Mon. Mar 31st, 2025


Happen 24

As Produced By SheriffSquinty

Theme: Seduction



To avoid any further conversation I quickly hurried into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. Just a moment later I was preparing to strip off my

attire and step into the shower when I realized something.

I hadn’t brought my clothes into the bathroom with me.

I mentally swore, realizing in my haste that I had forgotten to grab night attire. I

strode back towards the door of the bathroom, prepared to walk right back out and fetch clothes before coming back in here and undressing, when a sudden thought stopped me.

You shouldn’t go get clothes. You should just go out in a towel after you shower, my Wolf said, and I detected a mischievous lilt in her tone. I blinked, the idea

causing a blush to rise on my cheeks.

Go out there in only a towel? That’s hardly decent!

You think he will have such an easy time resisting you in that?

What, you mean…seduce him? The thought was almost appalling, not because of Gabriel, but because I just knew I’d be an awful seductress.


No, just show him what he’s missing. Our Mate should want us, my Wolf said

firmly. I could tell her pride had been insulted by the two-bed thing and this was her way of getting Gabriel back.

I chewed on my lip, contemplating. It may not be wise to behave like that when Gabriel was so volatile. On the other hand, he may not even notice. Did I want to find out how he would react? Would he be tempted?

He deserves to be tempted after how he spoke to us and how he’s been treating us, my Wolf continued. I admittedly agreed with that. I wasn’t sure how he would

behave if I walked out there, glistening from my shower and clad only in a towel, but a large part of me wanted to find out. He was our Mate but he was acting like

he wasn’t even attracted to us. I deserved to find out if he at least felt something beyond overprotectiveness.

I had made up my mind. I would deliberately not go get clothes.

Besides, I had just made a big show about storming off to take a shower, as

childish as it was. I really didn’t want to walk right back out there and deal with

Gabriel again, atleast not before I relaxed a bit with the warm water running over me.

I stepped into the shower, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as I finally let some of the hurt wash over me.

I just didn’t understand. I was so ridiculously attracted to every part of Gabriel,

from his dark and brooding features to his muscular physique, yethe seemed to

feel nothing close to the same. Or, atleast, he was able to brush it off much easier than I was. Granted, I wasn’t as beautiful as some other she-wolves, but I was still his Mate.

On top of that he could be so short with me, often bordering on cruel. I had seen

true flashes of emotion in him but he seemed to be trying harder than ever to turn his feelings off. He was succeeding, because I had been just about to leave him

when he took me on this trip. If I didn’t get the answers I wanted I wasn’t sure what I’d do.

With these perturbed thoughts I soaked for a few more minutes, washing and

conditioning my curls with the shampoo and the conditioner provided by the hotel, as mine were still out in the room in my bag. My hair would be exceptionally

difficult to deal with later, but I pushed the thought aside. I quickly scrubbed my body down with a bar of soap before turning the water off and grabbing one of the thin towels, wrapping it around my small frame. Stepping out, I saw I had

completely fogged the mirror up with the curls of steam rising from the hot water.


I rubbed the humidity away, observing my appearance. My face was slightly

flushed with the heat of the shower but I still looked pale; the terrible lighting did nothing for my complexion. My eyes stood out in my white face, giving me an

almost haunted appearance.



Hall Of Supernatural Stories


It was time to leave the bathroom and face the consequences of my deliberate decision not to bring clothes in with me.

I wasn’t good at this sort of thing, but I convinced myself that all I had to do was

walk out there and act normal, as if I wasn’t even aware that I was in a thin towel. Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open and stepped out, the cool air of the

room raising goosebumps on my bare skin. Averting my gaze from Gabriel as if he weren’t even there I walked across the room, ignoring my pounding heart. I made my way over to my bed as if I were going to look for clothes. I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it but I could’ve sworn I felt two dark eyes fixated on me from the bed

were Gabriel was going to sleep.

Almost nervously I held onto my towel with one hand while I grabbed my

wayward hair with the other, pulling it away from my face and tucking it behind me so I could see. I deliberately pulled the towel up another inch or two to expose more of my legs, wondering if I was doing any of this right.

There was a blur of movement and a rush of air, and suddenly I found myself slammed against the wall nearest my bed.

