Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025


Story From Author Zee Novels

The result of the waec is out and every body who sat for it in Godly international *collage* was very happy and joyful apart from one person who is Edward.


Although he passed very well, he had been sad ever since he got his result because he know pretty well that he is not going any further because of their financial status.


His mother can not afford to sponsor him in the university, his uncle don’t want to see him with his two eyes and he himself had nothing doing to give him money.


More over, he knew how hard they struggled in other for him to register the waec.


All these caused him a sleepless night.


No matter how hard his mother tried to console him, he won’t get his thought over it. By the way, this morning made no different like the others.


When he got up from bed, he quickly brushed his teeth and on returning to his room, his phone began to ring.


He picked it and it was Rose calling.


They had been friends since secondary school.


Rose: good morning how was your night? (He knew that he had a cruel one but he won’t just tell her that


. he managed to lie saying)


Edward: hi, it was fantastic. How about yours.


Rose: good, it just that i spend all the night reading.


I hope you revised your book?


Edward: (surprise) reading for what!


Rose: jamb of course.


Edward: (placeing his left hand on his head) jamb???


Rose: what are you talking about


. Don’t you know we are taking jamb today? Edward: i did not register for it.


Rose: (in disappointment)but why?


Edward: i don’t have money for it now. May be next year.


Rose: you should had told me nah. I would had been of a help.


Edward: that is good of you. Any way don’t worry it will be alright .


I wish you the best luck ever.


Rose;(:(sadly) am not happy at all


Edward: am sorry i did not tell you.


Rose : okay then bye.


Some drops of tears forced themselves off from his eyes immediately after the call.


Just then he turned back and noticed that his mother was busy staring at him.


He immediately cleaned the tears in his eyes as his mother walked close to him and said.


Mrs. Helen: are you crying again son?”


Edward: its not that i am crying, I’m just feeling like i am left out. But it shall be well Mum. I know that it is exactly what you are going to tell me.”


Mrs. Helen: your food is at the big cupboard in the kitchen. I’m off to the market now.”


Edward: mum you don’t have to bother about ME ”


Mrs.helen: yes, i have to bother much because you are the only hope i have. I noticed you have not been eating properly. So this is why i have to dish it out my self because i know if i tell you to dish it out your self , the food will wait for me untouched”


Edward: okay, good bye mum.


. Then she left with a basket she packed some foodstuffs she would sell. Edward immediately took his bath dressed up and walked up to the kitchen to eat. He had barely taken a spoon when his phone rang again. He picked it up knowing that it was his best friend Thomas.


Edward: hello T


homas: hello Edy. How are you? Have you dressed up for the jamb?


Edward: no I’m sorry to disappoint you. I did not register for it”


Thomas: no way! Tell me you are joking.


Edward: i wish i am


Thomas: but why didn’t you register?


Edward: i told you before that no one is going to sponsor my tertiary education. By the way, a super good luck to you.


Thomas: oh no i am feeling very bad that i can’t even help my best friend.


Edward: their is no problem.




Soon the jamb result was out, Rose passed and had already gone for admission with her dad. And now she is on the preparation to leave for school. Two days before she left she met with Edward at cool restaurant and they got to talk together.


– Edward: rose, i am happy for you. Rose: i am not happy at all.

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