Sat. Mar 1st, 2025











Valerie’s eyes became red blood immediately the hacking machine went off.


Dylan too was confused…..


“what’s happening??? Valerie shouted.


“hold on,i know what to do.It might be network issues! Dylan said and turn on the hacking machine again.


luckily,it displayed the exact amount Richie has in his account.



That money alone is enough to make twenty people billionaire’s.Another interesting part is no matter how lavishly or frivolous Richie spends, i don’t think he can go bankrupt.


Dylan transfered 10million won from Richie’s account into Valerie’s account. He transfered 80million won again… he was about transferring another 80million naira,the machine shut down again.


I closed my eyes,my heart beating faster.


“Richie does not deserves this!


he trusted me with his whole life!!!


“Xavier, you don’t have to worry.This hacking machine is an automated one, it


won’t leave any traces”


Dylan said…


my nerves calmed down a little but a part of me keeps telling me that Richie will


find out…






Nanare’s p.o.v


immediately Alberto left,


Richie shouted my name in a soft whisper but I didn’t hear very well because I am already carried away… I was lost learning his new song “lovely”. I didn’t hear him well.


“his Excellency just shouted your name” one of the maids knock at my door.Richie appeared almost immediately and dismissed the maids with just an eye contact.


“Nare,did you tell anybody my secret code??? he asked.


“which secret code?? I asked back in an innocent manner.


He shook his hear and ran out of my room with his lashes flapped together.


“honey wait!


I called and ran after him.



I almost stumbled on the next staircase that was very close to him, he caught me and took me up.


His eyes were already teary…


“honey” I said and ran my fingers across his face,wondering why he is crying.


“honey presidents don’t cry,, it is a taboo!!! I said and joined him in crying….


He held my cheeks and kissed my forehead.


“honey,what happened??? is it your money??? I asked…


“not my money,,I’m too big for 90million naira…I spend more than that in a day” he whispered and left my cheek.


I hugged him from the back….


I don’t know what is making him cey but I feel sorry.


“Richie can you tell me what is making you cry?? I’m confused, please tell me!! I requested.


He turned and look at my hips down to the nails of my fingers…


he is found of doing that.


“tell me!!


I requested when I noticed his eyes moved back to my hips.


His phone beeped.


I saw it clearly with my eyes that a total of 99.9million rupees had been withdrawn from his account.


He quickly replace his sad face with a more charming sweet smile.


“come closer!! he said.


“honey, tell me” I replied…and moved in the exact way that he wants….


Like I knew what he wanted…


he wrapped his hands around my hips….he withdrawn after three minutes and


walked to his room.


I followed him and stared at him in confusion.


He opened one of his laptop and asked me to find a file from the bed side drawer…


it was damn difficult to find what he requested for.


“please be fast….I need to secure this account before this people wipe off my


savings for this week” he said.


I gasped….


wondering how he managed to raise more than 99.9million won in a week.


“that’s it,that one in your hand” he said..


I left the drawer unclosed and gave him what he requested for.


“what else should I bring??? I asked,confused..


“nothing,just call this code for me” he said and handed me another paper. I did exactly what he said.


He shut down the laptop 20minutes later and stood up.


“I secured it already” he said.


“hope that won’t withdraw?? I asked.


“no” he replied.


“what about the one they have withdrawn, how will you get it back?? I asked…


“I dash them because I’ve lost money more than that” he replied.


“why did you cry earlier? I’m confused?? I said.


“is there something that can make me stop trusting people??? he asked.


I look at him,not knowing the exact thing to say…


“I don’t need a prophet nor a priest to tell me that Xavier is behind this.I just cried for Xavier because he had just toyed with fire.


“is he not afraid that the fire might burn him badly????


he said.


“and that Valerie of a bitchhhhhhhh..


Ruchie said,with his fists clenched tightly.


“what about Valerie???


“who is she???? I asked..



