Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

Theme: Perfect Picture











“AT THIS STAGE, I’LL TAKE ANYTHING I GET.” Bella yells from the floor.


“Thank you bella, now everybody listen up, we have a baby emergency here, and none of us knows anything about baby delivery, so get ready cause it’s about to get crazy in here, now I’ll need some medicines and I don’t know what sort of medicine, so Uche go to the clinic nearby and buy some medicine.” Bright orders.


“But how do I know what kind of medicine to buy.” Uche asked confused.


“Uche for Christ sake I need you to go to the clinic and tell them your wife is in labour and you need some medicines for her. Oh and also get a packet of absorbent pads, I don’t really know what that is but I heard it in a movie. Now go get them, bye bye.” Bright orders him out.


“Now bayo I need you to get the guest room ready, Henry i want you to get me hot water and a sharp scissors.”


“What do you need a scissors for.” Zack questions.



“Well I’ve seen them use it in the movies to cut the umbilical cord, now stop asking questions and help me deliver this baby. Hey Bella, I know you’re in pains right now but I’ll have to move you from here so you can lay down comfortable on the guest room, bayo just prepared, Zack help me carry her up.” Bright says and Zack did as instructed, Zack looks at Bright confused noticing she wasn’t holding the other side of Bella.


“You asked me to help you, so why are you not holding her.”


“I asked you to help carry her, I never said I was going to join you, now come on let’s move her to the guest room.” Bright says and walks rights in front of him, heading straight to the guest room. Zack sighs and then helped Bella to the guest room.




After an hour of Bella screaming down the house, Bright dishing instructions, Zack hands getting peeled out and the guys roaming around the front of the guest room nervously, the baby finally did came out.


“It’s a baby boy.” Bright announced and Henry, Uche, and bayo rushed into the room. Bright smiles at Bella and hands over the baby to her.


“Wow I can’t believe this came out of me and he looks just like his father.” Bella says softly staring at the baby in her hand. Henry walks up to the bed and sits next to Bella on the bed and then takes the baby from her, Bella rest her head on his shoulder as they both stare at the baby with so much love and care.


Bright felt it right there, a little pang in her heart and suddenly she couldn’t breathe, she realized that minute they would make a perfect family without her in the picture, she sighs a little and slips out of the room unnoticed.


Bella raised her head up and noticed Bright wasn’t in the room anymore, she gives Henry gentle nodge on his stomach and Henry raised his head up and looked at her confused. “What’s it.” He whispered afraid he will disturb the baby who’s sucking his mother br**st like his life depended on it.



“It’s Bright she’s gone.” Bella whispers back and Henry crank his neck to search the room but just like Bella had said bright wasn’t in the room.


“Well maybe she just stepped out for a while and besides the guys are gone to” Henry says shrugging


“They said there goodbyes and congratulations before leaving and also they left because I needed to br**stfeed the baby. Henry I’m a woman and I know I’ll be terribly jealous if another woman is in the hands of my man and actually br**stfeeding his baby. Henry i almost killed you out there because of jealousy, even when I didn’t love you, okay I didn’t realize that I didn’t love you. All I’m saying is that Bright must be feeling hurt right now, hell she might be packing her bags as we speak, so go look for her.”


“Who the hell are you and what have you done to Bella.” Henry exclaimed and Bella placed a finger on her lips asking him to be quite.


“Henry, Bright made me realize a lot of things, that I was chasing high waters, like look at me I claim to love you but I shot you, don’t tell me it was mistake Henry, Cause I really wanted to kill you, you really did hurt me Henry. But Bright made me realize how stupid I’ve been, and for someone who almost got shot by me she still helped me deliver my baby, she’s the reason why I have this piece of bundle in my arms right now, Bright is a great lady and a crazy one at that, go talk to her and tell her I’m going to be among her bride’s maid.” Bella says smiling tearfully.


“Thanks Bella, and for the record, I’m really sorry for what I did to you.” Henry says and kissed the top of her head.


“You’re forgiving, now go get your woman, before she takes the next available flight to Ghana.” Henry chuckles and gave his baby boy a kiss on the forehead.




