Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

{ disruption in heaven }

Life they say will help

in covering your deeds for some

period of time letting you think

you’ve already won or you’ve

successfully gotten away from it ,

but when everything you’ve done comes running back at you,

then you will wish everything has

long being in the open.

And some doesn’t want to cover

their deeds, they’re only looking

for the right time to uncover it, some always get lucky to have

the right time to unveil it while

some are unlucky not to have the

right time till all burst open.

Among the lucky ones, I will

classify Ranking into, why did I say that, you will know as I

continue with this story of my life.

Another aspect of people are the

one who always have unrealistic

pathetic dreams or imagination.

Dreams which is glaring that it can’t come to pass, but people or

divine creations like me always

have some tinglings of hope that

it can come to pass.


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In this case too, some are lucky

to have their pathetic unrealistic dream coming to pass, it always

feels like a miracle to them, or

should I term it as a miracle.

While some are always unlucky

not to have their dream come to

pass, all they will do is continue dreaming till the earth start

rotating backward and still,

nothing would happen.

Where do I fall into among the

lucky and unlucky ones, you’ll all

know as the story goes on. •••••••••••••••••••• ” here’s my house ,let go in, my

mum and dad should be inside ”

Nina said holding Tabitha’s hand

as they made their way inside

while I and Gabriel followed

behind them. When we got into the house, we

met Nina’s mom sitting on a


Nina ran to her and embraced

her, ” where’s dad “? Nina asked her

using her hand to motion to

Tabitha and Gabriel to move

closer which they did slowly ” he’s gone somewhere,just left

not too long ” Yemi replied Nina

but suddenly stopped when she

saw Tabitha. ” who’re they “? She asked asked

her daughter with a stern look ” they are my friend from school

mom ” she replied her mom

smiling ” and what’s your name ” she

asked turning to Tabitha with a

curious look ” good afternoon ma, my name is

Olugbaye Tabitha ” Tabitha

replied Yemi, whose eye

suddenly turned red but no one

noticed it ” that’s the funniest thing mom,

we’re bearing the same surname

” Nina suddenly cut in smiling ” okay, all of you make yourself

feel at home, while

I get something for you all to eat

” Yemi said heading out of the

room in order to hide her anger ” but you didn’t ask of his name

mom ” Nina motioned to her

mom who was already heading

out of the room,pointing at

Gabriel ” oops, my mistake, what’s your

name handsome ” Yemi asked

turning to Gabriel forcing a smile

out of her lip. ” I’m Gabriel Okunsanya ma ”

Gabriel replied her

politely,smiling. ” nice name kid, now, if you will

please excuse me, I will like to

get you all something to eat

because I know you’ll all be

hungry ” ” we’re okay ma, we’ll soon be

on the way back home, we’re just

here to know where our friend is

staying ” Tabitha said in order to

turn down the food offer ” am not taking that, first time my

daughter will bring her friends

home ,you must eat something,

even if it’s a dessert ” Yemi replied

heading out of the room in order

not to allow Tabitha reject the offer again. ” let me get you one one of my

photo album, you will see my dad

inside it ” Nina said heading to

where I presumed should be her

room or her mom’s own . I followed her, it was her room

she headed to, a big room with

pink background just like

Tabitha’s own.

It was very beautiful and

everything inside the room were neatly arranged.

I quickly locate all the photo

albums inside the room and

made them invisible.

After fruitless effort in looking for

it, she retired bqck into the sitting room ” don’t know where all the album

is, I’ll ask mom when she’s

through ” Nina said as she got to

the sitting room, she took one of

the remote on the table hit some

key on it then the TV started displaying cartoon. ” she even gat the gut to enter

my house ” Yemi said inside the

kitchen as she drop her phone

which depict the picture of

Tabitha on it . She dusted some substance into

one of the three plate of fried rice

and chicken in front of her.

She placed the two pure food on

a tray and took them to the

sitting room first, she gave one to Gabriel and the other to her

daughter, Nina.

When she went back to get

Tabitha’s own,

I made her movement very slow,

I made it that she was very slow but to her, she was normal.

Before she got outside with

Tabitha’s food, the three kid had

already eaten the two plates of

foods she brought earlier

together and were already set to leave.

The shock on Yemi’s face could

electrocute a rat.

The kid only bade her bye as

they left.

I smiled to myself as I followed after them. Being born from a tyrant doesn’t

mean that you’ll also be one.

Yemi and Nina’s case made me to

understand that very well.

