Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Happy new year my Angel,” Chris said aloud

holding her hands.

”thank you so much, you’ve just brighten my

day,’ Angela hugged him so close.

”well a surprise new year gift,” he smiled as he

removed a diamond necklace and put it round

her neck.

”you’re the only one i want to share the words of

my heart with, the only one i so much love,”

”Chris, and i can’t just believe you’ve got the key

to my heart so that means i’ll always be yours,”

she smiled.

Chris ordered for a glass of wine for both of


”to the woman of life,” said Chris.

”to love,” Angela replied.

”and i’ll always be their for you,” he said

”and you’ll always be my best friend and the only

one i so much love,” she smile back.

”cheers,” he smiled he sip his drink.

”thank you so much Chris,” She admire the

diamond necklace and kissed him..




”wake up Angela,” Elsa threw a pillow at her.

aren’t you tired of sleeping?

Angela woke up and stretch herself smiling when

she remembered yesterday’s night.

”i so much love Chris,” she yawn.

”really, lover girl,” said Elsa smiling. ”you’ve slept

the whole day you know, it actually nine o’clock


”and you’ve just wake me from my dreamland,

that was annoying you know,” Angela threw a

pillow at her.

”Angela is so much in love now! lover girl,” Elsa

said aloud while Angela chase her round the

room, throwing pillows at each other.

”hey, he gave you this? Elsa asked as she moved

closer and touched the necklace on her neck.

”you’re so lucky Angela,” She smile.

”well and Chris is also lucky as well, she said

then rolled her eyes.

”hey enough of this, you arrange the room while i

prepare breakfast,” Angela suggested as she

quickly left to the kitchen.



Late in the evening Angela quickly picked up her

bag to leave because Elsa was already waiting

for her at the gate when she bumped into Fiona.

”congratulations Angela i can’t believe you could

be so smart like this by winning Chris heart,” she

said smiling.

”and that’s the best thing i have ever done, so

sorry Fiona all your plan was unfolded but at the

same time also meaningless,” said Angela.

”gosh! you’re so disgusting, i can’t believe Chris

of all people will love a poor, nothing for nothing

.. prostitute like you,” Fiona fired which make

Angela angry already.


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”look Fiona you may not be bar dancer or

anything of that kind but believe me you’re a

harlot, you’re exactly one of those cheap loose

girls,” Angela replied with a fatuous smile then


She hurriedly walked to the gate and meet Elsa

who was tired of waiting for her.

”what took you so long? Elsa asked.

”it Fiona!, she’s just something else, what

exactly did she need from me?

”calm Angela, you don’t need to get upset

because of her,” said Elsa.


”i can’t believe Angela has the gut to insult you

that way,” said Lisa so angry.

”and you’re not doing anything Fiona,” Julie cut


”i have a better plan, a very costly plan and she

will ever regret knowing who is Fiona,” she said

aloud very angry.


Chris and Angela settled at the beach which was

very quiet and only few people were their, it was

so much fun and they spent lovely time together.

”Chris i just hope you’ll not gonna leave

someday,” she said lying on his laps.

”do you really think i will do that, no matter what

Angela i will stay with you through thick and thin

even if the cloud above us has no silver lining,”

he smiled.

”then we gonna threw some punches and then

laugh,” she smack his chest and ran while her

chase her.

*Later in the evening, he drove her home and

they walk hand in hand.

”good night sweet love,”

”good night darling,” she hugged him so tight and

feel so comfortable in his arms.

”see you tomorrow,” he smiled while Angela smile

back and went back to the house.




Chris was in his room busy on his laptop,

when his mother Mrs.Jasmine quickly came in.

”guess who we have in the house, so quickly get

dress and come downstairs to see them,” his

mother look so excited as she quickly left while

Chris was surprise, he got dressed and went

downstairs which he saw surprise to Mr. Jeffrey

a close business associate of his dad, their

family friend and also Christie dad.

And also his uncle Mr.Barry.

”what a great visitors,” he smile as he move

closer to welcome them.

”not only that Chris, guess who is also with

them,” said his mother.

”who again mom? he sighed then Christie


”it me Chris,” she said with a beautiful smiles as

she moved closer to him. Chris smile when he

saw her and that reminds him of the sweet

memories they had back then.

Christie was his childhood sweetheart back




Do u think Chris will prefer his childhood

sweetheart back or will still hold on to Angela??



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