Sat. Mar 8th, 2025





Leon was stunned as Rosemary tried to deepen the kiss. He kissed her back but suddenly he remembered Gem.


“Rose I can’t” he said.


“Leonel…..why?…. am back now…… look I know you’re angry that I left without telling you…. I was afraid you

won’t let me go….”

“Rose I can’t hold you back from your dreams ….if you had told me than I’d have let you go…… ”

“Let’s forget that Leonel am back now and that a that matters……. ”

“Rose we can’t go on”

“Leonel everything I did was for you. I sacrificed my love for you…. I traveled to the US to study so that I can

support you in your business…… a five years course…..I e

finish in two years….. I studied day and night…. I wanted to be useful to you…. I hate it when I sit back and

watch you stress yourself because of me ….. Leonel can’t you see…… I did it for you…for us” she cried bitterly.

Leon saw her pains but his heart was no longer with her…’s been taken by Gem his little kitten.

“I have to go” he said

“Is it because of that girl….oh what’s her name again Gem” Leon halt and turn in surprise… how did she know

about Gem….”Don’t be surprise Leonel…… if she knows you are using her… I wonder if shell stay with you”


Leon was angry his face darkened. Everyone fears this side of him “Say another word about me and Gem and I’ll make sure you live the surface of the earth”


Rose quickly shut her mouth. Leon was a man of his word. he do whatever he says he will do.


Leon walk out of the house and his phone rang without looking at the caller ID he said with his angry and cold voice.


“What!!!” he yelled


“L….Leon….” it was his kitten. He’s angry went down immediately and he smiled.


“Sorry didn’t know it was you” he said and took a deep breath.


“W….were are you?…..” my voice was shaking.


“kitten are you okay?”


“Am fine” I said


“No you’re not…..what’s happening?”


“I said were are you?” I asked


“Am … with my family” Leon lied again.




“Kitten did something happen?” Leon was worried.




“Kit……..” the call ended.


Leon called his guards at home.




“What’s going on???!!!” his cold voice was back.




“SPEAK!!!” he yelled


“Miss….she…..she’s gone….we can’t find her… hour ago Kelvin came into the house and suddenly


disappeared with her!!!” he said.


That means Kelvin used his secret passage at home to lead Gem out of the house…..but why would Kelvin do




He quickly called Kelvin but he wasn’t picking. He called Gem her line was turned off.


He was so angry and frustrated. Leon turned back towards Rose room only to meet her talking on her phone.


“It works?…., oh I love you sweet cousin……Oh she’s too weak…..were is she?, Yeah just dump her on the


street as she asked?, good… told her who Leonel was and she was shock?, oh what about the voice


recorder were he said he was just using her? good good…..did she see the kiss video? oh great……”


“ROSE!!!!” Leon yelled and walk up to her Rose was shocked and she fell on the floor.


“L…L… Leon…my love I…..I thought you left….why…..when did you re…….” she didn’t finish her word as he grab her neck and press it hard.


“You slut……just die……” Rose struggle for breath. She was fading.


“Leonel!!!!” it was Kelvin as he push Leon away from Rose. Leon grab him and punch his face.


“You son of a bitch… dare you!!!!!, were is she…..were the f**k is she?????” the real rootless king was out. This is the heartless Leonel the world know…..


“I….I left her on the main Street……. please… Leonel….” he plead


“You’ll pay for this mess….I promise you will” he said and ran off.


I stood on the street for hours crying.


Leon got to the street and saw Gem he ran up to her.

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“Kit…… Gem” he corrected himself. I look up and saw his worried face. I can’t be fooled again. So I stood up

and grab my briefcase and started walking.

“Gem……. ”

“Don’t touch me…..I hate it when strangers touch me!!” I said and continue walking.

Leon started walking behind me.

“Am sorry …… I know I messed up big time….I should have told you… but…but I was scared…..scared that you’ll

leave me…… I…… ” he paused.

“Please…… keep your lies to yourself……. I trusted you……. but all you’ve ever did was use me and lied to

me……. you’re just like My family……. no you’re worse than them….. ”

“Gem……. ” he said about to hold me….

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!” I yelled “Mr Leonel Mavis ….I don’t need your pity……you can go to hell……LIAR

BEAST!!!” I yelled.

“Gem….. am… am sorry….I was going to tell you…… I was….. it…..

…” I wasn’t hearing what he’s saying…. I felt dizzy…… no Gem you can’t lose consciousness in front of him!…….

so I started walking……


Leon noticed she was no longer waking straight so he walk close to her.


Just as she was about to fall he cut her. Tears still fill her eyes and some were still dropping from her eyes. He body was burning like flames. She cut a flu.


Leon push his emergency button and before 1 minutes his guards were everywhere.




.Gem stay with me……let me make it up to you…. please hear me out……..Gem…….”


“She’s not breath………she’s not breath doctor” a nurse yelled…………………..



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