He look into my face sweetly and carried me to the bed.He joined in and placed his head on my laps.


“Valerie is Xavier’s only daughter…


Xavier made an agreement with my dad that am gonna marry val immediately after


I had been announced officially as the next president of Mumbai….


I don’t really like the idea but I gave in just for the fun….


All was just to satisfy Xavier’s selfish attitude… and since he knows that the third


heir will come from my family, he wants his only daughter to be my wife….


I still gave in but they messed up.


Valerie cheated many times before she traveled out and now that she knows I will


be announced officially, she’s back to reap in the place that she did not sow!.


Richie said.


“okay” I nodded,knowing fully well that I can’t be up to Valaria’s status.


“did you have s£x with Valerie????


I asked.


“twice when we were at Australia”


he replied,I pouted.


“why did you leave her???


I asked


“like I said,she f**ked up” he replied.


“you still like her?? I asked.


He smiled and kissed my tommy.


“are you jealous??? he asked.


I kept quiet…and started playing with my fingers.


“life ilwuty Valerie was just a wasteful life.She is,only attracted to me s£xually and she’s very friendly with my pocket” he said and took his head away from my laps.


He playfully stuffed some clothes underneath my Saree.Those stuffs made it look like am pregnant.




I widened my eyes and wanted to remove the clothes he kept there.


“don’t remove our baby! he chuckled and held my hands down.



“it’s our baby… miles version 3”


he chuckled and leaned close to it by placing his ears close to my tommy.


“open your mouth” he said.


“not now!! I pouted.


“really” he smiled and kissed me unaware.


He kissed my lower lips very slow and passionately.


“what do you like about me???


he asked.


“your appearance and intelligence…I wish our son will be cute and smart like you” I replied.


He stopped the kiss and quickly remove the cloth that he stuff into my top.


“where do you like the most on my body??? I asked.


He took his lips in and pinched the edges of my hips in a very romantic manner.


“sir Richie,it is okay,stop touching there” I replied,he chucked.








“what the f**k!!!!!


I shouted and started destroying whatever thing my hands touched.


“val,stop shouting and screaming. I think Richie knows it is us already.. the outcome might be dangerous.And besides, it was you that pushed your precious food to the dog!!! my dad said.


“dad I want you to phone Gilbert. You know Richie only listen to Gilbert… I want you to tell him to announce an impromptu meeting with the participants of the final voice battle challenge….



I wanna have my way because I’m so certain Richie will come along with that brat since she’s the lead voice. Dylan vwill inform khai to do the finishing” I ordered,furry in my eyeballs.


“I can’t!!!!


“Richie doesn’t deserve that! my dad replied.


I started faking crocodile’s tears.


Tears that will make him remember that I lost my mother immediately I was born….


“okay,I will do it!! he replied….


Dylan smirks and alerted khai almost immediately by calling him on phone.








“will join you there right away…they ought to be dead in the next 2hours” I overheard the informant conversing on phone.


He was about turning,I look away and pretended as if I was not eavesdropping on his conversation.


“look here! he grabbed my hairs.


“stay quiet!!! he pushed me away and tossed his car key in his index finger.


“I won’t shout!! I said.He nodded and left…..


Not up to 10minutes that he left, rain started pouring down heavily…


it become more difficult for me to help… I can not even find a taxi.


I entered the rain and started running.The coldness that I felt almost made me freeze ….


if I should continue running,I might faint because enchanted mansion is really far from where I am… I don’t think running will take me anywhere.


The rain water made me slipped…


I fell on my kneels and knocked my head down with the floor…my eyes shut dead down but I still don’t want Nanare dead.


That girl suffered a lot already….


I brought out my phone and called seeshsa.


I called and called and called, she didn’t pick up.


She won’t pick my calls because she believes I’m evil.



seesha,Nanare needs help” I sent.


Khai is on their track!! I sent.


mhesha where are you??? let me come and pick you up!! she sent.


