Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

_________________( I Love You)

Bella couldn’t help but kiss him back, how she

missed him so much, they both kissed each

other passionately and Knight wasted no time in

placing her on the wall, with her legs wrapped

around his torso , Knight kissed her deeply and

she moaned, she missed this,his lips hands

everything, and she has forgotten the reason why

she came.

Knight too was already hard, seeing Bella again

brought his s£xual Desires and he couldn’t help

but think the lady is a temptress, he reached for

the hem of her blue gown and pulled it exposing

her shoulder, the material cracked and he knew

it will tear , still kissing her lips he reached for

the zip instead and at once zipped it off, Bella

clung to him tightly.

Knight kissed Below her neck down to her chest

and took her nipple into his mouth, Bella bit her

lower lip and her hand was lost in his hair as

Knight did the same to the other ,still holding her

against the wall, he unbuckled his belt with one

hand , and Bella try to pull his shirt to have

access to caress his hard muscling chest which

turns her on.

Knight kissed her lips deeply and stare into her


” I miss you so much Bella ” he whispered.

She touched his cheek .

” I miss you too” she whispered.

Knight smiled and entered her,Bella’s eyes rolled

back and forth, it seems his now bigger than

before, Knight saw her face and smiled .

” You are so tight, Ella ” he whispered.

” And your bigger ” she said and he chuckled.

He started moving in and out of her, and Bella

clung to him , he was gentle at first but began

thrusting harder into her, Bella gasped holding

him so she won’t fall, but of course she won’t

fall Knight was too big and hard a strong arm

which could turn any woman on, when Knight

held her tight , their moans filled the whole paint

room, Bella kissed Knight hard on the lips as he

continued his hard thrust .

When he exploded in her, they were both

breathing so hard, he kissed her long and hard

before dropping her on her feet ,she was about

to fall and he caught her .

” Was I hard? He asked she just smiled and

whispered no.

Knight did his trouser back and she adjusted her

gown, but it was torn a bit because of the force

he was using.

Knight helped her to do her zipper , and she

whispered thank you , suddenly her mood


She came to tell him something very Important,

and she had ended up in his arms again, what

will happen if she tells him, what will he do ? She

suddenly became scared, was it another mistake

to let him sleep with her, should she had stopped


He had said he missed her, but was he telling

the truth , was he referring to her body? Was it

the s£x he missed because he could say ” you”

and all part of her body is ” her” she couldn’t

help the tears that whirl down her cheek, but she

quickly wiped it not wanting him to notice.

Knight saw how she suddenly became quite and

he didn’t like it so he touched her arm .

” Ella , are you ok? He asked in a concerned


” I need to tell you something” Bella said .

Knight was suddenly scared, did she come to tell

him she’s going away for ever, is she leaving the

country?he stare at her .

” Forget it because i won’t accept it” he said .

And that Moment Bella’s heart broke into million

pieces, that means he knows she’s pregnant ? He

doesn’t want the baby , she try not to break

down and cry .

” So you knew ? She whispered.

” I figured it out, and forget it because i won’t

accept it” Knight replied and her heart broke into

more and more pieces.

She has to get out of here, she can’t stand his

sight anymore, she suddenly felt she might faint ,

her legs couldn’t hold her anymore .

” I shouldn’t have come here” she whispered and

ran out of the painting room, Knight quickly ran

after her, before she could reach the living room

door he grabbed her wrist.

“What’s up with you Bella? He asked

” Let go of me you bastard, your so wicked , I

should had Known coming here was a mistake, I

thought you will be willing to accept it but all you

want is s£x and I foolishly gave it to you , infact

am very stupid to think anything will work

between us ” Bella yelled in tears .

Knight now was confused.

” Ella , I dont only want s£x from you , but you

don’t expect me to let you go away , I can’t let

you do that , you mean so much to me and I

don’t want to loss you ” he said .

” What is the essence of still wanting me when

you don’t even want your own blood ? She yelled


Knight was confused.

” What blood are you talking about Bella ? He

asked .

” The one you said you don’t want, if you don’t

want the baby then you don’t need me either just

let me go and I won’t bother you anymore ” she

yelled .

Knight moved a bit back, did she just say baby?

Like a real baby or …what ?? He stare at her

shocked, is she???

He grabbed her shoulder

” What baby is that? He asked and now Bella too

was confused.

” Bella Answer me, what baby are you talking

about? Knight asked trying to control his temper,

because if it’s someone else baby, he will murder

the f**ker who dare touched his Bella.

” Your baby you idiot , am pregnant, two weeks

pregnant ” she yelled .

Knight let go off her and stare at her with wide


” Your pregnant?he asked as if not believing but

was surprised.

” Yes” she said .

” It’s mine right ? He couldn’t help the joy that

was building in his heart already , just to hear it’s


” Of course it’s yours, your the only one I’ve

been Sleeping with ” she answered.

Knight smiled .

” Your pregnant, your carrying my baby ? Your

really pregnant? He said happily Bella couldn’t

help but smile she whispered yes .

Knight carried her and turn her round Bella

laughed as he dropped her and kissed her long

and hard .

” Your carrying my baby ” he said touching her

stomach, she nodded, she was so surprised at

Knights behavior, she thought he knew that’s

why he said he won’t accept, but what was he

saying then ?

