Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

________________ day 6c/day 7( I Will Help You)

Bella and Knight sat on the floor holding each

other as they looked at the paintings, Bella right

that moment knew Knight really suffered, as a

child he watched violence and that’s why he was

so cold hearted towards people, now she knows

his true reasons behind his character,his just a

man who is badly injured in the heart and wants

others to feel his pain , Bella stroke his hair

tenderly as Knights head rested on her chest his

hands wrapped around her waist holding her as if

she was going to run, Bella knew now why floren

wanted her to make sure Knight open up to her,

so long as he keeps this heaviness inside of him,

it will keep eating him up and he will turn into a

man no one could control , she was also happy

that she had agreed to the 10 days to stay with

him .

Knight needs help, because by the look of things

he really hate that welter man alot and he will do

all he can to destroy the man, but now she want

him to be served another punishment, they have

to find some relating evidence first.

“Does he know your his son? Bella asked.

“Of course he knows” he replied.

” But how did he know? Bella asked .

“, His a co business partner of my father Jacob

Houston, he one day saw me in his house when

they celebrated the success of their companies,

he was in the party and he try to take me away

but mom floren saw what he was trying to do

and pulled me from him, right then he knew the

people I was staying with , because I couldn’t

talk after the accident, they thought I lost my

voice and probably lost my memory, so she told

him I was just a child they found and I’ve lost my

voice and i don’t know my name, the bastard

was happy, Little did he know I still could

remember everything but couldn’t talk , ever

since then he didn’t come close to me ” he said .

“, So now that you’ve grown older, does he still

come to you ? She asked .

Knight shrugged.

” Not really, because I don’t really talk to him, we

only do businesses together at my father’s

company, and the bastard thinks I still haven’t

remembered anything” he said .

” But he knows You hate him right ? She asked

” Yes, and he really doesn’t know the reason

behind my hatred towards him, he thought it’s

because I found out he wanted to steal from my

father , and he hated me for telling my father his

bad aura , so my father cut all ties with him ,

that’s why we disgust each other, but my main

reason he doesn’t know, am planning to destroy

him.” Knight said .

Bella signed, Knight Really suffered, he really did


” Do you have any evidence that could put him

behind bars ? Bella asked .

” No, I don’t ” he replied.

Now this is where they should start finding

evidence, Bella thought,she believes the man

can also be involved in other things all they need

is evidence.

” There’s no need for evidence, I and my brothers

already made a plan to kill the bastard” Knight

said and Bella gasped.

” No, you won’t kill him “she said and Knight left

hold of her and looked into her eyes, he didn’t

understand why she was against him killing the

f**ker .

“And why shouldn’t I, this is my business just

because I told you my story doesn’t mean you

poke your nose into what I do ” he half yelled .

Bella didn’t like that he was angry already, she

moved closer to him and touched him .

” Please Knight,am not trying to make you angry

okay , niether am I trying to jump into your

business,am only saying that killing him won’t be

the best thing to do,just think about it, if you kill

him ,what difference does he make you both ,he

killed your mother and you killed him, there’s no

difference between you two then ” she said

trying to make him understand.

” I don’t care Bella , all I want is to end the

Bastard” he said

Bella shook her head and touched his face,

Making him to look into her eyes,she knew

deeply down that she was falling for Knight, but

she knew he won’t feel the same for her, but

right now she needs to help him.

“Knight your a broken man and you’ve been

through alot as a child, all I ask is try to be calm

, listen ,don’t tell me you want to be a monster

like Mr welter , that man is another figure of a

devil, but your not , just try to find evidence and

hand him to the police” Bella try to convince.

Knight stare into her eyes for a while thinking

about what she was saying, maybe it’s true, but

he really wants to end the Bastard himself.

“I will help you knight, at least we could be able

to bring him down before my 10 days is up ,if

your confident enough then know that he will be

down before you know it,look why don’t you try

to find an investigator , investigate him find out

some things about him that could help us trick

him , once we do that it’s settled” Bella said .

Knight listened to her carefully, he couldn’t help

but stare at her .

” My brother’s are already doing that ” he


Bella smiled.

” It’s good then ” she replied

” Your going to help me ? He aksed surprised,

that she will help him after all he has done to


” Yes,i will help you ” she said .

” Why would you help me when all I’ve done is

put you in pain ,I forced you into staying here

and having s£x with me am not even different

from my Father, Bella i hurt your feelings, maybe

it’s best I let you go “, he said sadly turning

away from her .

Bella sudden don’t want to go anymore, she

wants to stay with Knight, she should be happy

right that he finally released her but why isn’t

she ? Instead she’s sad that Knight wants her to

go she only has 4 more days , no way she wants

to help him even if at the last minute she goes

away .

” I don’t want to go because my days hasn’t

ended yet , I have 4 more days left ” Bella said

Knight looked at her .

” If it’s about the money don’t worry, you will get

it , so you can go ” he said and Bella wondered

why his suddenly pushing her away , but she’s

going no where.

” I thought we are going to agree with the

contract I signed?,10 days with Bella” she said

Knight stare at her, he didn’t want to hurt her

anymore, he wants her to go, it’s his cross and

he has to carry it himself.

He got up from the floor and Bella watched him.

” I know what the contract said I made it, you

don’t need to worry Bella just go ” he said and

Bella stood up angrily now and walked towards


” Why are you suddenly behaving different,did I

do anything wrong Knight? Bella try not to yell.

