Thu. Mar 6th, 2025


What exactly was Brian’s half brother doing here, here I am trying to solve Brian’s case and his brother also pops up.

God why me.

I entered my room and locked the door, Axton comes knocking on the door. “Ayna what’s wrong the Doctor is here and he’s waiting for you, please come out”

“Axton please tell the doctor to leave am feeling okay now” I said and let out a big sneeze.


“Seriously Ayna you think you are okay, C’mon come out please” He said.

I sighed and stood up, opened the door and pulled Axton in then locked it back immediately.


“What’s wrong with you Ayna, the doctor is waiting downstairs. Look at you you look like so f**kingwhite”


“Axton I can’t let that guy see me” “Why??, he’s just adoctor”

“A doctor and Brian’s half brother. We’ve met before and I think he’s in a bit of feud with Brian, but that’s not the case, remember we mustn’t let anyone know we have rich parents. If Denis sees me he’ll know and once he knows he won’t let it slide easily”


“Okay Ayna I understand you but what about your health”


“We’ll go to a chemist down the street, they sell drugs there” Axton said and walked out.


“I’ll go get rid of Dennis” He said and left.


I rubbed my hands together to form heat because somehow I was feeling cold, I looked out the window to see Brian coming out of his restaurant, he looked up to my window and I moved back immediately before he saw me.


“I already got rid of him Ayna” Axton said walking in my room, my face lits up immediately after hearing him


“Yeah what did you tell him”


“It’s told him wrong address and we are not the children of Daxton Caine. It was hard convincing him but at least he left” Axton said.


“Oh Good”


“But Ayna we still have to go to the chemist” “Sure but not now, let waits 20 minutes” “Okay in the meantime, let me do lunch” “NOOO!!” I half yelled.

“Am making pasta, pasta ain’t hard to make” Axton said and I laughed.


“You can’t even make a good noodles and now you wanna do pasta. I think am on a diet” I said.


“Well mom gave me a copy of her recipe book. I’ll make that delicious pasta and meatballs with apple juice and I’ll make you crave and beg for it” He said.


“The only thing I’ll be craving for is the apple juice” I said and laid down on the bed.


“You’ll see” Axton said and left.


I try sleeping but it ain’t helping so I decide to go to the kitchen to and look at how Axton is going to prepare the poison he’ll eat alone.

I walk downstairs slowly dragging my body, about opening the door of the kitchen the door bell rings.


“I’ll get it” I said and walked to the door, I opened it and saw Brian standing there with a white bag on his hand.

“You??, what do you want now” “Here” He said and gave me the bag.

I opened it and saw different drugs, syrups and even syringes inside it.


“What’s this” I asked confused. “Dummy it’s a drug”

“Oh really I thought it was pizza, barbecue, hamburger and sausages” I said sarcastically.


“Really funny, I figured out low class like you guys wouldn’t be able to afford to buy good drugs because they are expensive instead you’ll go for the cheap ones which won’t work well as the expensive ones, So..”


“So you bought it for me”


“Yes but only because I was just passing the pharmacy, do you think I’ll leave my restaurant and drive to a pharmacy because of you. Besides I was going to waste the money”.

Am supposed to be angry at him for saying that he was going to waste the money but then what he just did proves that he cares for me even though he won’t show it.


“Thanks” I said smiling.


“Pasta is ready” Axton said coming out of the kitchen smiling but the smile didn’t last long.


“Ayna what’s he doing here” He said angrily.


“Axton calm down, he only got some medicines for me ” I said. “Oh so now he’s a doctor just like his brother”

“What do you mean” Brian asked, I gave Axton an eye signal not to say anything else but he ignored me.


“Yeah dude your half brother was here minutes ago as a doctor” Axton said. I saw the way Brian’s mood changed immediately.

He looks at me and then faces Axton then me again


“I know my brother is a doctor but he’s a wack Ayna with fake certificates which is mother helped him in. Ayna did he touch you or give you anything to take ”

“No he didn’t” Axton replied and pulled me away from him. “Now you can leave. Thanks for pretending to care” Axton said.