” Am going to be a father …yes …yes ” he

laughed and hugged her again .

” Thank you so much Ella , I love you , thank you

” Knight said and Bella became still like a statue,

her smile faded as she stare at Knight disbelief,

did she hear well, or she has started hearing


” Knight” she called .

” Yes love ” he pulled her to him.

” You umm….you just said ….

” I love you ” he completed, Bella nodded looking

into his eyes .

Knight cupped her face in his hand and stare

into her eyes deeply.

” Bella am sorry I didn’t come to tell you this on

time, but your the first girl I was so much

attracted to, I was trying to deny my feelings for

you but I was deceiving myself, Bella i really love

you and I was coming to get you back, but then

fate had to get you pregnant for me so we could

start from where we left off, ” he said and tears

slide down her eyes , he wipped it with his


” Don’t cry Ella because I will never let you go

again, I love you and only you ” he said Bella

hugged him .

” Oh Knight, am so happy that you feel the same

for me , I really love you too, I love you so much

that it hurts me when I was leaving, I couldn’t

stand being away from you , i love you so much

” she cried on his chest and he lift her face up

and gave her a hard kiss .

” Be my girlfriend Ella , will you? He asked she

smiled .

” I will ” she replied and Knight kissed her again

“Thank you ” he whispered , they smiled at each

other .

He will date her for a while then ask her the big

question, he smiled at his thought.

” Come over here, have you eaten anything? He

asked, Bella wrapped her hand around him and

shook her head .

” Do you have a doctor’s appointment? He aksed

as they both walked into the kitchen.

” Yes ” she whispered.

Knight smiled at her as he gave her a stool to

seat on.

” You look thin Ella , have you really been eating?

He asked and Bella ignore, the truth was she

hasn’t been eating well, crying all day because of

him, and even when she found out she was


” Baby ” Knight squat Infront of her and held her

hand in his, looking up into her eyes .

” you thought i wasn’t going to accept the baby

right ? He asked and she nodded .

” Why did you think like that ? He asked touching

her long hair.

” I was scared because it was only a 10 days

contract affair, with no feelings attached, I

thought you won’t accept it ” she said .

” Ella , why won’t I accept it when I kept banging

you all the time ” he asked and Bella blushed.

” Stop saying such words Knight, it’s disgusting ”

she said he chuckled.

” Well it’s the fact Bella , and we both know it

and we kept doing the disgusting thing all the

time ” he said .

” I only let you because it was my job , and why

did you ask me if it was yours if you actually

know it’s yours ” she asked glaring at him.

” Oh common Bella, you told me you were on

pills, but then you got pregnant, so I was

confused” he said .

” Your such an asshole Knight, it was only on the

first day I took pills , and since then you have s£x

with me without warning, have you forgotten how

you s£xed me on the dinning table, then your

parents party and even in your painting room ,

infact everywhere, so how am I not supposed to

get pregnant when you didn’t even like using


Knight closed her mouth and chuckled.

” Gosh woman you talk to much , am sorry okay ,

I should have thought of that , but am still happy

you got pregnant” he said and Bella glared at


” Common baby don’t be mad at me, am sorry ”

Knight said kissing her which she responded

quickly too .

” Am I forgiven? He smirked Bella grinned and

shook her head saying no .

” But You kissed me back ” Knight said like a

child and Bella Chuckled.

” Knight, what were you saying you won’t accept

when I told you I wanted to tell you something?

She asked .

” Well, I thought you wanted to tell me your

going out of this country, I wasn’t going to let

that happen” he said in a serious tone and Bella


” Oh your scared to loss me aint you ” she


” Well I was planning to break any man’s neck I

see with you though” he said and Bella Chuckled.

“Jealous” she teased

“Much ” Knight completed.

Bella touched his face and smiled at him

lovingly, they stare into each other’s eyes, her

mind went back to her pictures in his painting

room, so she decided to ask.

“You made so many paintings of me” she said

not asking and he smiled .

“Correction, of us” he said she chuckled.

“Yes, I saw it” she said and Knight took her hand

in his .

“Bella, you are the most important part of my

memory that I want to keep alive, and those

pictures I drew are the only thing that makes me

feel better ” he said and she smiled , she blinked

back her tears.

“Am glad ” she said.

“Am glad u do” he Replied And he try to kiss her

but she moved away he frowned.

” Bella common, are you still mad at me ? He

asked and she nodded

Knight rubbed his temple frustrated.

” Just one kiss ” he begged she shook her head .

” Bella please” he pout like a child making her


” On one condition” she said .

” Anything baby I will do it ” he said .

” Make me a hot homemade lasagna , and a fried

chicken curry, with the tomato sauce” Bella said

and Knights eyes widen .

How is he going to do that ??? he swallowed

“Oh!…umm… Ok” he said slowly and got up to

go pick Ingredients from the cupboard, Bella

watched him with wide eyes .

” Oh my God, you will burn down the house ”

She said and laughed at Knight who was looking

at her with a dark eyes , she knew what his

thinking when he looks at her like that .

” I think I have Something better I know how to

do than burning the house” he said smirking as

he walked towards Bella , she stood from the

stool about to run but knight caught her and

threw her over his shoulders.

” Put me down you asshole” Bella laughed as

Knight took her to the bedroom and you know

what happened next .


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