Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Chapter 14


By Authoress promise






I was going to give Albert Eduardo a call. So I drove to a certain location near a shop. I don’t call at home coz I can’t afford to risk been caught.


I called Albert with another sim and he’d pick up immediately. ” Hola, Mr Albert ”

Ivan Mario, I know it you the son of Salvador Mario” he said, and I made a sly smirk.


Took you long to know am the one. Yes am alive. So we can stop this unfamiliarity anyways ” Ismirk.


You devil, how I wish you’d die ” he halfyell.


When it seems you were never able to get rid of your scheme completely ” I mocked.


I’m out, sorting for revenge and I’ll make you pay for killing my entire family ” I spat out, my anger and pain rekindle, making meenraged.


Ha ha ha ha ” he gave a wicked laugh. Making me more mad.


I’ll find you and wipe you away just as I did to your father and brothers ” he threaten.


I’m no longer that sacred fifteen year old kid. You don’t know much about me. Am gonna make you pay, your days are numbered Mr Millionaire ” I sputter in a high tone.


First not am not a millionaire, but a billionaire now. So when are we gonnameet, I really want a open challenge ” heretorted.


“The wealth you’re proud of isn’t yours but my father’s, anyway Don’t worry very soon. You will meet me. I also want a open challenge” I promised and end the call. Squeezing the phone with my clenched fist.


Yeah, am really gonna come face to face with bastard soon enough. But I have to be extremely careful, I will take things slowly.


I was heading home when I got stuck in traffic. I cuss, I hate this traffic, it really annoying.


The cars were moving slowly. I look at sideways and saw a man in the back seat, A sensation beacon me, i don’t know why I felt I knew him somewhere, I couldn’t see his face coz his face was in the other side. But i felt I have a special bond with him. He turn and I saw his face, he didn’t notice me coz his eyes was glue to traffic. He doesn’t look familiar to me. So why is my instinct telling me something else. I waved the thought away and diverted my eyes to the corner, seeing if the traffic


was about to clear. Yeah, am right the traffic ebbed and I switch on the ignition, start the car and drove off.


My thought was still in that man, what wrong with me, his face isn’t even familiar.




I sigh deeply as he ended the call.


I’d have to do something to get ride of him. How dare my men lied to me. They’d told me that they killed him. Bunch of useless men.


I sat at my office in my home. I need to do something about this Mario.


“I won’t let this Mario come in my way, not after all this years, no way” I lamented inwardly, banging the desk before me.


What wrong with you” I heard my wife asking in the doorway. She’d came closer to me, but I turn my face sideways.

Is nothing, am just angry ” Istated.


She made a scoffing sound and I turn to her with a scowl look.


What’s that scoff all about ” I’d ask, transferring the aggression toher.


Probably you might have lost a business contract that why you’re angry. You only care about money, and for the fact your daughter is missing, you’re only just concern about your ego and fame ” she spat out and I threw her a deadlyglared.


Woman, not this again. I’ll file a divorce if you keep taunting me with thistactics of yours. You are getting on my nerves ” I warned and she look at me with total disbelief.


I Ignore her stunning looks and went away from the office. I was going to a company, I have a meeting with a man and Alexis, it for an investment purpose.


I’m gonna invest in that man’s company to get more money, Alexis introduce me to him and convinced me he’s a good and trustworthy one. I trust him to I’d agreed.






Gosh, thank goodness the traffic as ended, my driver drove me to Paul’s investment company. I, Paul and Mr Albert is gonna have a meeting together in that company.


I smirk. I’m always in a disguise when am around Mr Albert, I usually wear face mask of another person, someone who had pass away and no one knows anything about that person


Soon enough the proud and wicked Albert Eduardo will go bankrupt. That will only happen if my plan is apprehended.


I plan this with Paul. I bought a company that use to belong to a man name Neal, who had pass away six years ago. His company died also have his death, the company wasn’t functioning over the years.


I’d hired some fake staffs and place them in the company and i made Paul the CEO. My plan is this……..


I and Albert Eduardo will invest in the company with a lot of millions , soon after the investment in that company, Paul and the other staff will live and the company will be empty.


The staff too are all disguise, I made face mask for them too, it costly, but worth a shot. Albert money will be lost, no need to worry about my own, I will have Paul sending all my money including Albert’s own tome.


I put my plan in action when I first ask Albert a day before I had plan it withPaul, if he knew anything about that company, he toldhe doesn’t. I was glad that he don’t know anything about the company. I assured him that the company wasa


good one and if you invest in that company, then you will become more wealthy than before. He’d agreed, making my plan go smoothly.


You’ll be ruined Albert Eduardo, I will make sure of that. For all the evil you did in the past. I will never forget how you………






I got home and after going to the kitchen to drink some orange juice to calm my nerves.


I went straight to the balcony, totally ignoring the urge to go meet Adrianne. I’d rest my elbow on the rails.


My anger rekindled. All I could think of is revenge and nothing more. The memory of how I spend with my whole family came poking in my mind, the time I spent with them. Those time I had a family that I could look up to and they could look up to me too. The dreams I had back then. But all was ebbed by that evil man, I squeeze the rails as I wish I could just strangle him to death. I can’t wait to come before him.


The shuffling of feet jarred me back to reality. I twirled to see the person.


It was Aimee. She came to me and the look on her face implied something had happen.


What wrong Aimee ” I inquiredanxiously.


It about the lady you kept in hostage ” she stated and I felt my heart beating,all negative though kept playing my troubledmind.


Wha… what about her ” Istuttered.


She as bruises all over and it was done by Marina ” shesaid.


I made for a run and ran inside, heading straight to Adrianne.




The way he cares for this lady is strange. In the look of things, he might have falling in love with her.


I went inside, I was gonna watch the scene that will soon surface.




I open the door and saw Adrianne, she turn around , I saw her face. She was bleeding from her mouth and eyes was bruise up.


I felt infuriated.


Marina ” Iroared.


I scurry to her room and she wasn’t there.


I’d screamed her name again and was about existing the room, when I heard her voice, echoing from the bathroom.


I’m gonna teach her a lesson. who gave her that gut to threat her like that without my permission.


I turn and was about locking the door when i saw Aimee, I lock the door against her anyway.

Thanks for doing that ” Marina said, I turn and sawher. But I became mute all of a sudden, coz she wasnude.



This Marina is a seductive bitch, Ivan nor fallmyhand. Oh my poor Adrianne, don’t worry Authoress will soon get u out of there lol.







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