Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Episode 1 [36]

Babysitting The Bad


[Secrets and Romance]




(Why am I smiling?)

β€” Kendra’s POV β€”

For few days now I’ve been thinking seriously about what cole told me.

He wasn’t lying about it so does it mean that Rico is at fault?


No no. It can’t be possible.

I’m really restless about all these.

I thought I’ll be able to make things right after

finding out but no nothing.

A knock came at the door and I stood up to get it.

I opened the door to see Rico standing there.

“What do you want Rico?” I asked starring at him.

“Can I come in?” He asked instead and I left the

door way for him.





Maybe I should ask him about it.

He got in and I shut the door behind me.

“This is the second time I’m coming in here right? ” He asked starring around with his hand inserted

into his trouser pocket.


“Rico can I ask you something?” I asked sitting

down on the bed.

“Go no” he replied.

“Um..about you and cole..did you really believe he

wrote that letter that caused your fights?” I asked

and his mood changed.

“Why does it have to be cole always kendra? His not even around and yet am still hearing his name” he said.

“Please answer me Rico” I urged.

“Well, I believe so Kendra. He didn’t deny the fact

that its his handwriting but he denied the fact that

he actually wrote that letter” he said.

“But isn’t it weird that he denied writing it?” I asked.

“Yea, its weird. His lying about not writing it” he






“Maybe its a set up, have you thought about the

possibility?” I asked.


“What set up? Cole was also in love with her

kendra so its no set up” he replied.

“Please can we stop talking about it?” He asked

sitting down on the only couch there.

“Um..okay” I shrugged.

“So, kendra you’ve been really distance from me”

he cooed and I took my eyes to the floor.

“Can we not talk about that Rico?” I asked uneasy.

“Listen kendra. Distancing yourself doesn’t change anything, it doesn’t change my feelings for you” he said and got up.

“You didn’t leave when I gave you the chance to

and that can only means one thing Kendra.”

“Think about it” he cooed and left.

I heaved heavily and laid on the bed.

Its true I’ve been thinking about it.

Something is definitely wrong with me right?

Oh if kora was here I could have just talked to her.







I closed my eyes and suddenly felt pains in my

lower abdomen.

Ouch! I winched and got up.

Don’t tell me it’s today.


Please no I’m too sick for another visitor.

I stood up and went to check the calendar and

unfortunately its today.


Oh gosh!

I ran into the bathroom and picked out a sanitary

pad and wore it.

The pains didn’t stop but kept hitting at me.


Huh! But why is the pain getting worst every month.


I held my tummy and walked out of the bathroom

and headed out to get some medicine.

I don’t like such pains and don’t think I can bear it.

I opened the door to get out and it was the same

time that Rico was coming out of his room.


I stood properly and put on a straight face to avoid

him noticing anything.







“Are you okay? What was that earlier?” He asked

walking up to me.


“Um..its nothing actually” I replied.


“No, am sure that I saw that look looks

like you are in pain or what?” He insisted.

I folded my mouth to stop me from screaming out of pains and leaned on the door.

That’s it, I can’t hold it in for too long.

“Can you…?”


“Can you get me some pain relief drugs?” I asked

and fixed my hands on my tummy.

“Um..okay, but what’s wrong with you?” He asked.

“Please can you go now?” I asked ignoring his



How could he be asking me questions? His really



I managed to get to my bed and laid rolling from

one end of the bed to the other trying to suppress

the pain.


Where the hell is he?







Gosh why am I a girl?


The door opened and he walked in with a glass of

water and some tablets on his palm.

I sat up and took the drugs from him and gulped it

down with the water.


Rico’s POV

I watched her take the drugs.


But, what is wrong with her?


“Kendra?” I called but she didn’t spare me a glance.

“How are you feeling? Are you okay? We could go

to the hospital if you want” I said in one breathe.

“No, I’m okay just this lady’s stuff thing” she replied and I understood.


Oh okay.


“I’ll just get going then. Is the pain suppressed?” I

asked getting up.

“Um…not really, I just took the drugs so I’ll have to

wait a bit for it to work” she replied.

“Okay should I get you anything while coming back cause am heading to the kitchen?” I asked.







“ can get me some bread” she replied and I nodded.

“Bread? Alright then” I said and left.

β€” Kendra’s POV β€”

I watched him leave and a smile curled up my face.

He looked really worried and caring.

He is really changing.


I haven’t seen him smoke or drink for a while now.

He has always been in his room and the twins

followed suite.


Wait, why am I smiling?

I’m I happy that his changing or that his worried

about me?

Get a grip of yourself Kendra, I thought and

slapped my cheek.

The door opened few minutes later and he walked

up with a bread.

Constant eating of bread made me love it.

“Here” he cooed handing over the bread.







I stretched out my hand to collect it and instead

leaving the bread to me he held my hand.

My eyes went up to his and I caught him starring at



Victoria’s POV

“Honey, what is wrong with you?”

“You are getting slim and pale” Charles asked

starring at me.


Should I tell him about it?

Oh he’ll be mad at me for keeping such secrets

from him.


But,what to do? He’ll have to help me in this.

Its our problem after all.

The private investigator I hired is not yielding much result and its killing me to no that she’s alive but I can’t see her.


“Honey” I heard Charles voice again.

“Why are you in deep thought? Do you have

something to tell me?” He asked and I nodded.





“I have a lot to tell you Charles. A lot” I cooed and

grabbed his hands.

“Go on then, am listening” he replied.


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