Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Eduado went home immediately. He was not yet ready to do that but the fact state it that he was going to do it either sooner or later.




Mr. Titus began to make arrangement on how to go for the money again since Edward is dead.


He was sure to have no problem in getting the money from them he called and they held another meeting the following day.


He got prepared by arranging the words he was going to speak as if he was preparing for a show to address a multitude of people.


As scheduled the next day, he got there at the exact time.


There in the place of Edward was his father Johnson.


Mr. Titus started by introducing his name as Mr


. Titus. Immediately he presented his name, Johnson’s mode changed.


He remembered when Edward briskly explained and narrated that a certain man buy the same exact name tortured him and his mother severely that his mother has to die because of his wickedness.


I even forget to tell you about Mr. Johnson’s mind which was all filled with vengeance on those who had in one way or the other offended him or his son.


He immediately forget about the business matters they had gathered for and began to interrogate him.


Johnson: you said your name is Mr. Titus?


– He asked as if he did not hear him right only just to be sure.


– Mr.Titus: yes i am. I am sure you will be happy in doing business with me.


– He replied confidently.


Then Johnson stared at him for some moment.


He wondered why he was staring blankly at him.


He then began to suspect that something was wronge some how.


Then Johnson asked a terrible question.


– Johnson: did you know who Edward is?


– immediately, his countenance changed.


He did never expect that type of question at that particular time.


He was in deliamma of the kind of reply to give whether to lie of to say the truth.


If he dare lie, others will suspect him because most of the other business men and women present there were also present at his previous meeting with Edward.


If he says the truth, for sure, he will be apprehended.


* The question really made a strong heat and ugly blow which penetrated deeply into his heart, he got short of words and began to stammer.


– Mr. Titus: em…i Em…i….


Then Edwards assistant cut in immediately like lighting.


Saying: ”sir they both knew them selves very well, i think that they are more like cats and dog. Oh i forgetted already that Edward barred us from having any business to do with him.”


Johnson’s face tightened the more boiling red with anger.


– Johnson: so you are the abominable bastard! (He exclaimed.)


Mr. Titus: trying to pretend) hey, Mr., What the heck are you talking about?


Johnson: you still have the guts to step foot in here and ask what i am talking about! After killing the mother of my son, you still have the guts to ask what i am talking about! .


Mr. Titus was very embarrassed in the front of the whole staffs and committee.


Mr. Titus: i don’t know what you are talking about so stop accusing me!


Johnson: oh right? YoU don’t know what i am taking about right?


Mr. Titus: i absolutely do not know .


Johnson: since you do not know, just wait till i finish dealing with you, then you will know very well what i am talking about.


Mr. Titus: its not fair, for you to start accusing me of what i did not know.


So will you stop that accusation and lets talk about the business we did had all gathered here for.


Johnson: getting more and more provoked) and who told you that we will have any business deal with a criminal like you!


Mr. Titus: hey don’t refer to me as a criminal!


Johnson: you are a criminal so get the heck outta here! Infact this meeting is over!


– Mr. Titus stood angrily and went out as the staffs looked surprise.



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