tears

filled her with great passion.

”you need to be strong i will be hear right by

your side,” he assured her in tears and was so

worried why would it have to be Angela again,

haven’t she suffered a lot in this life, why is life

this wicked to her,” as he thought of this it

makes him cried the more.

After so much fight in the case, fate was not on

side of Angela she was declared forty-five years




When i finally heard my final judgment my head

was already hot, i felt like dying, why would life

have to crown me with so much thorns like this.

It was Rigorous imprisonment, i wasn’t allow to

meet anyone, i was dragged to the cell like an

animal, as i saw Chris he was helpless, i knew

he has tried a lot for me but lots of people are

also against that and that dawn on me my

nightmare eventually came true.

I was locked up in the cell and that was when i

knew my life was totally useless, everyone hate

me! no one love me! even Elsa’s mother believe

that i murdered i her own daughter, oh God what

is life after all. But glad i have only one lover

and that’s Chris only him cared for me. Tears

dropped from her eyes as i look round the

cell. I am actually staying here for forty five

years before then i knew i will be death!

Right at the cell i sat down with a pen and my

jotter as i right the painful story of life. Everyone

has a story to tell, but mine was that of tears,

pains, sorrows. Things have never been easy i

was starve each day. All i ever ask for was just a

simple life but life itself has turn out to

something else. As i write the story of my life in

this paper tears flowed uncontrollable for my

eyes. I later heard this masculine strong voice

shouting outside, i guess it Chris my love, the

only one i had left in the whole world.

”i must see Angela, allow me see her, am gonna

stay with her in their,”i heard him said all that

aloud, his voice tells me he misses me, his voice

tells me he wished he could help, his voice tells

me he still loves me so much, but his voice

sounded frustrated, tears flowed down my cheeks

again as i dropped my jotter and pen and stood

up, i lean at the iron bar of the cell and cried

because i knew for sure Chris will never be allow

to see me, that was the rule it was a rigorous

imprisonment. No one is allow to visit me.

I lamented for such a very long time as i heard

his voice still struggling with the police in order

to see me, i hit my head so hard on the iron bars

and cried out.

Why would i have to suffer for the crime i knew

nothing about. Life is been so unfair…

what right does an orphan like me had?

i cried…





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