Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

November 5th, 2019. 6:45PM 21


‘Good morning beautiful.’ Mulife says to me


I yawn, closing my mouth.


I had managed to sleep after our morning marathon; parts of my body are feeling strange. Like I had been run over by a car but I don’t mind because I feel a certain energy within me.


‘Good morning.’ I say moving closer to his body


We are both still verynaked. ‘How long did I sleep?’ I ask ‘Fivehours.’

‘Wow.’ I say looking at the wall clock, it is 9:27AM


He kisses my forehead


You needed the rest, besides you have been complaining about not getting enough rest.


‘I really feel better now.’ I say wrapping my hands around his waist like a child


‘You will get sore.’ He warns and I can’t help but laugh



‘Let’sgetyoucleanedup.’Hesaysremovingthecovers ‘I don’t want.’ I cry holding on to his body

He laughs again




‘Cant we just stay like this?’


‘We need to get you cleaned up, feed you then feed on you.’ He says with a

naughty smile


I roll my eyes at him getting out of bed. ‘Damn.’HesaysasIwalktothebathroom Ichucklethenshutthebathroomdoor.

I stand on the mirror and stare at my body, I am not as beautiful as I was fiveyearsago.Buteverythingisstillinplace,mycurvesarealright,mybelly fat is not too much and my thighs are just okay. But I know I have some extra meat which I might not need but not once has Mulife made me feel like I am not good enough for him and I am not even willing to change for him.


I take a long relaxing bath, it’s a Saturday after all and I know I don’t have

any other plans.


I come out wrapped in a towel, he has already made thebed.


‘You didn’t have to.’ I say as he fixes the pillows


‘Well we shared the bed.’ He says


I smile


‘Let me take a bath, then I prepare you some healthy breakfast.’ He says

kissing my forehead


‘But you don’t have any clothes here.’ I say


‘I had carried some extra clothes in the car, thought I might touch the gym.’

He says his voice trailing off as he disappears in the bathroom


Afterapplyinglotionandwearingcomfortableshortswithavestandhouse slippers,Ipickhiskeysandgoouttogettheclothesfromthecar.


‘Hai.’ I say surprised looking at a tear stained Lerato


‘Hey.’Sherespondssniffingbackthetears ‘Are you okay?’ I ask withconcern

She breaks down even more at my question


‘Where did I go wrong Thelma? All I ever did was love him, with everything in me. I was really hoping that he was going to change, I was hoping that for me he would be a better person.’


I don’t know what to tell her, it’s not like she doesn’t know the kind of

person her man is


‘Please come inside.’ I say leading her into the house

‘Give me a minute.’ I say remembering why I went out in the first place I get Mulife’s clothes from the car then lock it again, I lead Lerato tothe

living room and offer her some tea which she declines but instead pours herself a glass of vodka.


‘Make yourself at home.’ I say


I take the clothes to the bedroom and explain to Mulife that Lerato has

come through and she is not in a very good place but he doesn’t mind and

says he will still come through to make breakfast.


‘What happened?’ I ask her ‘Remember that evening.’

‘That evening.’ She repeats trying to sniff back the tears but they are freely



‘Yes I do.’


‘Wellhedidn’thaveanymeeting,IknewthatandthatiswhyIfollowedhim home.’


‘You have become one of those women.’ I say with a raised eyebrow


‘Don’t you dare judge me, I have been with Jayden for a very long time for me not to feel like I have the right to follow his moves.’


‘Right.’ I say



She eyes me, then pours herself some more vodka


‘Go easy on that.’ I say


‘Thelma tell me something, am I not beautiful enough?’


‘Ofcourseyouarebeautifulanddon’tyoueverthinkJayden’swaysare because of what you did or didn’tdo.’


‘Then why did he cheat?’


‘It’s all on him babe, he hurt you and it isn’t your fault. He is the one that

lost out.’


‘And yet it feels like I am the one losing.’ ‘It gets better with time.’ I tell her

I move close to where she is sitting and get the glass from her, I know the contents are burning her and she is only enduring it thinking it will suppress the pain she is feeling.


‘I love him babe.’


‘I know you do and he is a fool for losing out on you.’ I say pulling her into

an embrace


I allow her to cry on my shoulders for a while before I ask that she cleans her face because she looks like a mess.


‘Okay.’ She responds



IadvisethatsheusestheguestwingbecauseIhaveavisitorandIinstantly see the queries in hereyes.


‘You have been hiding things from me.’ She accuses and I just smile Once she disappears into the bedroom Mulife appears from my room. ‘She is cleaning up in the guest wing.’ I say

‘Let me prepare you ladies breakfast.’ He says


I nod my head.


When Lerato doesn’t return after five minutes, I join Mulife in the kitchen.


I can’t help but stare at how perfect he looks, those sweat pants and t shirt are doing his body justice. And there is just something about men bare in the kitchen, I don’t know which bare you are thinking but yes.


I move close and hold his waist from behind


‘Jeez babe you scared me.’ He says causing me to laugh


‘Who else can hold you like this?’ I ask with achuckle


‘I just need to get used to this.’ He says turning around


He tilts his head a little and kisses my forehead.


‘I am happy.’


‘You make me happy.’ I say honestly


‘I want you to taste something.’ He says lifting me up from the bum


He goes back to the cooker and comes to me with a spoonful of scrambled eggs




‘Woman just open your mouth.’ ‘How wide?’

‘Babe really? Right now? Woman I am trying to cook.’


‘It was an innocent question.’ I defend and he just rolls his eyes ‘Now open your mouth.’ He says and I do as told

He puts the spoonful in my mouth and waits for me to swallow


‘I want more.’ I say


‘Really now?’ he asks kissing me


‘The eggs.’ I say in between his lips and we both laugh We both look at the door when Lerato clears her throat ‘Hai Hugo.’ She says

‘Mulife will do.’ He corrects



‘YouareMulife?’sheasks£xcitedly ‘I am.’ Heresponds

‘Oh my word you two are so cute together.’ She says jumping up and down like a child


I want to laugh and hide at the same time.


‘Okay let me get out of here so you two love birds can enjoy yourselves.’ ‘Babe you don’t have to.’

‘Of course I have to, this is Mulife for crying out loud. The man you have

been secretly in love with all thiswhile.’ ‘Babe.’

‘Pleaseloosenup.’Shesayswithawinkandwalksout ‘Secretlyinlovewith?’heaskswithasmirkonhisface ‘Don’t get ahead of yourself.’ Isay

‘I love you Thelma, and no I am not goinganywhere.’ ‘Jayden said the same toLerato.’

‘The heart knows when the search is over, tell me you don’t feel at home and we can end this right now.’


‘I love you.’ I say after much silence


‘Iloveyoumore.’Hesayskissingmyforehead ‘Now let’s feed you, shallwe.’

I smile, I don’t need more confirmation. I love Mulife, a lot. And I won’t be afraid to show him that, if he hurts me it’s on him. If I die, I die. I am going to do my part



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