Fri. Oct 18th, 2024








Jacqueline’s POV





On my way home from school, I stopped at a pharmacy store and purchased the drug Martha told me about.. Who knows I might be needing it tonight..


I got home that day in smiles, as my day with Jason played on my inner screen but those smiles fade once I got to the living room and saw Allan sitting comfortably on a couch, I froze for a moment before walking further into the room.. “Good.. Afternoon” I slurred my words and he nodded.


“Freshen up and get my lunch ready” he said… Lunch?! I’m definitely going late to work today.


I went to my room and in a flash my uniform was in the hanger and I had a sleeveless dress on, leaving a part of my hand bare but reaching down my legs. I walked to the kitchen and decided to make spaghetti and some homemade tomato sauce.. I took the ingredients and in a flash I chopped and diced the necessary ingredients, I took a pot and started cooking.


In twenty minutes or so I was done, I spooned part of it into a plate and added the sauce on it, I took it in the tray with the cutleries to the dinning, where Allan was already seated..


“You’re skipping work today” he said when I left the food on the table. My brows furrowed.. “W-why?”


“Because I say so” he said, his gaze focused on the food..




“Do you have an opposition?” He said, giving me a blank stare and I gulped.


“No” I answered lowly and moved away..


I walked to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.. I filled the cup with water from the dispenser and took a step toward the living room but stopped thoughtfully.. If I skip work today then there’s a hundred percent possibility that I’ll be fired and Nicholas will definitely not take it lightly and then I’ll be stuck at home probably getting a bagful of Allan’s trouble.. I can’t skip work.


I dropped the water back on the counter and walked away, I slowly tiptoed past him to my room, I took the drug from my backpack and tiptoed back to the kitchen.. I pulled the lid off the container. I stopped myself and shut my eyes; I let out a sigh, I hope this isn’t too effective. I took a tablet and dipped it In the glass, it dissolved immediately.. I took the lid to close the container but I dropped it back on the counter.


What if this one isn’t enough to hold him until I’m back from work.. He’ll find out I left and practically show me a second version of hell.. I took two more tablets and dropped it in the water.. I watched it dissolve then drop another. It might get him overdosed but it won’t kill him.. I really hope it works though. I hid the drug



beneath my dress and took the water to the dinning table. I could’ve had my lunch while waiting for the drug to fail or work but Allan forbade me from eating when he’s also eating and worse still on the same table..


Yeah he hates me that much.. I wonder why he hasn’t kicked me out yet but I have a hint that’d be happening soon. I walked to my room and got my workbag ready, I slipped my book into it.. I have to revise and also work on an assignment.. I finished and sat on my bed for a while then I stood up and walked out of my room to the living room, I rolled my gaze to the dinning room and I wasn’t too surprised when I saw Allan fast asleep, his head was on the table with a hand supporting it while the other dangled beside him. Martha had assured me it works but I just had doubts.. I rushed in and grabbed my bag, I was late.. Nick is so going grouchy on me.



The taxi parked and I rushed to the door through the gate, he opened the door when I knocked and as expected, he asked me to work for the time I delayed.. I finished with every other places and was wiping the kitchen sink when he walked in..


“You seem to be in a hurry.. Why?” He asked and I turned to him, he gave me a blank stare and looked away.. “What? Can’t I ask my worker why she’s doing her duties in a hurry?”


He took a tin of sandwich and turned it to a flat plate.


“I have somewhere to go to and trust me, I’m cleaning everywhere properly in case you think I’m not” I said. He passed the empty tin to me and I dumped it in the waste basket.


“Where? On a date with Jason?” He took out a can of coke while my brows furrowed.. Okay how did he know that I’ll be hanging out with Jason.. “Don’t ask me why I’m asking or how I knew, I have my ways” he said as if answering my thoughts. He took the sandwich and coke to the breakfast table and took a seat.


“It’s not a date… It’s just a hangout and it’s tomorrow not today” I said, turning back to finish my work.


“So you think Jason likes you right?” He asked and with a twitched face I gave him a look.


“Why are you asking me that?”


“Nothing.. But what if I say you shouldn’t hang out with Jason tomorrow, will you not?”


“And why will you tell me not to hang out with him?”


“Will you stop answering my question with question”



“Well I can’t help it when your questions are confusing. I don’t understand why you’re asking me those” I said. He took a bite from his sandwich and stood up. “Just forget it” he took his food and walked out of the kitchen.. My brows furrowed.


What’s up with him?




I finshed working at the delivery shop and I walked to food and fries after work that day and attended to customers that came to eat.


“Table 7, Jackie” ma’am Aries said and I walked away from the counter to where table seven was and when he turned, I saw Jason. I was taken aback.


“Hey” he greeted, flashing me a smile. Realizing he wasn’t alone I looked around the table and saw two other guys, one of them seem familiar but the other didn’t. “Hey Jason, I didn’t know you were coming here” I said.


“I had an early finish off so I decided to visit here, remember you gave me the address”


“Yeah right, I’m just surprised that you came” I said.


“Uh James, Archie this is Jacqueline, Jacqueline James and Archie” Jason


introduced and we greeted.


“What are you ordering?”




“Excuse me?”


“Just kidding, I’ll like some fries and orange juice”


“I’ll take croquettes, you have that right” his friend asked and I nodded while the other insisted on having just juice.. since they were simple meals, I didn’t write them down.


” Just a minute while I get them”


After giving their orders I stayed behind the counter and watched Jason shake salt into his fries and lifted it to his lips.. He look so adorable and sincerely, I can’t believe Jason could visit here because of me.. It’s like my wishes are slowly getting fulfilled.. I took out my phone to gist Martha about.


“Don’t just sit there Jackie attend to Table 26” Mr Sherlock said to me and I slipped my phone back into my pant pocket.


“Yes Mr Sherlock” I grabbed my pad and pen and walked to the table.. Jason and I exchanged glances and he smiled at me before talking to his friends.. I couldn’t help the heat that rose to my cheeks.


After work, Jason decided to walk me to the bus station.. I went to Noel and informed him about filing in for my shift tomorrow while I do his next tomorrow



he agreed and as expected asked about Jason, I told him anything and ran to meet Jason at the door and we walked down the street to the station.


“Where are your friends?” I asked, feeling awkward because we weren’t saying anything conversational..


“They drove in my car cos I’ll be taking the bus” he said.


“You’re taking a bus home because of me?” I asked and he nodded. “Yeah.. Why? Don’t you want me to walk with you?”


“No.. It’s not that. It’s just surprising” I said and bent to pick on my fingers as I heard his soft chuckles.


“So I’ve been wondering.. Why did you pick me to tutor you when they’re other nerdy bookworms that are way more intelligent than I am and why are you being nice to me?”


We stopped when we got to the bus station.


“You’ll find the answers tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at this station by eight, is that






We used the bus together and I sat opposite an elderly woman while Jason took the one that was two seats before mine. The bus stopped at my park and I bade Jason bye since he was going to the next bus stop.. I stood at the station and watched as people got in.. I waved at Jason until the bus drove off.. I took in a mouthful of air and walked to the house. I moved in and twisted the knob which gave way.. I walked in and the first sight that greeted my gaze left me in awe.. Allan was still fast asleep on the dinning, I could hear his snores from where I stood. I stared at him for a while, if this doesn’t turn out to be dangerous and if he successfully don’t remember a thing then I’m definitely giving it to him tomorrow..


I took the used plates from the table and left them on the sink before having my dinner, showering, I prepared for bed, laid on it and grabbed my phone.. I checked my notification.. I texted Martha.


Hey girl, guess who had a great night?












(Love in circles )






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