My breath left mein a gasp of air and I barely held onto my towel as I looked up in surprise to see Gabriel towering over me, one of his hands on each of my bare

shoulders as he pressed me into the wall. His eyes were intimidatingly dark and there was a hunger in them that I had never seen before. Heat seared from his

hands’ contact with my bare skin, sizzling throughout my body.

Gabriel lowered his head to the side until his face was but a couple inches away

from my neck. It was aposition oddly similar to the one on the first night we’d met

and I shivered at the memory and his proximity. Slowly, Gabriel took a deep breath of my scent and I heard him growl softly, intensely. His expression

appeared entranced, as if he weren’t in full control of himself. I wondered how close his Wolf was to taking over.


“Why are you doing this?” He asked,his voice much deeper and huskier than normal. The sound of it set my insides on fire and I squirmed.

“I-I don’t-” I began to stammer, my voice coming out breathlessly. I cut off, unsure what I was going to say anything, too distracted by my raging hormones. Gabriel’s chest was a half foot away and I just wanted to reach out and run my hands down his torso, the outline of his muscles visible even through his shirt.

Gabriel lowered his head further, hesitating a bit, extremely tense. There was a

scant inch between his lips and the side of my neck now. I wondered if he was

having a mental battle with his Wolf. Slowly he released one of my shoulders and moved his hand up into my wet hair, gripping the back of my head in a firm grip. I wanted his mouth to make contact with my skin so desperately that I was nearly panting for it. At this moment I was so blinded by my lust and want for him that I forgot all about his curt behavior earlier, the cruel words he had said tome the

night before. All I knew was that in this moment he wanted me, and he was having a hard time denying his attraction tome. It was the first time I felt like Gabriel was as attracted tome as I was to him.

I knew that later, I would regret this moment of weakness when I was supposed to be giving him the cold shoulder. But right now, my sense of logic was not in


“Gabriel…” I managed to whisper, my voice so contorted by lust that it was barely recognizable.

The sound of his name escaping my lips seemed to put him even more on edge, for another hungry growl emitted from his chest. In an abrupt movement, as if he was doing it before he could think it through, Gabriel closed the distance and began to

kiss the side of my neck. His mouth skimmed from the area underneath my

jawline, trailing down along my neck until his lips brushed my collarbone. I felt a trail of fire from where his lips touched, my skin hot and feverish. I gasped despite myself at the sensation and felt warmth pooling in my belly. I stood on my tiptoes to press my skin even more firmly against his mouth, craving more as my Wolf

yipped feverishly in the back of my mind.



As Produced By SheriffSquinty


Gabriel’s mouth obliged, kissing hungrily on the side of my neck before sliding

down onto my exposed shoulder. He pressed his hard body against mine until I was


even more firmly pinned against the wall. I reached one hand up and tangled it in his dark hair, reveling at the softness of the strands. Every muscle in my body was on fire and I was nearly incapable of coherent thought at that point.

Gabriel’s mouth grew firmer on my skin as it moved across my collarbone. His

kisses were deeper, more lingering, as if he were savoring the taste of me. I let out a strangled noise as I felt the brush of his tongue along the crook of my neck,

leaving another trail of heat. He let out a husky sound of approval, and it was then that I felt the sharp prick of canines on the side of my neck.

I tensed despite myself, a small gasp escaping my lips. Was he going to Claim me, here and now? My thoughts began a frantic whirlwind as my body craved Gabriel’s bite but my mind was trying to process everything that was happening. I wasn’t


As if my body’s reaction had brought Gabriel to his senses, he suddenly froze,

every muscle going rigid. His mouth abruptly moved away from my neck and he quickly took a step back, releasing me. His dark eyes were churning with a

multitude of emotions, but there was one predominant among them: horror. This horror was quickly replaced by anger, although I wasn’t sure who it was directed at, and Gabriel spun away, clenching his fists so hard his knuckles turned white.

“GODDAMMIT!” He swore furiously. I felt a tremor of worry, quickly replaced by pain. Did he really regret it already? Pain shot through me at the notion, even though I knew it was partially my fault for tempting him in the first place. On the other hand, it wasn’t like I forced him to press me up against the wall and kiss me. Still, I should’ve have done it. I should have expected him to react like this. I

mentally swore at my own impulsiveness.