” Bella i cant force you into having s£x with me

anymore, when I do that I realize am a beast

itself doing to you the same thing my Mr welter

did to my mother , Bella i don’t want you to feel

the same way that bastard made my mom felt

although I know you already felt like that , and

am sorry , I will give you your money and you will

go ” Knight said trying to walk out of the painting

room but Bella was deeply hurt.

It wasn’t her plan to fall for him, and now it’s

really hurting her , she reached to grab his hand .

” Your not forcing me Knight, I really want to

help you I promise once 4 days is up , I will go

“she said looking up at Knight who did the same.

He gently touched her cheek and looked deep

into her eyes, he doesn’t know what he feels

towards this woman right in his front, but even

him himself couldn’t let go, he doesn’t want her

to go, but why ? She deserves to be free , he

forced her into sleeping with him and lossing her

virginity, his nothing but a beast, his no different

from his father .

Bella tiptoed and wrapped her hands around his

neck , then kisses him , Knight didn’t want to

respond at first, but just her mere touch got him

hard , he groaned and wrapped his hand Around

her waist and pulled her to him tightly, kissing

her lips like she was going to run away from

him,bella moaned pressing herself on Knight,

Knight picked her up and backed her on the wall

with her legs wrapped around his waist.

He kissed from her neck down to her br**st ,and

Bella’s eyes closed as she moaned, knight gently

brought her to the floor and removed his shirt ,

Bella did thesame.

They were both consumed by the irresistable

temptation, they wanted each other badly, they

couldn’t wait to devour each other not bothering

going to the bedroom.

Knight knew too that what they were about to do

in this room would be a memory for him too, any

time he comes to this painting room, he will

remember Bella , when she goes away he will

remember her .

When he entered her, Bella pulled his head down

and kissed him passionately this time around ,

not because she wants to please him but

because she has falling for him, her emotions

were in the kiss , she felt Knight moving in and

out of her, she moaned as he filled her world.

She knew Knight isn’t bad at all, what he saw is

what he was practicing, that man welter

deserved to be burnt to hell for what he made

Knight and his mother past through, and she will

do all she can to help Knight put the bastard

behind bars , not because she wants to do it ,

but because she was already inlove with him.

The following day , Bella woke up not finding

Knight in bed so as usual she went and freshing

up, she wore a simple gown and her pear of

slippers and went down the stairs, she heard

some voices and it seems they were discussing

business, she drew nearer untill she saw its

knight and his brothers talking.

” I want him to get bankrupt” Knight said in an

angry tone.

” Yes after that we will expose him with this

evidence we already have ” Dustin said .

” But you know that man could be so smart what

if he gets to figure out we are trying to get him

bankrupt? Aaron asked , Knight signed .

” His just an old pig am sure he will never find

out , and also maybe it’s best I confront him ”

Knight said .

” Hell man you will do no such thing and besides

he still doesn’t know if you remember him, ” luck

said .

” That man handles gun, due to the fact he

moves from one woman to the other how about

we pay one of his sluts to help us out here, we

threaten him we got evidence his illegal

activities with the money he keeps stealing from

people and crushing ones business, we tell him

we want his company and you know how much

his business means go him , and boom , he

would want to find a way to get the evidence

and end us” Dustin said.

Bella listened to them carefully and she agrees

with Dustin’s suggestion.

” I agree with Dustin” she said from behind as

they all turned to look at her, she gently walked

towards them and sat at the empty chair, his

brother’s looked at Knight trying to understand

why Bella is sitting with them.

” I told her everything” Knight said and Bella

smiled at his brothers who smiled back.

” Oh! That’s good then we have another partner”

luck said cheering.

” So , about what Dustin said, ” Bella began as

they looked at her .

“, I suggest we follow that plan, lie to him that

you want his company in other not to reveal his

illegal activities, once he discovers you have

evidence against him , he would be terrified and

would want to talk with you , he might want to

exchange with you , which means, you give him

the evidence and you get his company, but it will

all be a plan, once he ask to see you then it’s

opportunity for you to strike him.” Bella said .

“, Well I think she’s completely right , but you

know welter would have a gun if he calls up

meeting with Knight” Aaron said.

” But he wouldn’t want to shoot unless his sure

Knight is with the evidence right ? Bella asked .

And they all nodded .

“, Look, that shouldn’t be a problem, f**k am a

very good friend to my inspector friend, we need

to show him this evidence first ” Dustin said

scrolling through the papers his holding which

has all information about his illegal deeds and

how he take over business and run down

people’s financial status, indeed he was a

cleaver man .

Bella reached for the paper’s and looked into it ,

God the man is so disgusting.

” So we should trick him right ?, Knight asked .

They nodded.

” As for your mother’s death, bring it up when

talking to him, then he will realize you never

forgot him,and am sure he will talk about it, the

police needs to hear him saying it him self” Bella

said and the brothers looked at her amusingly.

“Wow good suggestion, I can’t wait to bring that

Bastard down ” Dustin said and they chuckled

Knight couldn’t help but smile at Bella , after all

he did to her, yet she’s being so kind to him, will

she ever forgive him for forcing her into s£x with

him ?

” Thanks Bella , your really a genius”he said and

she smiled at him.

” I promised to help , and I will help you till welter

goes down ” she said with a smile

And all the brother’s watched as Knight and

Bella stare at each other , that moment they

knew their brother is a goner, they smiled.

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