Thu. Mar 6th, 2025



Leon cut my nails short. I watch as he carefully cut my nails.






“Am hungry….what should we eat?” I ask and he smile


“I don’t know about you…as for me….I want to eat you” he said. He said and my eyes wide open.


“Leon you’re being naughty” i said and he chuckled.


“I have something to give you” he said


“What’s that?” I said and he brought out a golden MasterCard. “What’s this?”


“Its a MasterCard….I want you to stob being and actress….Gem….I want you to just stay at home….let me do


all the work and you’ll be the one spending my money” he said. It hurts me when he said that….I don’t want to


be a house wife….I don’t want to be a wife who depend too much on her husband. “Gem” he said and I forced


a smile.


“I’ll do as you say” i said


“Kitten I know I’ll be hard on you….I know….”


“No Leon…I understand…I don’t want to be a burden to you anymore”


“Gem you were never a burden to me….I love you” he said.


“So you mean I can spend at much money as I want?” I asked and he chuckled


“As much as you want” he said


“I’ll dry your account…..” I joked


“It’s a money limitless account…. kitten…it never runs dry…the more you take the more it increase….don’t be scared….the card carries a sign too….if you go any high place….hmm….like a make up house and the queue is too much you can show them your card and you’ll be noticed as a VVIP” he said


“I like it…..Leon can we eat now….” I said


“You go shower first….I’ll tell the maids to prepare your food” he said


I walk sluggishly towards the bathroom.


“Am so tired….I can’t even lift my arms” i groan


“I can come bath you if you want” he said


“Leon….!!!!” I yelled


“What? What are husband’s for?” He said


“So you want me to come shower with you?”


“Fuck off Leon… Pervert!!” I slam the bathroom door. I could hear him laughing.


Leon sat at the dinning table waiting for me. His phone rang. It was Noah




“Sir….I…I found something….it’s…’s about madam…..” He stammered


“What about her?”


“She….she…I found out…..”


“Get to the point Noah!!!” Leon yelled


“She’s a……..”


“Leon……” I walked in “everything okay?”


“I’ll talk to you later” he ended the call and smiled at me.


“Yes everything is fine…it’s just Noah….let’s eat” he said.


After breakfast Leon told me that we’ll be going to his family house.


“Will you be okay?” I asked and he frown




“You know because….you hate it there….I know” i said


“I don’t have a choice…. even though it was my stupid mistake in the past but my family went too far….


especially my father who cut ties with me and abandon me” he said. “We’ll be moving this evening by tomorrow morning we’ll be there….don’t bother to pack your things… everything you need is already





there…just get ready…..I’ll go make a call outside” he said kissed my head and left.


“Noah…..what’s the rubbish you just send to me” he yelled


“Sir….you wife is the daughter of Mr Hardin who betrayed your family and almost killed your grandfather”


“What!!!!!, No…it’s not true…dig into this again!” He yelled


“Sir I’ve done this more that ten times to be sure….even Madam’s DNA matches with his”


Leon was frustrated…..he got married to the daughter of the man he hated most…..


Leon took a car and drove out.


It’s almost five and Leon was not back yet…he said he’ll just make a call….I tried calling him but the number


kept on ringing…he wasn’t answering….I was worried.


Sasha came to me. .


“Madam….sir ask me to deliver a message to you….he said you should go to his family house first…he said he


won’t be coming with you…..the jet is ready…I’ll escort you” she said.


“But….he..he said… we are moving together….what happened?, Is everything alright?” I asked and she nodded


“Let’s go madam” she said. I nodded and got into the jet. I kept on calling but he wasn’t picking. So I sent him a voice note.


“Leon….is everything ok? You just left me again….am so worried…can you please pick up your calls or at least


reply me….am worried…Leon….am going to your family house now…..I fell so alone…..I love you…see you




On the other side tears was pouring out of Leon’s face as he listened to her voice note….he continues to drink


and drink.


“What kind of fate is this…..why….

just why!!!!!, I can’t lose her….i don’t care what her parents did…..I love



I don’t care about the past….

she’s my life now….

if she lives me…I’ll be useless

…..and if I let her go I’d



” He said and turned to Noah “make sure any of my family don’t find out…. especially grandma” Noah








The next day….the jet landed on the Mavis by 9 am…..

I took a deep breath and climb down……

countless of


guards now there heads to greet me. “Welcome madam!!” They yelled.




I could see grandma, a young woman, two mature young men standing at the front….

I walk towards









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