Gabriel swore again, looking like he was going to punch something as heran a hand through his already disheveled hair in agitation.

He spun around, eyes locking with mine. There was a fire burning in them.

“Goddammit Skylar! Why did you have to do that?” He demanded, fury evident in every line of his body. His accusatory tone stung, but at the moment I was too

stunned by the intensity of his anger that I couldn’t even feel defensive.

I recoiled, pressing myself against the wall, stomach fluttering with fear. “I didn’t-” I began feebly, but he cut me off.

“I told you it was better for us, for YOU, if we stay apart!” His voice was still

incredibly loud and I was worried the people next door would hear. I winced athis words, my Wolf whining at the thought of staying away from the Mate that had

made her feel so blissfully happy a moment before. Gabriel turned around and


roughly shoved a chair out of his way as he stormed to the bathroom. It toppled to the ground with a loud thud and I flinched.

“But I-” I tried again.

“Put some f**king clothes on!” He snapped in fury over his shoulder, making his

way into the bathroom and slamming the door loudly behind him. The whole frame shuddered from the impact and I was worried he had broken something.

I heard the shower turn on but I could only just stand there, standing numbly after him. The sensations of Gabriel kissing the side of my neck kept replaying over and over again, the way he’d filled me with a fire I’d never felt before. The husky growl of approval…

But then the fury in his expression was like nothing I’d ever seen. It’d been mixed with horror, regret and, worst of all, worry. He truly thought it was a mistake.

Whatever his reasons, he still thought that kissing me was a mistake.

Trying to fight back tears, I slowly changed into my pajamas and then slid into

bed, not bothering to turn off the small lamp beside my bed. I wriggled under the covers, trying to fight away the rising pain. The one time Gabriel and I had any

sort of intimate contact he had ended up almost losing it. He had been horrified

with himself. I vainly tried to see it from his side, as Gabriel had said he had his

reasons, but I kept coming back to the fact that it was not natural for my own Mate to have that kind of reaction to kissing me. And he hadn’t even been kissing me on the lips!

I turned on my side, away from the bathroom, resting my head on my hands. I

wanted to leave now. I wasn’t even sure I could bear seeing him again after that.

He’d made me feel so complete and perfect before throwing the whole thing away like it didn’t matter. How could we ever truly Mate if he lost it over the first hint of physical contact?

I wasn’t sure how I would handle seeing him tomorrow. I felt my Wolf’s misery;

she didn’t understand how he could go from wanting us to nearly hating us in such a short time span. It seemed that any possible progress I could ever have made with Gabriel was now completely erased. Normally the way he yelled at me would have infuriated me, but I was too hurt and befuddled at the moment to feel any sort of

anger. That would probably come tomorrow as soon as I regained some semblance of control.

Despite my attempts to hold the sadness in, I felt one rebellious tear trickle down my cheek. I angrily wiped it away.

How pathetic am I? I demanded, not really expecting my Wolf to answer that. She attempted to sootheme but her level of agitation was evident.


I should never have tried that, I continued morosely, although the physical side of me didn’t regret it one bit.

I knew I was being self-pitying. The logical part of my brain reprimanded me for acting so weak, but I pushed it aside. For once I wanted to wallow in pity before I had to make the most heart-wrenching decision of my life.

The shower was still going in the bathroom. I really did not want to see Gabriel again after what had happened, but what else could I do? He’d said the vampires couldn’t track us here but after what had happened in my room, there was noway in hell I was sleeping anywhere alone. I found myself wishing that my parents,

Maria, or even Will were here. Somebody I could talk to about this whole

situation, ease the pain a little bit. My poor Wolf was trying not to be broken down by Gabriel’s constant rejections, at it went against everything in werewolf nature, but I knew she was growing tired.

I squeezed my eyes shut, deciding to fake being asleep in preparation for Gabriel

exiting the bathroom. I was not going to deal with him right now. Tomorrow, there would be no more attempts at a conversation with himno matter how awkward the silence was, and I certainly wouldn’t try to tempt him again.

I could only hope that whatever I learned tomorrow would bring some clarity to the situation…if it wasn’t too late.



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