Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Episode 15








After our love making, we were both silence as he rubbed his hands on my belly…


and slowly went down kissing it.


And slowly wrapped his arms around my belly before placing his head on it..


My hands played with his hair as I heard sobs…


What the…..


is he crying?


I don’t know what to do…


“Are you crying…”,I asked but his sobs grew louder…


I wanted to see his face but all he could do was to hide his face in my belly. “I’m scared Nicki… of losing my life and losing you…and the baby” “You won’t lose us… you have to be strong for us…”


“I love you …. “,he hugged me tighter…


“I love you more Cole”, I said.


“I have some things to do….”


I nodded because I understand him.. maybe this is difficult for him…


Maybe I went too far with this issue… What if I lose him … what if I die too…


I slept thinking of what I should do …


I really love him..


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The next morning it was a kiss on my neck which woke me up…


“Good morning…”,he whispered while he kissed me…


“Good morning love….”


I checked the time and we were late…


“Cole why didn’t you wake me up…”


“I just wanted you to rest.. “,he pulled me close kissing me again…


“I’m not going to fall for touches. We are going to the hospital…”.


“Oh really… I don’t want to touch you… I want to hold you one last time before I go for that surgery…”


He hugged me tight…. as I breathed in his neck…. Suddenly emotions filled me as I


started crying..


He just played with my hair as I cried more..


I think he understood why I’m crying…


I’m scared and I don’t know why.




We were at the hospital… as the doctor checked on him to find out if he us healthy


for the surgery.


And he was healthy.


We paid the bills and everything and now he is set to go to the surgery room.


He held my hands as he kissed them.


“I love you..”


“I love you… more”,and all I saw was the door closed.


I went to the chapel to pray to God to heal my husband..


I thought of calling Cole’s Dad and I did…


“Don’t tell me you want money from me…”, He said harshly.


“No we don’t need your help.. I just want to tell you your son is on surgery…”


“What.. . “,he panicked, “where are you…”


“I’m in the hospital at Miami…”


“okay… I will be right there… ”


I hanged up and then looked through my contacts.. that’s where I saw my mom’s


number… so I called…


“Hello mom…”


“What do you want…”,she yelled.


“Nothing… I just want to check on you..”


“i don’t want to hear from you…”


“What did I ever do to you…”


“Nothing…. I hate you.. .”,and she hang… up.


I felt bad for all this. . I can’t believe she hates me…


I was waiting… I just want to wait for my Cole.


He is all I have now…


Cole’s parents and his sis came along… None of us talked..


We were waiting for the doctor. It been six hours and we were still waiting. I was tired and I dozed off.


About an hour the doctor came…


I rushed to him.


“How is Cole . . .”,I asked.


He breath out my as we all wait anxiously.


“He made it… He is one of the most strong patients I have ever seen”,he said as Cole’s sister hugged me along with his parents….


All I could do was cry….My Cole made it…


He made it for us .








⚘Loving You Always⚘






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