Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

It was Thursday morning and I woke up feeling so happy after talking with Betty on phone and she told me to pick her at the airport at night when she arrives.

“waooooh, I’m seeing my Betty today”

” I can’t just wait for night to come”

” or should I stay at home today and inform the bank that I’m sick?”

” no, let me go to work”

” Betty must have grown fat by now?”

” what other arrangement do I need to put in place here?”

I prepared for work joyfully and I sprayed air freshener all over the place, I removed the cobwebs from the entire house and made sure that everywhere was clean and I pasted her pictures all over the wall of my room. I got to the office and resumed training my team members on the work flow and processes with so much joy inside of me. I was just laughing and smiling all through that people close to me began to wonder what could be going on with me. At break time, it was time for me to appoint my assistance and I picked a guy from my team whom we once worked together as a project staff to be the assistant, before this time, I had already discussed it privately with Benita about the management’s decision on a male assistant Teamlead because he must be a personality that people must also fear and respect. she first disagreed with me and I told her to check other teams to see if she would find any female acting as assistant Teamlead and after so much pet and cajoles, she finally agreed to take her mind off the post. The assistant was appointed that Thursday and we continued with our routine till the close of business for the day. I closed earlier and stopped at a supermarket to buy gift items and some other stuff for my Betty, I also went to the market to buy ingredients and chicken to prepare ahead of her arrival and I was done with the cooking at few minutes to 8pm.

Immediately after cooking, I drove straight to the airport and waited for Betty to arrive and call me. Everywhere at arrival was crowded with some cabs packed and people moving around to and fro. At around 10pm, i received a call from an unknown Mtn line and I was wondering who could be calling me at this time of the night when I was waiting for my baby. reluctantly, I picked up the call and I was shocked when I heard a voice after saying hello “onihaxy, its me Betty. where are you?” I described my location to her and after minutes of looking around, we found each other and we hugged each other so passionately and kissed thereafter. I noticed that a young man followed her while she was coming to me and she introduced the guy to me saying she met him at the arrival hall and it was his phone number that she used in calling me. I appreciated the guy and I held Betty’s hand why we walked into the car. I opened the boot and put her loads inside it and returned back to the car door. On opening the door, I looked back and realized that the guy was still standing and staring at us,. I started the car and we drove off with a conversation

ME: baby, I’m so happy to see you tonight, you need to see how joyous I am at the moment.

BETTY: I’m so happy to see you to my love after a long time. hope you girl friends are taking good care of you for me?

ME: Me?, girlfriend?

BETTY: Yes now

ME: No girlfriend anywhere ooooo. and besides, no girl will agree to date me at this moment

BETTY: hmmmmm, why won’t they date you?, a cute and rich young man.

ME: ****smiled***** they can’t date me because your picture is my wallpaper and screen saver, even in my office, I framed your picture on my table as if I’m married. so tell me, which woman will agree to date someone like me?

BETTY: hmmmmmm, but do you know that there are some ladies who doesn’t care if you are married or not?, as long as you are caring, they will bring themselves to you.

ME: you are right sha. but I haven’t seen such.

BETTY: hmmmmmmmmmmm. onihaxy!!!!!!!

ME: I’m serious dear. why was that guy at the airport staring at us like that?

BETTY: don’t mind him Jaree. he met me at the arrival and he was trying to ask me out, that was when I told him to let me use his phone to call someone waiting outside for me. after the call, he refused to back off and insisted in following me to anywhere I was going. then I left him to see surprises.

ME: *****Laughed****** that’s the strength of a man. we hardly give up.

BETTY: hmmmmmmmmmm

ME: how is henry and his wife?, hope they are aware that you are around?.

BETTY: of course they do, but I have informed them that I would be lodging in my husband’s house before visiting them.

ME: Abi oooooo

BETTY: how far with your jib and the new team lead role, hope its not too stressful?

ME: Not really sha because we haven’t started the project yet, we are only doing trainings at the moment. segun always ask of you and he said he can’t wait to see you.

BETTY: oooh, uncle segun?, I can’t wait too. I think his babe is still around set

ME: You mean Sandra?

BETTY: yes now. or is he cheating on my friend?.

ME: No ooooo. I trust him with my life, he won’t do anything of such.

BETTY: so when are we travelling to akure?

ME: you know tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I have to go to work but I with close earlier. I think we should spend the Christmas with henry and his wife and then go to akure on 26th since I will be on leave till the rest of the year.

BETTY: alright deary.

Betty and I continued our discussions till we reached home. we entered the room with her loads and we sang songs of thanksgiving and also prayed for journey mercies. she used my phone to call Henry and his wife while I went to the kitchen to warm the rice I prepared earlier and I returned to the room with our food served inside a tray. She passed the phone to me and I spoke with henry and BIMPE and they told me that I must take good care of betty. on ending the call, Betty and I prepared to eat and Betty said ” I just don’t know why my brother and his wife loves you so much, in fact they are the backbone of our relationship” I smiled and replied her saying ” that is because they found me to be the only one who can love and cherish you”. we both laughed as we eat and also continued with discussions. we both went into the bathroom after dinner and we had a nice bathroom s£x before returning to the bed for more rounds of good s£x. ” ooooh Betty, I have missed you so much!!!!!!!!!”

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