Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Episode 37


Clara’s side of the story continues from the previous




As I headed back to Owerri I played back Val’s action in my head. I really was very mad at him over the way he embarrassed me. I had hoped he would be happy to see me but on the contrary he looked so uptight and indifferent. I



had never felt so embarrassed in a long while and I couldn’t help but feel ashamed of myself for coming to his house in the first place. There wasn’t any doubt I missed him. There wasn’t any doubt I had longed to see him but all those yearnings and hunger disappeared as soon as he treated me like a leper. I slowly thought about Charles and the doubts I was having in my heart. My family, friends and everyone were encouraging me to go ahead and marry him but deep down I felt hollow. There wasn’t this hunger in me to get married to him. There wasn’t any excitement, nothing but then could everyone be wrong about him?? I wondered over and over as my convoy speed back to Owerri.




Vivian’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode @the airport


I was so happy to be back in Nigeria, So happy to finally be back in my country. I really made one hell of a speedy recovery all thanks to Chinedu. He was my guardian, my helper and my comforter. I was so happy to finally be in love with a man who loved me back unconditionally. He even had to take his much overdue *leave* from work just to come back to Nigeria with me and start up with the marriage formalities.


He really was so eager to get married to me and it was just as if we had known each other for years.


Our relationship kind of confirmed to me that whatever is yours is yours. On the night I was discharged from the hospital he proposed to me, shocking me with his action because it was so fast and unexpected.



‘’come on Chinedu, what are you doing?. Have you known me enough?’’ I had asked with disbelief.


‘’yes my love I now feel like part of your family. I can recite every bit of your story and I feel as if I have known you for ages. There is no need delaying anything. I want to get married to you as soon as possible’’ he had insisted and I had no choice than to accept him because I was fully in love with him and just like he said there wasn’t any need holding back anything. We finally agreed to return back to Nigeria together, to make our wedding plans.


‘’so when are we seeing?’’ Chinedu asked, interrupting my thoughts as he grabbed my hand. I instantly noticed a young man who just joined us. The guy looked exactly like a younger version of him.


‘’in five days time I should be in Owerri. I will notify you once I get to town’’ I answered softly.


‘’meet my younger brother Michael. He’s here to take me home’’ he added with a smile while I nodded at the young man who greeted my mother and i.


‘’I can’t wait to see you again’’ he breathed, pecked me and disappeared with his brother.


‘’hmmmm love nwantinti’’ my mother joked while I blushed.




6:30pm the next day Lagos state Nigeria,[/b]


I saw off some friends and was returning back to the house with a happy smile on my face as the Lagos hot air blew across my face. I momentarily closed my eyes as I mediated over some things.



Returning home to be with my family in Lagos was something I dreamt pretty much every day when I was down in the hospital. I missed everyone, hence my joy of returning home to spend quality time with them. I missed my family, my neighbors, the Lagos traffic and the noise. Owerri was just a very different city all together and I really missed the thrills of Lagos all the time I was under the governor’s care. Nevertheless I was still very eager to return to Owerri to put Charles where he belonged. The idio.t never deserved Clara and I was very ready to tell my dear cousin everything he was.


Yes I knew things could get rough. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I was very determined even if it was the last thing I did in my life. Yes I could have told Clara the truth the few times she called me up but it wasn’t something to say via phone. It was something to be done face to face. ‘’Vivian we need to talk’’ I soon heard a familiar voice say from behind. I instantly turned and froze as I saw Charles smiling down at me. Yes at first I was scared as a human being because I knew what he was capable of doing but I soon relaxed because we were just in front of the house and the street was very lively. He equally was dressed in a well fitted suit and matching tie like a bank manager.


‘’I’m glad you are alive. Please can we go somewhere private to talk?’’ he asked while I scoffed with disbelief. ‘’you must be crazy’’ I screamed.


‘’Vivian I never intended to stab you. I never knew you were the girl with Val that fateful night. By the time I realized it I had already stabbed you and I had no choice than to finish



up the job. I’m sorry and I’m glad you made it out alive. Just name your prize and I will compensate you’’ he begged softly.


‘’do I look like a beggar to you?. Do I look like a poor girl?. Just get the hell out of my presence. I’m coming for you Charles and I swear you will never marry Clara. You are a murderer. You are an animal’’ I screamed breathlessly. ‘’be careful on what you plan for me my dear. Its better we settle this peacefully. You already know what led to the desperate action I took back then and please don’t let me repeat it again’’ he begged.


‘’are you threatening me?. Just stay away from me. The farther the better’’ I screamed and headed back inside the house, breathing heavily like someone who partook in a marathon race. Was I scared?, yes of course I was. Charles was really capable of anything and I felt he could be a step ahead of me. I had to act fast, pretty fast. To be continued





Clara the state governor’s daughter

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