Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

6 d..γ€οΌŒ.. #MY_BLACK_KNIGHT d..γ€οΌŒ..6

Happen 2

As Produced By SheriffSquinty

Theme: Journey To The Meeting








My dreams were dark and twisted that night. I tossed and turned in my bed, my already hot blood running even hotter, burning and searing through my veins. It wasn’t like I had a fever; no, I was burning in expectation. I just knew something was going to happen. As I was forced to give up on sleep around 6am, I knew it had to do with the Meeting.

I slowly sat up in bed, pressing a hand to my burning forehead. My Wolf was

agitated; I could feel her growling and pacing deep within my mind. I attempted to reach out and soothe her, but I doubted it had much effect, as I was unsettled

myself. I sat there for quite a while, breathing deeply and attempting to calm my burning nerves. What was wrong with me? Was I really that nervous?

I flipped on the TV and mindlessly watched the programs for a couple of hours, not really sure what I was watching, but anything was better than letting my mind take over. After a time, I felt my Wolf settle slightly, though she still felt a static anticipation. ‘We must just be frightened of the Meeting. The Black Mountains

Pack isn’t to betaken lightly,’ I whispered to her, feeling a lot like my father.

I swung my legs off of the bed and stood up, stretching. I padded down the stairs to meet the fresh aroma of bacon, eggs, and toast that was wafting throughout the

house. I grinned slightly; we would have along run to get there by evening, as the Meeting was at the far edge of our territory, and we needed all the energy we could get. Despite the fact that the Black Mountains Pack had encroached upon so much of our land, it was still avast amount of distance to travel until we reached the

location of the Meeting. It was a good thing we could run so much faster than normal wolves.

My dad tossed a smile over his shoulder in my direction. I observed him as he

cooked, stopping only to greet my mother as she came downstairs. I noticed the tense lines in my father’s broad shoulders, and the way his movements were stiff. He was nervous, too, I could tell.

Being Pack Doctor, he had to go. It was his obligation. Our Pack Doctors were

trained in battle as well as healing, but it was a sign of extreme disrespect to attack one. My father was high-ranked in the pack and a good negotiator, but he needn’t worry about being in danger unless the Black Mountains Pack wished to insult all werewolves by attacking him.

Then again, I thought as I chewed on my bacon, they didn’t seem to care much

about respecting our laws. They attacked humans, after all. Werewolves maybe of superior strength and speed but humans vastly outnumbered us. If it came to all-out war we wouldn’t stand a chance.






I scowled into my plate as another round of bacon was shoveled on. I shouldn’t think about such things now.

“I think I’ll go see Maria before we leave,” I informed my parents after I was done with breakfast. My father glanced at me quickly.

“We are leaving in two hours. It will take us until after dark to get there, even at

our speed. With you going, there are fourteen of us.” I nodded, glad there would be so many of us but not too many to leave the pack unprotected. It was necessary

with Black Mountains Pack’s superior numbers.

I hurried upstairs and showered, putting on a fresh set of clothes and attempting to tame my frizzy, wayward hair before giving up and exiting the house. My best

friend, Maria, was the Beta’s daughter and lived several houses down in the valley.

Her house was much larger than mine, being that she was of higher rank. It had never bothered me, though, as she didn’t treat me any differently….unlike the

Alpha’s daughter. I growled under my breath at the thought, my Wolf feeling a surge of irritation. My Wolf didn’t like Anne either. She took her rank very

seriously, and was condescending to many wolves in our pack. Except Maria,

oddly. I always wondered if Anne treated Maria more respectfully because the

latter was the Beta’s daughter, or if Maria was just sonice that their personalities did not clash.



Hall Of Supernatural Stories


Unfortunately, today was not my lucky day, for as Maria’s mother greeted me and led me to her daughter’s room, my sensitive nose picked up the dreaded scent there. I scowled, fighting back my irritation as I stood in the door frame. The two looked up at me then, Maria with a friendly smile, Anne with a smile that held thinly

veiled contempt.

Maria had very dark hair and eyes with olive-toned skin. She was muscular and

tall, unlike me. Anne was blonde and slender, though still taller than me, and her

delicate and dazzling looks reminded me of my mother. Unlike my mother, she had quite a mean streak.

“Hey Maria, Anne.” My voice sounded slightly different when I said her name, as much as I tried to hide it, and her eyes narrowed, noticing it. Unfortunately I

couldn’t disrespect her outright, as she was the Alpha’s daughter.






“Sky!” Maria said excitedly, bouncing over tome. “I heard that you’re going to the Meeting tonight!” She knew how much I’d wanted to go.

I smiled slightly, my nerves jumping into overdrive. “Yeah, they decided to let

me,” I replied. They must have heard my heart rate increasing because Anne

smirked slightly while an understanding look appeared in Maria’s eyes. Maria

indicated her blonde friend. “It’s Anne’s first time, too,” she said, trying to lighten the mood.

