Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

A wife for the king – Episode 7


Alexander read through the report he asked from Pamilerin, it was articulate and concise, for someone that has not work in that capacity before, he is not easily


impressed but this time he grudgingly accept that She is efficient. He is seriously considering what Adebayo suggested about getting a woman to settle down again with, but not sure if she will be good for him to consider to marry, but he won’t deny that she is beautiful. He set aside the daily report She sent, retrieving the compiled report he asked for about her from his investigators . It is a more thorough research done on her, and other candidates he is considering selecting for his next queen.

It may sound clinical, impersonal, but it is better that way. Alexander skim through Pamilerin’s investigative report, spending more time with on it than the others. Adopted as a little girl, she knew nothing about her birth parents. Thereport gave a detailed information, it’s like knowing the answer to a question even before they were asked. It is important for him to know everything about her or any other woman before he getsinvolved.

He remembered the first time he saw her in the garden, from his window, he liked what he saw quite alright from the distance and liked it even more up close, but it soon turn to annoyance when he noticed how she was staring at his scar. It lefthim feeling vulnerable which he hates.


He wonders if she could see beyond the scar or was put off by it, but what does it matter, he thought with a shrug. It is not like she is the only possible candidates, lots of other women are practically throwing themselves at him.

But you prefer her.

His subconscious, taunted. A part of him was glad to know that she didn’t have a boyfriend. She broke up with her current boyfriend few years back, so there is no issue in that area. Also from the report he found out that she has only being in two relationships, and both did not last for long, so she is pretty much innocent. It shouldn’t fill him with satisfaction, but it does, he does not want someone that is too s*xually experienced, hence she will be disturbing him for s*x and it won’t take long for her to realize the King can not perform his duties. A secret he did not intend to let out, until he finds a lastingsolution.

Marrying an innocent will be much easier to manage.

He traced his scar with his finger, it’s like a gift from his late wife, even in death she still hunts him, he thought with a sigh, recycling his head on the bed head rest, deep in thought.


Pamilerin chose a black bandage design gown that hugged her curves and show cased delicate textured skin. Slipping her feet into a low heel n*de shoe. She comb


her hair to a ponytail style, keeping her make-up to a minimum, with emphasis on her eyes, adding a touch of peach coloured lip gloss. Taking a last glance at the mirror she snag her handbag off the bed, stepping out of her room. Her mother was just about to knock on her door when she opened it.

“Good morning mum” smiling at her.

“Wow good morning to you darling, you look sensational. Going anywhere apart from the office? A date maybe?” Taking in her look.

“Thanks mum, but no I am not going anywhere apart from work, besides can’t a lady just look good without some people reading meaning into it” rolling her eyes ather.

“Fine if you say so, I came to tell you that your mechanic is around with yourcar” “Oh thank God for that, finally. I need to go now, love you” placing a kiss on her cheek.

She pulled her Car to a stop into the parking lot with excitement, it feels good to have her car back after all this while, now she can go home without having to rely on anyone’s reluctant kindness —namely the King.


He has been gone for three days now, still barking orders at her all the way from London. She was just locking her car when another car parked besides her and she noticed it was Adebayo.

“Good morning Mr Adebayo, what brings you here early, I hope there is no problem with the report you asked for?” She asked, as he walk towards her.

“Good morning pamilerin, and I thought have told you to drop this formality, and you agreed” grinning at her.

“Sorry it’s a bit difficult, but I will try” returning his smile, He had insisted that she call him by his first name, Lewis, something she seems to find difficult to do, may be it because he is the King’s friend or because of the circumstance that surrounds how she knows him. Yesterday they had a good time together, and he told her he will like for them to be friends, though he let’s her realize he has no ulterior motive, just friends.

“The King requested to see me —” “His around?”

Adebayo was surprised that Alexander did not tell her, “well i assume you knew, ” he replied.

“No I didn’t.” Hoping her irritation did not show in her response. What the essence of having her as a Secretary if she does not know his movement, first he travelsout without her knowing, now he is back. It just damnannoying.


“Are you okay?” Worried by her sudden silence.

“Ofcourse Mr—i mean Lewis, everything is fine, just surprised that’s all” “Listen Pamilerin, if it’s any consolation it is nothing personal, ever since the

accident he has been weary in sharing his traveling plans with anybody, so please try not to be offended?” Halting her steps as they reach the reception area. “Please—really it’s nothing” feeling a bit embarrassed that he can read her thought easily. “Please just do me a favor, don’t let him know, that I know, he is back” hoping she didn’t sound silly.

“I won’t I promise, though it will be had for him to believe you didn’t know, and my friend hates being ignored but like I said I won’t tell him” amused at her request. Alexander is in for a big surprise with this one. “Oh by the way, you look beautiful in that dress” winking at her as he saunters away. He can’t wait for the chase to begin, If he was not sure before about Pamilerin, he is now more sure than ever that she is the right woman for his friend. She has backbone, and will definitely ignite the fire in his friend, something he has not seen in a long while. It will be fun to watch the two.




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