“Bright! Bright!” Henry calls out walking into Bright room, he looks around but there was no sign of Bright. He noticed her clothes, has been littered around her room, her stuff here and there, the bright he knows is a well organized person.


“Bright, Bright.” He calls out again, this time checking the bathroom.


“I’m here Henry.” Bright calls out from the balcony, Henry let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and walked to the balcony.


“Bright why are you standing here, and why did you leave.” Henry questions, standing right behind her, watching her closely.


“Well I just couldn’t take it anymore.” Bright replies and turns to him, Henry frowns on seeing the few tears rolling down her cheeks.


“Bright why are you crying and what couldn’t you take anymore.” Henry asks drawing closer to her.


“To be sincere I don’t know why I’m crying, maybe it’s because you have such a handsome son?”


“Wait are you crying because of Bella gave birth, I don’t understand Bright you were okay with her being pregnant, Bright talk to me what’s going on.”


“I thought I was okay with Bella pregnancy, but I guess deep down I wanted Bella should just come out and say hey the baby isn’t yours, Henry. You know something like that, and now seeing the baby has all your facial features, there’s nothing left out. It just kind of hurt Henry, it hurts.” Bright wipes away a tear or two, and smiles a little. Henry kept quiet and watched her, he didn’t want to say anything yet, he wanted her to let all her emotions out before he start pressing buttons.


“And right now I feel so confused, I feel like an intruder, an outsider, I left that room with only one plan in mind and that was to leave, but I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t leave Henry, I love you too much to that. Henry am I intruding, am I an intruder?.” She cleans more tears and looks at him, searching for an answer between his handsome face.


“No you’re not, Bright how would you even think of something like that.” Henry questions astonished by her question, he cups her face in his hands and gave a sweet gentle kiss on her nose, a featherlight kiss.



“Well the three of you look so good together, you had that perfect picture and I just felt like an intruder.”


“Bright just because I have a baby with bella doesn’t make us the perfect couple or the perfect picture like you call it, Bright you’re my perfect picture with or without a baby in it, beside we are getting married remember and then we could add a lot of babies to our already perfect picture. I’ll give you a thousand perfect picture. Bright you’re the woman I love.” Henry whispers and placed a kiss on her forehead.


“You’re the woman I want and need in my life.” Henry placed a kiss on both her eyes.


“And finally you’re the woman I want in my own perfect picture.” Henry kissed her this time on the lips. He didn’t mean to make the kiss long or blissful, all he wanted was a soft touch, a little contact with her lips but then once he got a taste of her lips, her inner mouth, he couldn’t cut it off, he needed her, now, today, tommorow and forever, maybe an eternity.


“So what do you say, will you be my perfect picture.” He asks cheekily.


“Yes, I will.” She replies wiping the tears from her eyes.


“Great cause I’m thinking you’ll look really s£xy out of your wedding gown.”


“Seriously, you’re ready thinking of our wedding night.”


“Well don’t blame me, weddings are boring the real deal is the wedding night, you know when we get to hmm and unhm in the sheet.” He says grinning.


“I have absolute no idea of what you’re taking about.” Bright says, faking a frown.


“Well I could show you now, we could have a rehearsal right here on your bed.” Henry says and carries her up, then takes her into the room and drops her on her soft bed.


“Rehearse what?” Bright asks laughing out.



“We are rehearsing the uhmn and unhum.”


“Oh my God, seriously Henry. BAYO COME AND SEE ooo, HENRY WANTS TO SCORE ANOTHER GOAL oo.” Bright yells really loud.


“Bright shush.” Henry says and placed his hand to cover her mouth.


“Okay I won’t shout anymore, now take your hands off me.” Bright says and he takes his hand off her mouth.


“Gosh I’m getting married to a crazy woman and I love her regardless.” Henry says with much adoration.


“It’s that a way of saying you love me.” Bright asks pouting.


“I love you bright.”


“I love you, idiot.”

Theme: Perfect Picture











“AT THIS STAGE, I’LL TAKE ANYTHING I GET.” Bella yells from the floor.


