Wed. Jul 24th, 2024

I got home and I resumed wooing Benita on whatsapp. I started composing lovely and romantic poems to her just to win her heart. After several conversations all over the weekend, Benita finally gave me the general ladies response, “onihaxy, give me some time to think about it, I will give you feedback when I’m through”. The following week, I spiced up the relationship between Benita and I by showering her with gifts, showing unnecessary care and attentions just to win her heart. I started calling almost three times everyday and I suddenly began to feel jealous anytime I see her around any other guy in the bank.

On Wednesday, Benita was absent from work because she went for an interview in another organization and she already took permission from her team-lead. I was on my seat in the afternoon when funmi sent me a mail to come over to her office. I suspended what I was doing and I went to meet her.


FUNMI: hi onihaxy.


ME: hi funmi, I saw your mail,


FUNMI: yeah, I wanted to send you on an errand to E-business unit to deliver something to Mr Adams.


ME: alright.


FUNMI: ****brought out an envelope from her drawer***, here is it.


ME: **collected it from her and I was about turning back****


FUNMI: that reminds me, where is your wife, I didn’t see her today.


ME: *** surprised **** my wife?, who is that?.


FUNMI: the one you always go home together with and also come to work together with.


ME: ***smiled*** ooooh, Benita?,


FUNMI: yes.


ME: she is not my wife oooooo. She is just a colleague. We happened to stay in the same area. That was why we do go home together.


FUNMI: hmmmm, onihaxy!!!!, just consider the amount you earn monthly, remember that you are still a temporary staff and plan your future well.


ME: ***smiled**** I’m serious funmi, there is nothing between us. Her fiancé even lived in same area with us and she would be getting married soon.


FUNMI: well, if you say so.


I left funmi’s office to deliver her message and returned to my seat to continue with my work.

“Why was funmi asking of Benita from me?

” was she jealous?”

” How did she knew Benita and I do go home together?”

” Hope I’m not ruining everything?”.

“Well, let me talk to segun about it.

I held my phone and logged on to whatsapp.


ME: hi sege.


SEGE: how far onihaxy?


ME: I dey jaree. Did you remember the new girl in my workplace I told you about?


SEGE: the one you always go home together with?


ME: yes.


SEGE: ok, what happened to her?


ME: she was absent from work today, funmi called me to her office and asked me “where is your wife?, I didn’t see her today”.


SEGE: wife kee?


ME: yes. I even pretended as if I didn’t understand and I asked her who she was referring to, she said the lady I always go home and come to office with.


SEGE: chaiii, I smell jealousy. So what was your response?


ME: I replied her that she wasn’t my wife and that we just lived in same area. I even told her that I knew Benita’s fiancé and that she would be getting married this year.


SEGE: nice one, Very good response. I already told you onihaxy, paroles within cooperate environment is very complicated. It’s very difficult and delicate to handle. The best thing is for you and the girl to keep low profiles when at work, but when you get home, you can switch back to high profile.


ME: don’t mind me jaree, that was my mistake. I was giving her attentions and showing care at office and rumours started spreading.


SEGE: chaiii, you don f**k up. No problem sha. Since you already saved the day today, just try as much as possible to maintain a low profile. If possible, reduce the number of times you guys move out together. You can decide to leave your car at home sometimes just to keep distance. From my observation, funmi was seriously jealous.


ME: ok boss.


I started acting as directed by segun and I began to keep a little distance from Benita. The next day which was Thursday, I didn’t come to office with my car, I left it at home and I told Benita that it was faulty. When we closed, I sent a text to Benita that I won’t be going home immediately because I wanted to visit a tailor in oshodi before going home. Benita left and went home and I started planning to leave about 15 minutes later when I had a call, I checked the screen and it was from henry. I picked it up.


ME: hello Mr. Henry


HENRY: hi onihaxy, it’s been a long time, how is work going?


ME: fine sir, and yours?


HENRY: fine too.


ME: how is daniella and her mum?


HENRY: they are fine and here with me, daniella never stopped asking of you.


ME: eeeyah, my lovely daniella.


HENRY: let me give the phone to mummy daniella.


ME: ok sir.


BIMPE: mr onihaxy, how are you and how is work going?


ME: **frowned*** fine ma.


BiMPE: hope you are hearing from my sister inlaw,


ME: yes ma.


BIMPE: ok oooo, daniella want to speak with you.*** gave the phone to daniella***


DANIELLA: hello uncle onihaxy.


ME: my baby, how are you?


DANIELLA: fine sir.


ME: how is studies going?, hope you are reading your books?


DANIELLA: fine sir, I’m reading sir .


ME: that is nice.


DANIELLA: uncle onihaxy, when are you coming to our house?


ME: hmmmmm, when do you want me to come?


BIMPE: **** whispered**** tell him that this weekend


DANIELLA: this weekend.


ME: hmmmmm, your mummy whispered to you abi?


DANIELLA: no sir.


ME: ok, I will come on Saturday


DANIELLA: *****felt happy***** will you bring ice cream for me while coming?


ME: no problem dear. I will bring it for you.


DANIELLA: what else will you bring for me?


ME: what else do you want?


DANIELLA: chocolates.


ME: ok dear, no problem. Give the phone to your daddy.


Henry and I spoke for the next four minutes before hanging up and I went home thereafter.



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