Fri. Mar 7th, 2025





That f*cking b*tch


I knew she did that intentionally


I wasnt totally drunk


That was all a plan ,i wanted to pretend we were both drunk so i can seduce Austin into having s*x with me


She ruined the whole thing


I paced about in my room thinking of the best way to make her pay for what she did to me.


It been hours ,I took my bath ,wore something sΒ£xy and head downstairs for dinner Thankfully kira was still cooking


“Kira “i called in a polite tone and sat down on the couch “You called “she replied nonchalantly



“Please can you get me my phone from my room”i asked in a polite manner


immediately kira left ,i quickly ran to the kitchen and poured a lot of hot sauce and salt into the food


Minutes later she brought my phone back and went into the kitchen.


I sat down in the dining with mitch and Austin and kira served us food


Austin was the first to take a spoon full into his mouth and spat it out immediately “What wrong”i asked innocently


I quickly took the spoon and scoped some into my mouth and spat it out “Omg kira” i yelled


“What the hell is this kira” Austin yelled


“What do you mean “she asked


“taste the food” austin said


she tasted the food and spat it out immediately


I could see the expression on her face ,,she was really angry “What is wrong with you kira ,,are you feeling okay “austin asked


Okay i wasnt expecting him to be saying this quietly


“Sorry Austin i will make you something to eat”i said ,pushing kira out of the way i ran into the kitchen


“Sorry mitch ,,sylvia will make you something different to eat “I heard austin said to his daughter








I knew something was off when she asked me to go bring her phone politely Now ,how do i make Austin believe it was all her doing


“I’m so sorry Austin it wont happen again”i apologized and he nodded “I want cereals”mitch said and i nodded


After i fed both mitch and stacy i took them to their room


“kira i know your food dont taste bad”mitch said while i smiled and pinched her cheeks


“Sylvia went into the kitchen when i was watching sofia the first” mitch added “I knew it ,dont worry am going to take care of it okay” i replied and she nodded


I bath the both of them as they played with the water and soaked my clothes i went to went my night dress before going back to their room


i made stacy lay on my body and mitch curled up close to me while i read them stories about princess and mermaids


i could tell they really enjoyed it and both of the slept off of my body I wonder what it will feel like having my own kinds some day


I’m already getting addicted to stacy and mitch and i love them so much


God knows am going to hit sylvia really hard that she will pack her things and leave



To be continued







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