Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Episode 14

Babysitting The Bad


[Secrets and Romance]





(The fight)

β€” Kendra’s POV β€”

“I choose…”

“I choose…gosh why are you guys doing this to



“I care about you two a lot alright so I aren’t

choosing anyone” I said to them.







“Come on ken, you have to make it clear to him that you don’t love him. Just tell him okay?” Rico said to


“You are nut Rico” cole cut in angrily and slapped



I opened my mouth in shock because I no Rico

wasn’t gonna stand and watch him and that’s it.

Rico slapped cole back and they started their fight



“Oh my!! Stop you two.”

“Stop! Stop!!” I continued screaming my lungs out.

I dare not go near them when they are both holding kitchen knife.

“You guys have to stop please” stop before you

hurt yourselves but nothing.


They weren’t listening to me. They were only

looking for a way to bring each down.

Oh my! How should I stop this?

How should I stop them? Should I call the cops?

Yea, it’s better but if I involve the cops both of them will be arrested and Rico’s dad will surely hear of it.







Oh no.


That will be bad, really bad but I got to save their

lives right.


I brought out my phone and immediately dialed

their line.


They picked the call immediately and as I was

about to talk to them I saw something that made

the phone fall from my hand straight to the phone.

“Cole stop!!!” I screamed and rushed to him holding him back.

He has just succeeded in his plots.

He has successfully stabbed Rico.

“Stop this madness right now” I screamed again but it looks like he wasn’t done with Rico who was still struggling to stand on his feet.

Gosh blood was already on his hand and



Cole stabbed him on his tummy.

“Cole, hold on please” I pleaded already in tears.





It was way beyond me and I really have to do what they want.


“Alright, listen I choose you alright, so leave him

alone” I half yelled and that’s when he finally

calmed down – they both calmed down.

He turned and looked at my teary eyes.

“Are you for real?” He asked calmly and I nodded.

“So please let’s just go. Just leave him alone” I

pleaded dragging him with me.

We turned and we were about to go but he let out a light scream holding his side – tummy.

I took my eyes to what he was holding and realized it.

Rico has stabbed him back. He was back on his


Rico pulled the knife out and he fell on his knees

bleeding profusely.

My tears increased as I watched them both.

“You both have gone crazy. You’ve both gone

crazy” I screamed and we started hearing the cops siren.





Nick ran in immediately and saw everything.

“Holy sh*t” he cussed and came to hold Cole.

“Let’s go before they catch us here, the cops are

here” Nick said to cole who has totally lost his


I watched them as I left and I finally took my eyes to Rico.


He was also starring at me.


“Are you happy now? Look at you. I thought you

were gonna wait for me so what’s this?” I cried

pointing at his tummy.


“It doesn’t matter anymore. You choose him

already” he said in a pained voice.

I went closer to him starring down as blood rush out of his injury.

I took my hand to it and shook my head bitterly.

He held his head feeling dizzy.

“Ken…”he made to call but fainted on me.

I couldn’t carry him properly so I resulted to laying

him down on the floor and I did.






The cops will soon arrive here.


But, I didn’t tell them anything but thank goodness

someone is here to help me with him.

“Rico” I called under my breathe as I ruffed his hair.

“Why are you doing this to yourself? To me?” I

asked but his eyes were already closed.

He has lost a lot of blood.

The cops soon arrived and rushed in.

I think they also caught Nick and Cole.

They rushed to us and carried him up.

One of them went and picked the cellphone and I

collected it from him.

“You called us?” The male sergeant asked me and I nodded amid sniffing.


“You’re gonna come with us. You’ll have to explain what happened here today.”

“This boys are always fighting but today’s own

seems different” he explained as they took Rico



I continued crying unable to stop.







So, do I tell them they fought because of me this



Because I refused to choose either of them?

That’s absurd and sounds silly.

I followed them into their van and they took off.

I called Mason on the way to inform him.

Rico and cole was taken to a hospital but I went

with the cops to the station.

I don’t think I have the energy to say anything to



Everything that happened minutes ago still looks

shocking to me.


If they can harm themselves because of a girl then is it not best? Is it not best to just leave them?


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