When the mother is cruel, wicked

and lack humanity trying to kill an innocent kid who doesn’t

have anything against her, Nina

was totally different, her aura

was filled with happiness, she

has a big heart and loves

everyone but Tabitha most . I even wondered why God had

to allow her to choose Yemi as

her mother when she was

coming to earth. They just don’t

fit. But

I don’t know what might happen later when she discover that

Tabitha is her stepsister . ” run, bomb I dey come,run,all of

you run ” Aliyu said swiftly as

Tabitha woke him up when we

got to Tabitha’s car and everyone

bursted into laughter, he has

already slept inside the car when we got there, he was even

drooling, Tabitha had to hit him

hard in order to wake him up

after many feeble attempt which

didn’t yield any result.

I know he was dreaming, maybe one that involves those heartless

terrorist ( boko haram ) in it.

” you I don finish, small madam ”

he finally said gathering his wit

” oga madam I don vex

quataquata ,she have call me, she I con ask of you but I tell say you

I go your friend’s place ” he

added with his hausa pidgin

English which only Tabitha and I

understand but others couldn’t

as they wear that kind of curiosity face like ” what the hell

is he saying “?

Tabitha couldn’t laugh because

she knew that she’s already in

trouble, her mom calling aliyu

meant only one thing, she’s back from the supermarket and her

(Tabitha ) going to a friend’s

place after school without

informing her of it before will

lead to some trashing, she prays

her dad’s home, so that he will help stop her mom from beating


After some moment of embracing

and all ,she entered her car with

Gabriel and they left the

compound. Yemi was watching them through the window inside

her room with rage.

We dropped Gabriel in a bus stop

where his driver was already

waiting for him, he had earlier

called him to wait for him there. And I returned to my normal

post,flying above the car.

When we got home in front of

our gate, Aliyu hit the horn

repeatedly in a pattern he’s been

taught to do it so that Dandy will recognize them without having

to look at the spy hole made to

the gate.

But Dandy still had to look

through the hole before he

opened the gate. Luckily for Tabitha, Ranking was

home and all precious could did

was only make some invalid

threat because Ranking didn’t

allow her to touch Tabitha. She was asked to change her

school uniform so that she can

have her lunch, she wanted to tell

them that she’d already have

eaten where she went to but

decided against it because she knew that her dad’s influence

would not be able to save her.

She headed to her room and I

followed behind her. My head was busy replaying

what I imagined on our way to

Nina’s house,

I was smiling to myself as my

head was replaying the event.

Some part of me wished it should happen for real.

” what’s this ” I suddenly

exclaimed to myself, ” how

stupid of me to have such an

impure thing in my mind ” I said

to myself finally having a grip of my stupidity. But what could be happening to

me, could it be that I’m now

having thought contradicting my

main purpose on earth, I’ve

never fell in love before, so I

don’t know it symptoms. But could it really be that I was

falling for the perfect one, I don’t

know But I think it could smear

my mission because the two of us

are in different world, her in the

physical realm while I was in the spiritual one, so we aren’t a

perfect match.

But even if we aren’t a perfect

match or that we couldn’t see, it’s

really wrong against my principle

as an angel to fall in love with a human being, we’re not even

allowed in heaven to fall in love

with the females ( choirs ) there .

When we got to her room, she

first sat on her bed, her room was

almost the same as Nina’s own . I squatted in front of her as I fed

myself of her beautiful face

before I will shred all the

abominable feelings I’ve

succeeded in gathering into my

heart. Then suddenly, I heard

thunderclap, it was different from

earthly thunder, it’s a form of

thunder that can only be heard

by divine ones like me, and the

only reason the thunder can occur was if there’s any form of

disruption in heaven, and

disruption in heaven can be

caused by many factors, like if

someone breached the boundary

of heaven and earth without formal procedure, or if there’s a

brawl in heaven or the taking of

the water of life by an impure

angel and other factors.

But whenever there’s a

disruption in heaven, I’ve heard from the greater one that angels

on earth are prone to exposure.

Their invisibility wears off and

humans will be able to see them.

The problem was that I was

directly in front of Tabitha and before I could run or take a step

from there,

I already felt myself being

dragged out of the spiritual


Tabitha on suddenly seeing a strange giant in her room with a

wing protruding from his back

and to worsening it, the strange

being was directly in front of her.

She screamed loudly and passed

out on her bed. Immediately I heard footsteps

running towards the room and

there was no where that I could

hide inside the room or escape




The story just begun




To be continue….



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