“Thank you bella, now everybody listen up, we have a baby emergency here, and none of us knows anything about baby delivery, so get ready cause it’s about to get crazy in here, now I’ll need some medicines and I don’t know what sort of medicine, so Uche go to the clinic nearby and buy some medicine.” Bright orders.


“But how do I know what kind of medicine to buy.” Uche asked confused.


“Uche for Christ sake I need you to go to the clinic and tell them your wife is in labour and you need some medicines for her. Oh and also get a packet of absorbent pads, I don’t really know what that is but I heard it in a movie. Now go get them, bye bye.” Bright orders him out.


“Now bayo I need you to get the guest room ready, Henry i want you to get me hot water and a sharp scissors.”


“What do you need a scissors for.” Zack questions.



“Well I’ve seen them use it in the movies to cut the umbilical cord, now stop asking questions and help me deliver this baby. Hey Bella, I know you’re in pains right now but I’ll have to move you from here so you can lay down comfortable on the guest room, bayo just prepared, Zack help me carry her up.” Bright says and Zack did as instructed, Zack looks at Bright confused noticing she wasn’t holding the other side of Bella.


“You asked me to help you, so why are you not holding her.”


“I asked you to help carry her, I never said I was going to join you, now come on let’s move her to the guest room.” Bright says and walks rights in front of him, heading straight to the guest room. Zack sighs and then helped Bella to the guest room.




After an hour of Bella screaming down the house, Bright dishing instructions, Zack hands getting peeled out and the guys roaming around the front of the guest room nervously, the baby finally did came out.


“It’s a baby boy.” Bright announced and Henry, Uche, and bayo rushed into the room. Bright smiles at Bella and hands over the baby to her.


“Wow I can’t believe this came out of me and he looks just like his father.” Bella says softly staring at the baby in her hand. Henry walks up to the bed and sits next to Bella on the bed and then takes the baby from her, Bella rest her head on his shoulder as they both stare at the baby with so much love and care.


Bright felt it right there, a little pang in her heart and suddenly she couldn’t breathe, she realized that minute they would make a perfect family without her in the picture, she sighs a little and slips out of the room unnoticed.


Bella raised her head up and noticed Bright wasn’t in the room anymore, she gives Henry gentle nodge on his stomach and Henry raised his head up and looked at her confused. “What’s it.” He whispered afraid he will disturb the baby who’s sucking his mother br**st like his life depended on it.



“It’s Bright she’s gone.” Bella whispers back and Henry crank his neck to search the room but just like Bella had said bright wasn’t in the room.


“Well maybe she just stepped out for a while and besides the guys are gone to” Henry says shrugging


“They said there goodbyes and congratulations before leaving and also they left because I needed to br**stfeed the baby. Henry I’m a woman and I know I’ll be terribly jealous if another woman is in the hands of my man and actually br**stfeeding his baby. Henry i almost killed you out there because of jealousy, even when I didn’t love you, okay I didn’t realize that I didn’t love you. All I’m saying is that Bright must be feeling hurt right now, hell she might be packing her bags as we speak, so go look for her.”


“Who the hell are you and what have you done to Bella.” Henry exclaimed and Bella placed a finger on her lips asking him to be quite.


“Henry, Bright made me realize a lot of things, that I was chasing high waters, like look at me I claim to love you but I shot you, don’t tell me it was mistake Henry, Cause I really wanted to kill you, you really did hurt me Henry. But Bright made me realize how stupid I’ve been, and for someone who almost got shot by me she still helped me deliver my baby, she’s the reason why I have this piece of bundle in my arms right now, Bright is a great lady and a crazy one at that, go talk to her and tell her I’m going to be among her bride’s maid.” Bella says smiling tearfully.


“Thanks Bella, and for the record, I’m really sorry for what I did to you.” Henry says and kissed the top of her head.


“You’re forgiving, now go get your woman, before she takes the next available flight to Ghana.” Henry chuckles and gave his baby boy a kiss on the forehead.