Brian looked at him angrily and then looked at me and walks out.

Axton locks the door immediately. “Why don’t you like him??” I asked.

“I just don’t Ayna, anytime I see you with him I feel like you are going into another world of a more painful hurt”


“Axton I am not that foolish, have learnt my lessons from Asher i don’t think I’ll make the same mistake again”


“I hope so, now you can chew on your drugs while I go do justice to my pasta” “Yeah whatefs, I ordered pizza already” I said and walked inside the room.


I make sure Brian’s mom has gone out before picking up my phone and calling a number.



“Hello, you can come in now” I said and dipped my phone back in my pocket.

Few minutes later a young lady walks in, she works in Brian’s office as one of the cleaners but she works for me as a spy.


“Madam good afternoon”


“Afternoon what information do you have for me, make sure it’s a good one”


“Well ma I found out that there’s a lady that lives opposite the restaurant. This is the picture of the lady” She says and gives me a photo.


“So this is the lady that wants to take away my man” I said squeezing the photo. “Am not sure about that for now”

“Of course my darling. But don’t you worry, I’ll do the needy myself” I said and gave her some cash.

“Remember this is confidential” I said and gave her the cash. AYNA’S POV

It’s late already, all my friends are back from work. Axton and I really need to

find something doing before our friends start asking questions.

We all sat down together watching a movie, Chad has a popcorn machine. He was given to him in work. I stood up from my sit and walked to Chad where he was doing the popcorn.


“Hey how was work today” “Boring” He replied. “Wow” I said chuckling.

“So have you found a job yet” “Nope” I replied.



“I thought you said there’s a vacant post in that restaurant which you are thinking of applying for . What happened then?”


“I..I. erm I still haven’t am stillthinking” “Well be fast aboutit”

“Yeah sure, I’ll go take out the trashnow” “Okay I’ll followyou”

“But the popcorn”


“It’s nothing. Let’s go” He said and pulled me.

I carried the trash and went to the trash can which is outside the house. Chad dumps the trash in and I head for inside but he pulls me back.

“Chad!!” I exclaimed.


“Ayna is it that you don’t see it or you just ignore it” He said moving close to me. “Chad what’s going on” I said.

“I love you Ayna, I f**king love you but you are just too oblivious to see it” He said.


“Chad, calm down” I said moving back, I knew Chad cared for me more than just a friend but I wasn’t expecting this.


“Ever since you came to my life it’s been very hard for me to sleep without thinking about you, Miranda mocks me everyday because she feels am just wasting my time with you, I have never felt this way with another girl. My friends thought I was gay because I was never serious about girls and now am f**king serious aboutyou”


“Chad I love you too but as a friend not like a relationship”


“Fuck” He said and punched the wall, I knew it would hurt.


“Chad your knuckles are bleeding, let’s go inside” I said and held his hands but he pins me to the wall again and all of a sudden, Chad lips is on mine.

I try resisting but Chad is more stronger and bigger and he had pinned my hands already.

And then all of a sudden he’s pulled of off me.


“You bastard” Brian growled and hits Chad, Chad doesn’t take it lightly with him as he hits him back. A fight ensues


“Brian please stop” I said trying to pull them apart but Brian pushes me away and continously hitting Chad who was no match for him.

I stand up to go and call the guys when suddenly I hear a piercing sound. I look back to see Brian holding his stomach and Chad pulling out a broken bottle.

I screamed but Chad covered my mouth, I removed it and ran to Brian who was bleeding already.


“Brian. Oh God you are bleeding badly” I criedand put my hands on his stomach.


“Ayna” He says touching my face with his bloody hands and he falls down to the ground.


“BRIAN!!! ,Chad what the f**k have you done” I said and stood up to get help but Chad pulls me away.

“Let go of me” I screamed as he pulled me away of Brian. “Axton” I screamed but I knew he can’t hear me.

Chad forces me inside his car and locks the door.

“Chad please stop this, Brian is dieing we have to help him”


“Am sorry Ayna, I really am” He says and covers my nose with a white rag making me black out.



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