I was about replying her when my phone shutdown…..


how unlucky I am??????






Nanare’s p.o.v


“I don’t feel like going,let’s stay home! I said to Richie with a serious look.


“is this not your dream??? he asked.


“okay” I replied and followed him to the parking lots while two guards covered us with a royal coverage so that the rain won’t drop on us.


“Six stars brought a car with a driver for you already. Sir Gilbert asked him to bring you” pat said.


My heart started beating.


I feel like something is wrong…


I don’t feel like entering the car.


“honey, I don’t feel like going” I whispered into Richie’s ear.


“sir gilbert asked me to bring his excellency and you,ma!! the driver bowed. I swear,


I knew instantly that he is lying…. I read his mind and saw evil…


I look at him all over a gun….


this is what I saw



I saw him and Dylan with a young lady and three other people pointing guns at me


and Richie… Dylan set his gun on Richie’s arm…but I took the shot…..


“honey,I don’t…”.


I jerked out of my thoughts….


“Sir Gilbert asked me to bring you” the driver said again.


“okay,but I will take my guards” Richie said.


we entered the car, two other cars followed us…..


“honey!!! we both said at the same time…and held each others hand…


The driver drove speedily and outsmarted the other two guards.. I can’t really tell the exact place he is driving too…..


Richie turned back and noticed that his guards car had lost track.


“stop that car!!!


Richie commanded.


“my name is,khai” the driver said.


“stop the car!!!! Richie said…..again.


“actually,am an informant!! the driver said again.


“stop the car!!!! Richie said from the third time and punched his face…


I saw real blood flying out of his mouth.


He stopped the car and slowly lost consciousness…


The rain kept pouring more.


Richie opened the car door and took me out…we started running….


my legs were aching badly.


Tears were dropping out of my eyes already….


I wanted to fall,


Richie held me tight to himself and made me fall on him instead.


We heard gun shots….


it was really near and there’s not even a single better place to hide.



“Honey,look at me!! Richie whirled me to his face and held my waist….


The gun shot started getting more intense….


we held each other and started running….


My neves failed me,I slumped down..


“honey,climb!! Richie squatted,turning his back to me,not minding the gun shots…


I limped and dropped my weight on his back…my tears poured on his shoulder…


“Nare,if i should die and come in my next life,I swear,I will not trust anybody” he said and started running.


The gun shot were now too much that my ears want to get deaf.


“honey, hide!!! Richie said.


“no,you hide….if you should get killed, I will suffer but if I should get killed,you


will not suffer!! I said.


“Nare hide!!!


“pleasssse do it!! he begged….


I fled and hide in a very closed place.


Richie loose his hair band and removed all his bracelets and other expensive things that he was wearing.


Soon,they showed…..


I saw Dylan,


A lady whom I guess should be sir Valerie……


“what will you do if the most precious thing in your life is being taken away??? Dylan asked and pointed his gun to Richie… many guns were also pointed also.


Richie smiled,even at the point of dead…..


“tell her to come out!!! the lady smirks.Richie scorned her….



“tell her to come out or,I blow off your head!!! the lady threatened….


I was scared cuz more than twenty guns were already pointed to Richie.


if I don’t see her at the counting of three,I blow your head off!!




“I’m here!!!!


I showed my face in tears….


The lady turned back and shot me glares…


“get her and tie her up!!!


she commands….three guards brought chains closed to me. I look at Richie,his face


was filled with anger.


“what are you doing Valerie??? Richie asked.


“doing justice!! she replied.


I looked at the chains…


“ohh no!!! I mumbled and dragged it with the guards till I ended up tying it with the three of them.Just the way I was taught.


“ohh your girlfriend is smart?!


Valeria said…


Dylan pointed the gun at Richie…


I rushed to shift it away but I was not smart enough….


as I shifted the gun,Dylan pressed the trigger and…….the gun penetrate deep into


the side of my tommy…..




Richie and I said together again….








miles version 3



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