Anne stood up smoothly. “Fortunately, my father has been well preparing me for

this for a while. Wouldn’t want to go in scared,” she said lightly, staring at me with a knowing expression. Her eyes flicked to Maria. “I’ve gotta go, Father will want

me to help with the preparations. You know, higher-up stuff.” She tossed me one more look, this one with scarcely concealed dislike, before exiting the room,

leaving me to scowl after her.

“She’s just wonderful,” I muttered under my breath, my fists clenching. Maria

rested a hand on my shoulder. “Ignore her. Let’s watch TV until it’s time to go.” Smiling at her, I was grateful for the distraction and I eagerly lost myself in some crime show for the next hour and a half.

Oh, the joy of running.

Despite the sense of seriousness and nervousness that was pressing down on our

group, I knew the wolves running beside me could also feel it. It was the full

moon, and our senses felt even more alive than normal, our Wolves howling with joy within us. As I glanced up into its silvery brilliance I wondered if we were the only creatures that loved the moon so much. I knew instinctively that we were not the only supernatural beings in the world; I’d heard whispers of others, although I’d never encountered them. I figured they were rare and I would cross that bridge

when I came to it. Still, I couldn’t help but consider the idea of other powerful beings.

We did not bother to hide the noise our paws made as they crashed against the ground, for nothing would dare approach us. Instead, we took pleasure in each other’s company, in the thrill of having large muscles and nearly endless

endurance, in the thrill of being more alive than any other creature could imagine.

My blood ran hot and my panting was loud but I welcomed the smells and

sensations. One could almost have forgotten the reason for our journey during a time like this.

We had been running for hours now, stopping only twice to rest, eat, and drink. In our wolf forms we burned four times as many calories as a normal human and






frequently needed sustenance. It was worth it, though, for we could run in Wolf form for a couple of full days without tiring when properly nourished and rested. I knew we were only an hour away now, and as I thought about it I felt the

nervousness rise despite the joy of my run. I glanced up at the moon, as if for

guidance, but it did not hold the answers I sought. I knew a few other wolves had not yet been to a Meeting and I could smell their wariness around me. Even the veterans had reason to be scared.




As Produced By SheriffSquinty


I closed my blue eyes briefly and bared my long canines in irritation. I was a

werewolf, for crying out loud! I should not be dwelling on weak emotions such as fear. I knew it was my Wolf that was guiding these latter, braver, thoughts but I

didn’t think she had convinced herself, either. I sighed and then turned my head, ears swiveling as a large brown wolf ran up to my side.

It was Will, a pack member about my age and one of my best friends. I had a crush on him when I was younger due to his innocent charming looks, but I had grown

out of that phase and just considered him a friend, and a good one at that. I spent a lot of time with him and with Maria. They had never been cruel to any of the other wolves and had never thought it strange that I hadn’t inherited my dad’s Affinity. I could never appreciate them enough.

Will had his mouth open and his tongue hanging out in a wolf smile, and I returned the gesture.

‘Nervous’? He asked me. I wrinkled my snout.

‘That obvious?’

If he was in his human form, he would have shrugged, and I could almost sense the action. ‘ This is only my second Meeting. I was nervous my first time, too. Still am, actually.’ My Wolf noticed that his Wolf grew slightly embarrassed at that

admission. I made a huffing noise, amused, before quickly growing serious again. ‘ Is there anything in particular I should know? Any advice?’

Will’s blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully for a moment and the only sounds were our beating hearts and the thudding of paws.

‘ Be careful about eye contact. Be careful what you say. We’re werewolves, and we’re prideful, and it’s in our nature to hold our own.’ I could sense my Wolf’s






agreement and pride before he continued. ‘But whether we want to admit it, they’re more powerful than us. Their Alpha…’

He trailed off, and I sensed a series of dark emotions flitting through him, as my Wolf detected the fury of his.

‘ Yes?’ I prompted, shuddering at the thought of the dark looming figure.

Truthfully, I had no idea what he looked like, but I’d heard he was huge and frightening. Pretty much fit his actions.

Will’s fear was palpable. ‘ I don’t think he has a soul. When we made eye

contact…there was so much rage. Hatred. It was terrifying. He snarled at me and I wanted to turn and run, werewolf or not.’ Surprisingly, his Wolf was silent, and I was surprised that he would shoot down his own pride like that. The thought made tingles shoot up my spine and it was not a pleasant sensation.

‘ You’ll be able to understand why their pack is so dark when you see them,

especially him. Just…just don’t look at him. I don’t knowhow Alpha Brett does it.’ I nodded my head, accepting this. I wasn’t plan on ogling the other clan. I wanted to observe what was going on, but I knew it would be safer to stay out of it.

Will was continuing, and I snapped back to attention to catch his words. ‘They say he doesn’t have a Mate. Not that he hasn’t found one, that he doesn’t have one at all. It would make sense why his soul is so fractured. ‘

Once again I shuddered. Sure, I wasn’t ready for a Mate, but knowing there wasn’t anyone out there was something different entirely. ‘ Okay, new subject,’ I finally said, as my nerves were becoming explosive at this point. Shooting me another

wolf grin, Will happily complied.



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