Fri. Oct 18th, 2024






Neil closed his car door, making the outside noise vanish and just when I thought he wanted to start the car he turned to me.


“Why do I not like that Jason of a guy?”.


“Huh?… Uh.. I don’t know.” I shrugged.


“Look Jason is just going through puberty, he just turned eighteen and he’s acting like a crackhead, don’t let his juvenile attitude and words get in your head!” I explained and Neil sighed.


“Well I have nothing else to say, he’s one spoiled brat, if I would say”.


Neil started the car and I rested on the car seat and placed the seat belt across my body.


We hit the road and after a moment of silence Neil started.


“Are you sure he’s eighteen?” Neil asked.


“What?” I turned to him.


“That Jason guy, he looks older than eighteen and he’s just so… I don’t know how to put this!” Neil sighed.


“Look Neil, Jason just turned eighteen yesterday, yes I agree he looks older cause he has rapid growth just like his other friends too, but he’s just a kid, why are you getting all worked.” I scoffed.


“Cause I hate the way he was speaking towards us, towards you! And how did you know his birthday was yesterday?” Neil asked.


Seriously why is Neil getting himself stressed out by Jason.



“Cause he told me and his mom did too, and after attending your graduation I had to go to his, he is my student after all and his mom really wanted me to come, so I went anyways!” I shrugged.


Neil furrowed his brows, he seemed to be lost in thought. I knew he still wanted to have more


conversation, obviously about ‘Jason’.


Neil turned to me.


“And how did he know about our first date?” he questioned.


And I answered without a choice. “Well I went on the date, from the lesson with Jason, so he obviously knew I was going on a date cause he saw my dress and I kind of told him cause I also rushed with his equations he was answering,”.


“Okay seriously,” Neil huffed. “And you are okay with him calling you smoking hot?”


“Neil, okay look, honestly I don’t get why you’re bringing this up and I don’t understand why you’re getting yourself worked up just because of a teenager who’s life is upside down right now, Look Jason thinks he’s doing the right thing now, but he’s just in high school he doesn’t know life after that. Don’t get caught up in his bizzare words and just let him be, okay fine you don’t like him, I can’t do anything about that because he is my student and I’m the teacher, he calls me hot, cold whatever I don’t care, I teach him, he understands, I get paid, that’s just it. I don’t care whatever he calls me I can keep up with Jason!” I yelled.


“Fine! I’m sorry, I’m sorry okay! I’m just having a weird feeling, that’s all!” Neil yelled back.


“What weird feeling?” I looked at him with a furrowed brow.


Neil glanced at me and then focused on the road. “I don’t know, I just think he likes you!” “What?” I couldn’t see my face but I could tell my expression was as sour as ever. “I don’t know, I said I think!” Neil said giving an immediate apologetic look.


“Well I think your head should do better, why would you go and think something execrable like that??” I yelled.


“Because I like you okay!!!” Neil yelled.


Wow. That’s one atrocious way to confess.


I focused on the road immediately and sighed, I didn’t even know what to say anymore.


Neil was quiet too, and we both didn’t say anything till he pulled over in front of my yard.


Neil tried being a gentleman by opening the car door for me but I beat him to it, and I could see the pain in his eyes.


“Look Elsa!” he sighed softly. I turned to him holding and pinning him down with my stare over his apologetic stare, letting my own stare to yell the word ‘lackadaisical’


“I am very sorry for the way I acted today!” He stated and seeing my look he bent his head down in shame.



“You should be.” I spat “Ranting over a matter that’s not worth it. Neil I expected more than that from you!” I sighed.


“I know, I let my guard down and I am very sorry!” He said, moved closer to me and grabbed both of my hands.


“Well apology accepted, every body makes mistakes.” I said trying to move my hand so he’ll let go of it, but he didn’t make any effort to let go of it.


“And about that, I shouldn’t have confessed my feelings like that” He said with a nervous laugh.


“Yeah you killed the moment and also killed your confession!” I laughed ’cause it was funny.


“But I really meant every word of it” Neil smiled.


“Oh… Okay, thanks… I…i really don’t know what to say!” I smiled shyly.


“You don’t have to say anything I am actually very patient, anytime those feelings you used to have for me comes back, I’ll be here!” Neil smiled.




“Yeah, okay, sure” I smiled. “Goodnight then!” I smiled


“Good night” He said before entering his car and leaving the yard.


I walked into my quiet house and made it to my room.


I quickly went to take a shower cause the dress texture isn’t actually nice. It has nipped all my body.


I took a shower dressed in my pajamas and made it to my bed to rest. Today has been a day.


I suddenly remembered Neil’s confession and I sighed.


I remembered when I used to be the one having a crush on him, bow its the other way around.


I can’t believe this, but still yet its happening.




