Thu. Mar 6th, 2025




Gianna and Reid went to the arcades shop cause of the long queue there,


“Maybe they’re doing something very interesting there.” She said as she fiddled with the boy’s finger.


They were Muppets,Plushies and Stuffed toys in every counter,


“Shoot ten balls in five second and get one Plushies.” The man in the arcade shop announced to all and sundry.


“Mommy I want that one.” Reid pointed to the big white Plushies that hung in front of the shop,


“You want it?” She asked the boy and he nodded,


“Sir,I want to try it.” She handed her ticket to the man while he slot it through his payment machine.


“You go in.” Hr showered her to the shooting box,


The Boys Bolster gun was a bit heavy,so it took her time to raise it up,








”Go!” The man said and she began to shoot, It wasn’t as easy as shed earlier thought,


The balls were slippery,so most times the fake bullet slip through them and they don’t get punctured easily.


At the elapse of time,she only burst seven balls.


“Miss you tried but you busted only seven balls.” The man smiled at her and have her back her ticket,



“Reid sorry mommy couldn’t get you that Plushies.” She apologized to her son as they walked away from the shops.


Justin had seen the anticipation in the boy’s eyes when his mother was playing and having her lose,the boy was disappointed but didn’t show it.


When the mother and son duo left,he stepped into the shop and gave the man his ticket.


“Hey boy where are your parents?” The


man asked him,


“They’re talking with college mate down there.” He randomly pointed outside,


“Okay.” The man allowed him inside,










Instead of shooting first,Justin disassembled the gun,then setting the gun to a more


faster frequency ,


When his time elapsed,


He’d shot twelve balls,


“Awesome!” The man exclaimed seeing how efficient and fast the child was,


“Now give me my Plushies.” He said to the man when another man walked inside the shop,


“I want that Plushies.’


Immediately he said it,Justin frowned,


” Sir,I already have it.”


“And who’re you?” The mam asked Justin,


The boys lip curved in a smile.


“Who I am doesn’t matter,what matters here is my Plushies.”


“I don’t think you can have it boy,go tell your daddy to get you another one.”


The shipowner turned to the man,


“The boy already played the game and he shot twelve ball Sir, so I think the kid have it.”


“How can a little boy like this shoot twelves ball under five seconds, lies.”


“Sir he actually did it.” The shop keeper convinced but the man was adamant to believe him,


“Since you claim he just shot twelve balls under five seconds,let the both of us play a challenge.


Whoever gets the highest point has the Plushies.” The man suggested,


Justin nodded,


He was going to get his look alike that Plushies and that’s a must.


He accepted the challenge,


“I accept but one a conditions that if I win,not only will I get the Plushies, you’ll give me another to compensate me for wasting my time.” He said,


The man nodded,




He wasn’t going to lose in front of a mere kid


When his girlfriend is waiting for him and expecting him to come back with the Plushies.


The game began and like the other,


Justin reset the Boys Bolsters,



Why he does that is that,the gun is being adjusted to a low frequency,when it’s shot,the bullet got no force and mostly slips away but whenever it’s brought to its highest frequency,


The bullet comes out with great force and with one aim,it can burst two or three ball.


When their time elapsed,the man and Justin came out from their respective boxes.


The man was confident he was going to win the little boy.


The owner of the shop came out,


“And here’s the result for the challenge,


This Mister here just scored twenty seven points under ten seconds,” The man leaped in joy,


He was sure that the boy can’t score up to that,


“While the little boy here scored thirty eight points under ten seconds.” Everyone yelped,


Justin smiled and looked at the man,


“You’ve just lost to an eight year old boy,


What a shame?”


He took the Plushies from the shopkeeper and walked away to look for that boy and his mother.


Reid and Gianna where entering the dark tunnel when the boy spot something moving towards the tunnel,


How come this Plushies is walking?


He left his mother’s hand and walked towards the person who seem to be walking to his direction.


The Plushies was coming faster towards him and he was walking slowly towards it,


Rubbing his eyes at interval to see he wasn’t day dreaming of a walking Plushies.



“Reid!” Gianna called,the boy turned back and saw his mommy calling him,he ran back to her,


Mommy’s call is more important than anything.


Seeing the boy leave and walled towards the woman, He felt a pinprick of jealousy.


He rushed towards them and were just right behind them when they went into the Dark Tunnel,


The attendant seeing him thought he was with them,so he allowed him inside.


The tunnel was a bit dim,so he just followed them from a little distance,


The boy and his mother were still walking down the tunnel when he saw another figure follow them.


He increased his pace to be closer to them and slightly caught a glimpse of something,


The man was holding gun and he’s hiding it under his shirt.


Who’s this man and why’s he with a gun?


He ran towards the man and brushed passed him to get to the boy and his mother before the man does but the man shot at him,


Luckily,he dodged the bullet using the Plushies as his armour.


With the sound of the gunshot people started running helter smelter,he tan towards the boy and his mommy,


He pulled the boy beside him,


“Someone wants to hurt you and your mommy.” Justin told Reid,


“What?” The younger boy shouted,


Justin nodded,


“The man just shot at me thinking it was you,so you have to…


” Dodge!”Another shot came from behind them,


Fortunately, Justin saw it on time and pushed his brother down,


“What’s happening?” Reid shouted in the commotion,


“I don’t know.” He dragged the boy with him,


“Wait let me get my mommy.” Reid wanted to pull of but Justin’s grip was tighter,


“No,the man’s back there and will get you if you go back.” The dragged the boy and they began to run.


The man getting a sight of the boy’s running went after them


To be continued.

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