Sat. Mar 8th, 2025






Rose received a message in her phone asking her to quite her job as Leon’s secretary. She smiled.


“I can’t just quit like that….I have to make trouble” she said. Rose soon find out that Gem’s family hates her.


She went and make friends with Jolene.


“Wow…you mean you’re Rosemary?, Leonel Mavis fiancee?” she asked


“Yes… .and.. ” she started crying “I need your help”


“Oh… what can a goddess like me do for you?” she asked. Jolene was underhouse arrest because of what happened in the boutique. He family manage to remove her from cell and put her under house arrest.


“That slut named Gem she Bewitched him, now am back he’s pushing me away. I heard Gem sells her body to him. She’s having s£x with him and this is making him not want to see me…..he even said he’ll break our engagement”


“That slut gem……I knew she had something going on…, but am under house arrest…..I can’t go out” she said.


“I’ll help you go out…..but first you must promise to help me” she said and Jolene nodded.




Rose smiled as she told Jolene her plans.






We got to a penthouse. It was so big and beautiful.


“Leon I thought we were staying in an hotel?”


“No baby…..I don’t like hotels”


“Why?” I asked and he only smiled and walk towards the bed. The truth been told I know nothing about Leon. all I know is his name and identity. I think whenever I ask him questions about him he just twist the topic and this made me sad alot.


“Kitten…. what’s wrong?” he asked


“Nothing…am fine” I forced a smile and sat on a couch.


“You know kitten you’re a very bad liar!” he said and walk down to me.


“I know something is bothering you….”


“I…’s nothing really” I said


“Tell me!” he ordered.


“It’s that….we have nothing to wear and did you return all the clothes we bought…I can’t see them” I said and


he smiled.


“Kitten my men took your clothes back home and for what we’ll wear tonight is already in the wardrobe…..but I can still tell you’re lying” he said.


“I’ll go take a shower” I said


“Let’s shower together baby” he said and I turned to look at him only to see him already taking off his clothes. I scream and ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear him laughing. While I took my shower in the main bathroom Leon used the visitors bathroom. We came out almost the same time both wearing towels. He kept on looking at me and licking his lips.


“Pervert….what are you thinking!!!!” I yelled and he chuckled


“What you think am thinking” he smiled


“Fuck off!” I yelled and he smiled, I opened the wardrobe to take something to wear only to see a s£xy lingerie hanging on the wall…I almost fainted…..I turned to see Leon smiling at me.


“Little wife will you wear that for me to see?” he asked looking cute I pick up my slippers and threw them to him and he landed on the bed laughing.


“Why are you teasing me?!!!!” I yelled.


“Am not….I only want my wife to look s£xy tonight” he said


“Ha…..s£xy my ass?!!” I yelled


“Yeah baby your ass is really s£xy too” he said and winks.


Where did he learn to talk so shamelessly?


I went back to the wardrobe took a pair of his boxes and a singlet and wore them.


“Aww….honey you’re making me sad….do you expect me to wear the lingerie?” he asked and I glaze at him.


“You’re crazy husband!!!” I yelled as I raise the bed cover up to lye down. Leon lye on the other side, I turned to look at him only to see him dragging his towel away from his waist and throwing them on the floor. I could tell he was completely naked under the bed cover. Before I knew it his hand grab my waist and pulled me close to himself.




“Be still……stop moving….” he said but I never listen.


“Let go you naked bastard” I struggled more.


‘Gosh….she won’t listen’ Leon cursed as Gem’s struggling turn him on….his crock was beginning to react


because of her movement. Leon couldn’t control anymore as he press he down and pinned her under him. My legs were wide open as he was in between them.


“I told you not to move….. whatever happens now it’s your fault” he said and I felt something poking my


abdomen, I wonder what it was as my hands went down to push it away.


Immediately Gems hand touch his crock Leon burst out of control as he started kissing her. As he kissed her slowly.


I was enjoying the slow kiss as I allow his tongue slide into my mouth. His hands crushed my br**st. I was surprised that I let out a slow moan.


Hearing her begin to moan to his movement, he felt happy. Leon’s hand landed on my singlet at he tore it away from my body. Before I knew it my boxes was already off. How did he do it?.


Fear began to take over me. I haven’t done this began.


“L…Leon……Leon….stop…we have to stop” I said and he looked at me confused. “Why?” he asked looking sad “Don’t….don’t you want me?” “I do….I do….” I said


“Then why do you want me to …to stop…..Gem I really went you….I can’t stop” he said.


“Am scared” I said


“Why?, are you scared of me?” he said and disappointment filled his eyes. Before I could respond he left my body, leaving my longing.




“No Gem….I understand”


“No you don’t!!!!, CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!!!!!” I yelled and he turned and look at me.


“Leon I want this am just scared because I haven’t done this before…..” I said he he looked at me in surprise.


“You’re scared of s£x???” he asked.


“I heard it hurts when you’re a virgin……and……..” he burst into laughter…. “I want to do it….with


you….so…. can you…. not….make…make it hurt” I said in embarrassment. He came back to the bed and kissed


my neck, my nose tip and my eyes.


“Am not a magician, it will surely hurt but I’ll make it go away in no time” he said.









We lye on the bed panting. Leon kept on kissing my hair.


“Leon….can I ask you something?” I asked


“Little kitten it’s 2 o’clock in the morning, what is it?”


“Have you done this before….with your ex?” I asked and I could fell his uncomfortable movement.


“Gem we should stop talking about Rose” he said and I was quiet and sad. He didn’t answer me again.


“Yes….I’ve done it with her countless of times….but I wasn’t her first, she was not a virgin” he said.


“Leon let’s play a game” I said


“Let’s just rest….. tomorrow” he said and tightened his hug.


“I just want to know you more…….Leon….. Leonel?” I could hear his even breath. He was asleep already. I


guess I’ll ask him tomorrow then…………….





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