I snuggled under my blanket ready to sleep when my phone vibrated beside, I opened my eyes to see the message was from Jason, I didn’t bother opening it, I just dropped my phone and shoved it under my pillow.


I closed my eyes and after giving out a loud yawn, I was half way with my sleep already. *


The next day, I felt a little energetic but hungry at the same time and then I realised I didn’t eat dinner yesterday.


I sighed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth first.




I had almost seven loaves of bread with pear apple jam and I was proud of myself, I never eat more than four slices of bread, I must be really hungry.


Feeling full in the stomach and heart, I walked to the living room and plopped down on the couch and before I knew it, I was in another round of sleep. *






I walked in math class for the first time and made a very strange eye contact with Krystal, she looked away and so did I, and I walked up to a seat. No doubt we have almost every period together.



School was boring, I didn’t know it was always this boring, what I wanted was to go home, no it wasn’t just to go home, I wanted time to speed up for my tutoring session to come by fast.


Well I do enjoy Elsa’s teaching to be sincere, and I also like the reaction I get from her when I tease her.


“Excuse me??” I heard a loud voice and I looked up to see the whole class staring at me and the math teacher looking like she’s about to explode. I have her a confused look and she sighed.


“I’ve been calling for your attention but you are not even responding, you’ve been zoning out for a while now, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you will be solving that for the class” she said sternly and pointed her witchy index finger towards the board. I scanned the equation on the board and sighed.


What the hell is this, Elsa taught me this, this class is way behind!.


I stood up, adjusted my jackermt over my body and walked towards the board, my eyes met Simon at the front of the class and he gave me a confused look, he must be pretty shocked seeing me back in math class.


I grabbed the black whiteboard marker and under five minutes, the board was filled with my handwriting.


I dropped the marker and turned to the teacher who’s mouth was open in shock.


“Whoa.” she adjusted her sweater. “I know you, Jason, you always fail this class and then you start to miss it and you’re suddenly here and now you’re like a hero in math”. Oh she knows me.


“Well he has a private math tutor now.” Simon chimed in and the teacher nodded more than twice.


“That is pretty good she must be one heck a teacher.”


“Yeah, she’s full of surprises” I smiled and walked back to my seat, I could feel Krystal eyes on me and it made me feel weird.




Lunch break was worse, even amongst my friends, I still wanted school to speed up at all cost. I was just quiet the whole time, by friends asked me what was wrong, but I told them it was nothing and let them focus on their own lives.


That was that for school and every moment I run into Krystal, she starts to act awkward, like I


can’t even explain the awkwardness




I grabbed my bag immediately and stood up, finally, school’s over! I breathed out a sigh of relief, I was about to walk out of class when my friends rushed up to me. Oh I have friends.


“Jason we’re all going for football later, want to come along?” Donald asked me.


“Uh, sorry I can’t, you know I have an ongoing math lesson tutor and Elsa gets pretty skeptic when I try to make up one excuse or the other, so sorry and maybe another day!” I apologized and walked out on all of them.


I got in my car and before I knew it my driver and I were close to home.


I got home just in time, showered quickly, got dressed and also in time and ready for today’s


lesson and Elsa to arrive.



Thirty f**king minutes later, she still haven’t arrived, I was getting furious worried and impatient


at the same time, I’ve been looking forward to this lesson since ages ago and now she’s going


to sweeten it with lateness.


This is messed up.


And I didn’t understand why I was getting worked up.


But still I was and that’s that, I calm down a little bit and decided to wait for her a little more. Seconds, minutes and hours passed it was already five thirty and she still haven’t arrived


she’s like supposed to be here by three, isn’t that the deal.


Does she wants to get fired? Not that I want her to get fired, but now that I’m planning to take this seriously, she’s planning to do the opposite.


I walk out of my room in anger and found my mom coming up the stairs.


“Is Elsa here yet?” my mom asked. Oh good she’s in the same worried shoes as me.


“No, what time is she supposed to come by anyway?” I yelled.


“Three fifteen to three twenty, and why are you yelling?” my mom was calm.


“I don’t know!” I sighed.


“I didn’t know you took Esther’s lesson seriously?” my mom stated sipping her coffee, but her eyes stayed on my face, letting out its suspicious glare guiefully. “I’ve always taken Elsa’s lesson seriously!” I Lied.


I know I don’t.


“Look mom why don’t we just call her.” I sighed.


“Okay, I was about to do that though” My mom said and brought her phone out of her pocket, Elsa’s number was on speed dial on the number five and no time, the phone has Start to ring. “Oh hello Elsa!” my mom smiled and I breathed a sigh of relief. Okay she’s okay. “Are you okay? Why do you sound so–


My mom paused and gasped loudly making my heart skip a bit














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