“Bright! Bright!” Henry calls out walking into Bright room, he looks around but there was no sign of Bright. He noticed her clothes, has been littered around her room, her stuff here and there, the bright he knows is a well organized person.


“Bright, Bright.” He calls out again, this time checking the bathroom.


“I’m here Henry.” Bright calls out from the balcony, Henry let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and walked to the balcony.


“Bright why are you standing here, and why did you leave.” Henry questions, standing right behind her, watching her closely.


“Well I just couldn’t take it anymore.” Bright replies and turns to him, Henry frowns on seeing the few tears rolling down her cheeks.


“Bright why are you crying and what couldn’t you take anymore.” Henry asks drawing closer to her.


“To be sincere I don’t know why I’m crying, maybe it’s because you have such a handsome son?”


“Wait are you crying because of Bella gave birth, I don’t understand Bright you were okay with her being pregnant, Bright talk to me what’s going on.”


“I thought I was okay with Bella pregnancy, but I guess deep down I wanted Bella should just come out and say hey the baby isn’t yours, Henry. You know something like that, and now seeing the baby has all your facial features, there’s nothing left out. It just kind of hurt Henry, it hurts.” Bright wipes away a tear or two, and smiles a little. Henry kept quiet and watched her, he didn’t want to say anything yet, he wanted her to let all her emotions out before he start pressing buttons.


“And right now I feel so confused, I feel like an intruder, an outsider, I left that room with only one plan in mind and that was to leave, but I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t leave Henry, I love you too much to that. Henry am I intruding, am I an intruder?.” She cleans more tears and looks at him, searching for an answer between his handsome face.


“No you’re not, Bright how would you even think of something like that.” Henry questions astonished by her question, he cups her face in his hands and gave a sweet gentle kiss on her nose, a featherlight kiss.



“Well the three of you look so good together, you had that perfect picture and I just felt like an intruder.”


“Bright just because I have a baby with bella doesn’t make us the perfect couple or the perfect picture like you call it, Bright you’re my perfect picture with or without a baby in it, beside we are getting married remember and then we could add a lot of babies to our already perfect picture. I’ll give you a thousand perfect picture. Bright you’re the woman I love.” Henry whispers and placed a kiss on her forehead.


“You’re the woman I want and need in my life.” Henry placed a kiss on both her eyes.


“And finally you’re the woman I want in my own perfect picture.” Henry kissed her this time on the lips. He didn’t mean to make the kiss long or blissful, all he wanted was a soft touch, a little contact with her lips but then once he got a taste of her lips, her inner mouth, he couldn’t cut it off, he needed her, now, today, tommorow and forever, maybe an eternity.


“So what do you say, will you be my perfect picture.” He asks cheekily.


“Yes, I will.” She replies wiping the tears from her eyes.


“Great cause I’m thinking you’ll look really s£xy out of your wedding gown.”


“Seriously, you’re ready thinking of our wedding night.”


“Well don’t blame me, weddings are boring the real deal is the wedding night, you know when we get to hmm and unhm in the sheet.” He says grinning.


“I have absolute no idea of what you’re taking about.” Bright says, faking a frown.


“Well I could show you now, we could have a rehearsal right here on your bed.” Henry says and carries her up, then takes her into the room and drops her on her soft bed.


“Rehearse what?” Bright asks laughing out.



“We are rehearsing the uhmn and unhum.”


“Oh my God, seriously Henry. BAYO COME AND SEE ooo, HENRY WANTS TO SCORE ANOTHER GOAL oo.” Bright yells really loud.


“Bright shush.” Henry says and placed his hand to cover her mouth.


“Okay I won’t shout anymore, now take your hands off me.” Bright says and he takes his hand off her mouth.


“Gosh I’m getting married to a crazy woman and I love her regardless.” Henry says with much adoration.


“It’s that a way of saying you love me.” Bright asks pouting.


“I love you bright.”


“I love you, idiot.”




“Shush, good night.”








Living With Guys


1 Mansion 4 freaking hot guys 1 Girl What could possibly go wrong




“Shush, good night.”








Living With Guys


1 Mansion 4 freaking hot guys 1 Girl What could possibly go wrong


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