Sun. Mar 2nd, 2025

Episode 3



I tot of what Esther said but I hadn’t wanted it to bother me. It’s true that my husband is a very good man and the type that ladies would do anything to have to themselves buh I’m glad he chose me. Buh since he’s a married man, all that should change right?


I didn’t mention anything to Mark when he returned from work as he has already assured me nobody is coming between us






*Mark’s office*


“Hey best friend” Taiwo said in between smiles Mark lifted his head to see who it was


“Oh hi….wassup. How did u manage to get past my secretary?” He said, packing


the files he was working on so he could give his guest the needed attention “Well….you know. Forget about that, how are you?” She asked


“I’m fine as you can see” he replied. Taiwo gave a smile in response.


She was looking round his office, admiring how spacious and we’ll decorated it was when her eyes caught the pictire of a young lady on his desk.


She stared at it for a while. Obviously knowing who it was she asked.


“Who’s this young lady”


“That’s Kemi, my wife” he replied


“I see, how did you guys meet anyway” she asked


“Uhmm….youth service, I met her while I was serving, I loved her person and


asked for her friendship and here we are” he explained briefly, staring at the picture and smiling to himself, remembering the beautiful moments he had with her.


“Ohh I see. Well that doesn’t change anything between us right” she said, all smiles


“Yeah I guess…” He replied, not totally sure


“Good…cos you Know if I hadn’t travelled overseas then, we would’ve been married. So Don’t let her come between us.” She said with all seriousness and stood up to leave


“Well I guess I’d be leaving now, I see you have alot of things to do. See you at home dear.” She said as she made her way to the door


“Yeah bye ” Mark responded as she left and was left thinking about what she has said






Mark got home that day still thinking of what his best had said but he concluded that there was nothing to be worried about.


He got home to be greeted by his wife who had prepared his food and was waiting for him so they could eat together.


He enjoyed his meal and thanked his wife who went to stay at the veranda to enjoy the breeze blowing peacefully on her skin


“Hey babe” he whispered behind as he hugged her, to which she smiled


“Hey….hope you enjoyed your meal.” She asked in between smiles


“Yes I did…. thanks, you want to stay outside?” He asked


“Yeah I feel like” she responded


“Okay then, let’s stay together” he replied as he planted a light kiss on her neck to which she considered ticklish and laughed






Taiwo was bored in her room and decided to go outside to enjoy the cool breeze as well


Her room was downstairs which was the guest room while the master’s bedroom was upstairs.


She came out, enjoying the cool breeze while pressing her phone when she heard giggles, laughter and whispers coming from upstairs.


She looked up to see Mark and Kemi together enjoying each other’s company. Taiwo was so filled with jealousy and was thinking of what to do to interrupt them


“Uhmmm…..Mark, please come and check what’s wrong with my car” she said as


she was looking at the two


Mark on the other hand, didn’t know what to do to avoid trouble from the two women: whether to stay with his wife of attend to his best friend.










So tell me, what’s going on?














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