Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

A wife for the king – Episode 20


ALEXANDER mutters a oath, threading his hands on his cleanly shaved head. He had been so close to claiming his wife, desire coursing through his veins until everything went out, like a poof, just like that leaving him deflated. He had even ask his doctor for a drug that can cure him of his sudden impotence, but he explained to him that what he needed is a shrink, no drugs will help him. His inability to perform is borne out of how his first marriage ended.

The psychologist he contracted, also said the same thing, nothing is wrong with him, it’s all a thing of the mind, it will happen when he stop forcing it and with the right person, yet he could not make love to his wife. Neither can he stop wanting her, he desired her alright but he can’t satisfy her completely. He groan silently when the image of her n*ked body flashed like a neon sign in his mind. “God help me, but I will be damned if I don’t try everything in my power to satisfy her” he mutters to himself.

“Are you saying something?” Pamilerin’s voice brought him out of his reverie, he turned to her, taking in the way her skin glow in the light, her hands held the bathing robe to her body like a shield.

“No darling, I will just freshen up as well, will join you later” walking past her into the bathroom. He discarded his remaining cloth, setting the shower dial into medium speed, before stepping into the mosaic tiled stall. The water cascade over his head, down his skin, bringing with it a cooling effect. Making him to calm down, he felt the agitation leave him. Turning off the shower, he snag a towel from the neatly stacked ones, and tied it around his body.

Stepping out of the bathroom into their room, he saw that pamilerin had changed into a night wear, it was a black skimpy thing, with a tiny strap, reaching just her thigh. “This is going to be hard” he thought. She sat on the bed, her eyes following his move around the spacious room. The towel slung low on his hips, he gave hera tight smile, before reaching for his clothing— a draw string loose trouser. The towel dropped and pamilerin’s mouth dried up as she took in Alexander’s n*ked body, his back was to her, so she could observe and admire the taunt muscular lines of his back andthighs.

“I see you didn’t touch the wine?” He asked casually, crossing the room to join her. “Uhm?” Her voice coming out husky, not following what he was saying, too carried away by him.

“Wine?” Popping it open, pouring some into each wine glass and extending a glass to her.

“Oh yes the wine” reaching to collect it from him, “I was waiting for you” she whispers. Sipping it slowly.



Alexander sat beside her, gazing at her. Taking a sip out of his glass as well, “do you still want more?” Noting her emptyglass.

“No thank you, I don’t want to get drunk or anything like that” placing her glass on the bedside table. Looking at himexpectantly.

“I guess you are right” he down the remaining content in his glass, Placing it besides her.

“Can I ask you something?” She asked quietly. “Sure you can”

“Earlier you seems to be angry with me all of a sudden, what’s wrong? Was I below your expectations”

“What! No please don’t think like that, you are perfect—”

“So what happened? One minute you were all over me, the next you were distant. I know you want me so I don’t understand. I thought by now you would have torn this gown off me” confusion lacing her words.

Alexander draw closer to her, tucking the escaped hair strand behind her ear, “believe me when i say I want you, and the reason why have not torn this s*xy thing off you like you said, was because I uhm— I know you are not that experienced —”

“You do? How did youknow?”

“Men know this things” he said with a chuckle. “I want to take things slow, I don’t want to hurt you” heexplained.

“But you won’t hurt me, I may be a v*rgin but still want you—” “Wait, you are a v*rgin?” Staring at her in daze.

“Yes—i thought you said you know?”

“Yea well, I guessed but I didn’t know you are that inexperienced.” The report he got on her, showed that she had few men she had being with, but he didn’t think he could be so lucky.

“So does that mean you will not touch me?” Pamilerin wish she didn’t sound or come off as desperate, but she does not know how to put into words what she was feeling.

“It means we will take it slow, understand each others body and need, but be rest assured that I want you” holding her in his arms to kiss her, Lost in swift passion, she’d kissed him back, welcoming the hot tide of hunger that met and matched his a flare of conscious response had set her nerves tingling and heated her body, sharpening her senses so that the world suddenly blazed into a glory of colour and sound and sensuous delight. He pushed her down gently, lying halfway on her.


The tiny gown had ridden up to her navel, pleasurable sighs emerging from her lips, a prisoner to his evocative, persuasive hands. Alexander fling the scrap she called a nightwear away, with it the tiny pant, leaving her gloriously bare to his seeking hands. One of his hands slid low to seek and probed her silken heat, unbidden, she arched against him, panting, giving off s*xual sounds she was unaware of, as he skillfully brought her to climax.

Alexander kissed her gently, tucking her against him. He switched off the lights. “That was incredible” she mutters, weakly.”but you didn’t —”

“Shh don’t worry about anything, we are taking it slow besides it your pleasure that’s paramount to me. Sleep darling.” Pressing another kiss on her forehead. Alexander breathe a sigh of relief when Pamilerin finally slept off. He wonder how long he will continue to use tactics with his wife, how long before she knew that he is not complete.



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