Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

They really thought it was a joke and later realized that it was a reality when they couldn’t find her nor her driver any where.


Every body was so disappointed.


News went round some saying that she was kidnapped, some saying that she ran away, some saying that she was forced to marry who she don’t like and so many other rumors.


Dandy and Mr. Titus were so ashamed of themselves.


This is obviously what is called a public disgrace.


Mr.titus anger was ranged toward His her daughter


. Only heaven knows what he planned doing to her if he venture to get her. . Through out that day, no one saw her and she did not return. Dandy set out and continue telling him that the reason behind her sudden disapperance on her wedding day is Edward.


_ The following day, Edward was in his compound with Charles and Sandra discoursing about the past events when Mr. Titus and 3 police officers drove in. Immediately they came down, he pointed at him saying.


Mr. Titus: here he is. Get him arrested. ‘ Every body was surprise, what has he done to be arrested by the police. That was how the outmostphere seems like.


– Edward: hey what have i done this time around?


– Mr. Titus: you even have the gush to speak


. Officers take him away. Then a police man placed a hand cuff on his hand and takeing him to the police van


Edward: but what did i do?


Police 1: any other statement from you will be used against you in the court of law.


They arrested him and locked him inside the cell while Sandra and Charles kept running helter scarter on the way to release him. It seemed it would be hard to get him off that cell because it was a rich man who ordered his lock up. He was accused of abducting Rose of which he knew nothing of; so he denied the accusation while he was interrogated. They gave him a very hard torture for him to confess where he was hiding her but all to no avail. He knew nothing about the disappearance of rose and perhaps was just knowing of it at the warrant of his arrest. He cried bitterly as he was lashed with a very strong wire that skined his body. He regretted ever knowing Rose, he regretted ever speaking to her. He regretted ever falling in Love with Her and he regretted ever running away with her in the first place. He thought the best solution to end this problem he got himself into because of love is to die like his mother. Till that day end, he was not given any thing to eat. but not until the next day. Thomas visited him. He felt very sorry for him.


. Then the both got to talk together.


Thomas: i heard that your mother is dead. Is that true?


Edward: yes. But how did you know that i am here?


Thomas : i went to your house and find not even a single being then as i tried to leave, i saw that girl, that your neighbour with you in the hospital so she told me every thing that happened. You mean it was Rose’s father who had been attacking you all these while?


Edward: yes


Thomas: i need your own side of the story to see how i could be of help. .

Edward: okay (he told him every thing that happened from beginning to the end)


Thomas: driven with anger) that bastard must see. Turns to edward) i will do all i can to get you out of here.


Edward: okay thanks. Then he left. He went home straight and convinced his dad so for them to help release


Edward. He accepted and came down to the police station and paid for his bail out. Edward was very grateful for their kindness. Thomas drove him home and he was so very happy and grateful. But then, on returning home they met some thing terrible which terminated all the happiness in him.





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