Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Chapter 24


By Authoress Promise




No, no it can’t be ” Igasped.


The person on the phone was inspector Bryan. He called to inform me that Albert Eduardo escaped from jail.


No, no this is dangerous, I pick the phone from the ground feeling angry. The inspector was still on the phone.

How did he escape under you guys watch ” I halfyelled.


Someone press the fire alarm button and everywhere went into chaos, he’d use means to escape from prison. But we promise to search of him ” he saidassuredly.


Inspector Bryon, if not you were my friend, I would’ve call you and your men incompetent ” Ifired.


Sorry, Mr Alexis, we’ll find him ” hesaid.


Yeah, you guys have to ” I said and end thecall.


inspector Bryan


This was done by Albert and another cop. I wonder who sound the fake alarm. But Mr Albert is on the loose, there is no telling of what he might do.



Sir, who do you think, might’ve done this ” Devonask.


I don’t know, but swear on my mother’s grave, when I find the cop who helphim out, he or she will pay ” Isworn.


I want all the station to be inform about this man, and the boarder should be close down, inform the media also. ” Icommanded.


Yes sir ” he said and exist the roomimmediately.


The disabled security cameras made me knew this was conspired by some cop.





I went to the party ground and I saw how happy everyone. How’ll I spoil the moment by announcing Albert’s sudden escape. He escape just after Ivan came out of the jail, could the days ever get worst.


Dad what’s wrong with you, are you alright ” Nora my little girlinquired.


Guess the tension on my face was visible. Nora was a smarties she could read through thoughts, and tell when am happy or tense.


Am alright” I lied, forging a fakesmile.


No something is troubling you ” sheinsist.


Baby is nothing ” I lied, bending to touch her cheek. Shegiggled.


My wife was standing there with me too with my year old son in her arms.


Hope you’re okay, you no Nora can detect when you’re tense or not ” my wife said when I stood up straight to faceher.


Let’s us enjoy the cool party ” I said, trying to divert theirminds.


We you like to dance with daddy ” I said, taking her little arms in my hand. She giggled again.


I wonder what is the need to lie to them coz they will eventually come to know later after the party is over. I will tell everyone after the party.




what!! How did my dad escape ” Adrianne exclaimedfrightfully.


This is dangerous, am sure he will come for everyone ” Adrianne’s brother cut in.


Adrianne’s brother who name is Fernando came in the middle of the party. The party was over now, we all assembly in the sitting, and i told them everything.


i stare at Ivan his expression was unreadable, but I could bet he’s holding a bit part of his anger.


We’ve to be more alert now coz he will surly come for those who ruined him ” I said soberly.








It was night already. I kept pacing back and fro, in the room I was in, thinking of how the bastard escaped. I was now staying in Adrianne’s home. Oscar wanna transfer all the properties that belongs to the Mario’s to me. He said he has is own wealth, and what me to handle the Mario’s wealth. But wealth was my least worries now, Albert Escape is what am worried about. Why did the son of a bitch escaped.


There was a knock on the door, I went to open it. It was Adrianne, she was on pyjamas.


Oh baby, why ain’t you asleep yet ” sheask.


Is she for real, who will sleep when Mr Albert Eduardo the devil escaped from jail. ” Why should I sleep when he’s unleash” I frowned, almost yelling at her.

She kept quiet for awhile, noticing my tantrums. I felt bad for yelling at her.

Sorry, am really sorry ” I said, cupping her face in my palms. I planted a kiss on herforehead.


It just that I can’t sleep, am troubled” Isaid.


Sweety, I don’t want you to work yourself out like this ” shereplied. ” Let me come in, so I’ll keep you company ” shesaid.

I let her in. We’d discuss, I notice she is trying this divert my mind to something else. But it not working.


Baby, don’t let my father escape wail you down. You need to get strong and put your mind at ease ” She said, I no she is only saying that to encourage me. Am sure she is trying to hide her ownuneasiness.


I can’t be at ease, not until will find your dad ” I shook myhead.


Your dad might use someone to get back at us. We all have to be alarmed. My brother, your mum and brother, since he didn’t come across my gang back then, I think they don’t have problem. Last to you, i can’t imagine loosing you ” i said, pecking her on herlips.







I was in very isolated place were no one will ever get in touch with me, deep down in the country side.


A new cop arrived at the station. And the new cops happened to be my old friend Mr Pablo , I haven’t get in touch with for eleven years.


We’d do things in common, he had a innocent face, but inside him was dark as a night. He had killed people. He was very skillful, and never got caught, he was the one who give me the hint on how to kill Salvador Mario my boss back then. He’d disappear into tiny air, I could get in touch with him. How he’d became a cop was very strange to me, people must have fall for that innocent looking face and allow him to go into police training.


Pablo was very surprise to see me jail. He ask me why was i jail. I summarize the details for him.


He decided to help me out of jail, he took a month after he arrived to execute his plan. And damn this guy was skillful. He took care of the CCTV cameras, my disabling them, don’t know how he did it, whatever at least I would be out of jai. And then sound the fire alarm, when each prisoners was going out for work In the prison garden. He had already directed me to a tunnel located in one deserted place in the prison. I went to where tunnel was an escaped through there, far from the prison. I ran as fast my leg could carry me without any single soul noticing me.


He had prepared a car for me in the bush, so I’d see the car and drove it to the location, he told me. I arrived in a house were am sure no one will find me coz he told me the place was deserted. He had take a time for him to prepare this place


Cheers ” I trilled, hitting our glass cups together and laughing. ” Men you’re good ” I remarkedPablo.

Don’t drink much to get drunk ” Pablosaid.


This wine is tasty, I haven’t have some in the last twelve months. I want to eat my favorite ”


We sat at a bar in the house, drinking and gloating together.


So, how do you offer to bring those bastard who got you in jail ” heinquired. ” ha ha ha ha ” I laughwickedly.

I teach those bastard sons a lesson they will never forget ” I said between gritted teeth.


How do you offer to do that ” he ask.


I’ll do exactly what Ivan Mario did to me. Abduct his weakness” Ismirked, sipping thewine.


So who do you wanna abduct ” heenquired.


His lover Adrianne ” I replied, and I saw the shock register on hisface.





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